How Likely Are Your Engineers to Recommend Your Organization to Others?

The answer to the above question could be given on a 0-10 scale. Based on the number given, they could be clustered into the following groups:

  • 0-6 (unhappy): They might be not only looking for a way out but also possibly be speaking ill of the engineering group and/or the company.
  • 7-8 (passives): They are satisfied but they are also in the market and possibly exploring opportunities elsewhere
  • 9-10 (promoters): They are not only loyal but also active promoters of the engineering group and/or the company.

The answer to the above question summarizes many emotions, thoughts, and perceptions about the managers, engineering group, and the company. It is such a straightforward and quick question to ask that you could probably ask your engineers every month or quarter. Keep track of this metric regularly to get a clearer picture of the engineers' satisfaction over time.