Certificate error in Sitecore Pods deployed in Azure Kubernetes Cluster

I have deployed Sitecore pods in Azure kubernetes cluster as per the sitecore documentation but tried to use my self-signed certificate instead of generating using mkcert. Because i wanted to test if client is providing a .pfx certificate will we able to provision Sitecore Pods using that PFX for cm, cd, id. Performed below steps:

Created a Self signed certificate in PFX format
Extracted .crt and .key file from that using Openssl
Uploaded these crt and key file to Kubernetes secret
My ingress.yaml file has hostname like cm.test.com, cd.test.com, id.test.com. I have generated a self-signed PFX certificate like *.test.com as the DNS name
My pods are up and running but i am not able to see my certificate in the browser. It is showing like Kubernetes ingress fake certificate. But my container environment variables are mapped to correct secret and it has my self-signed certificate data and password.

I tried to take powershell inside my pod and installed the certificate manually but still getting the kubernetes ingress fake certificate error and some different thumbprint in the browser.

My questions are :

How to use single certificate for all the sitecore roles? Will this wildcard certificate applicable for pods?
I just want to know how we can manage certificate in AKS Cluster for Sitecore Pods?
Why i am getting the fake certificate error?