4 Capabilities App Dev Platforms Need for Cross-Functional Collaboration

Today’s application development teams confront a variety of challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has only multiplied. Tasked to meet the demands of a rapidly transforming and increasingly competitive business environment, overwhelmed app development teams are scrambling to digitize formerly face-to-face interactions. As IT’s backlog and lead times grow, frustrated business leaders either try to do without the essential tools they need to compete or take matters into their own hands and develop their solutions independently of IT.

Neither of these outcomes is desirable. Trying to get along without an essential enterprise-grade application can hurt business and give more agile competitors an edge. A “DIY” application created by business users, no matter how tech-savvy they might be, might not fully address non-functional requirements such as security, reliability, performance, and scalability. Worse, the application may not be able to integrate with all enterprise data sources.