The Story of a Microservice Transformation in Hepsiburada

We launched the new checkout ecosystem, 'Erebor,' a few months ago in Hepsiburada. In this article, I will talk about what we have experienced during this microservice transformation.

“A software ecosystem is the interaction of a set of actors on top of a common technological platform that results in a number of software solutions or services.” Software Ecosystem: Understanding an Indispensable Technology and Industry by David G. Messerschmitt and Clemens Szyperski

5 Noteworthy Reasons to Integrate Uber API Into Your App

The moment Uber announced to open the Uber API for app developers to integrate the car service into their apps, it wasn’t difficult to foresee the implications. A tap from Google Maps, OpenTable, Trip Advisor, or from several other apps, and you can summon a car in your footsteps. The impact of these previous integrations was already huge, and now, a much more ambitious vision was offering an open opportunity for developers to integrate this globally recognizable service with any third-party app. 

If you‘re a developer and still thinking about why you want to go for the Uber integration, I suggest you should definitely check out the following sections.

Why Is Having an SSL Certificate Important For Your Website?

Using the internet in daily life has increased. Activities in our daily life are decided after the use of the Internet, and we spend lots of time on web pages from selling and buying to much more. Hence, online security has become a necessity. Indeed, Google loves its users, and therefore, every possible way to make users feel secure on the internet.

Google has announced they will flag the unencrypted websites from July 2018. This means if it is not protected, they will mark a website as ‘NOT secure’ in the URL bar. It's a part of making global webs secure.

VS Code Extension: Ngrok for VS Code

Over the Easter weekend, a four-day weekend characterized by lockdowns all over the world, I decided to use the extra time I had at home to start a new project and learn a new skill. By the end of the weekend, I was proud to release my first VSCode extension: ngrok for VSCode.

What’s That?

ngrok is a command-line tool built by Alan Shreve that you can use to expose your localhost server with a publicly available URL. It’s great for sharing access to an application running on your own machine, testing web applications on mobile devices, or testing webhook integrations. For example, I’m a big fan of using ngrok to test my webhooks when I am working with Twilio applications.

Hybrid Cloud Implementation for Enterprises

As part of the digital transformation and technology modernization, many large enterprises are looking at embarking on a transformation roadmap to enable a hybrid cloud framework to address the following:

  • Modernize legacy applications and coexist with cloud-native applications.
  • Automate technology operations to enable agility and speed of delivery.
  • Optimize TCO to address increase workloads due to business demand.
  • Improve service quality.

This article focuses on key enablers that will be required for building a hybrid-cloud architecture and operating model to support the enterprise goals and transformation strategy, especially with the accelerated and increased adoption of digital services in a post COVID world.

How To Create a UUID in Java?

In this article, you will see how to create a UUID in Java.


A UUID, or a universally unique identifier, is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems.

Will 2021 See AI Grow Into The Crypto Landscape?

After years of unprecedented growth, both worlds of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence appear to become deeper intertwined in 2021 with the emergence of AI-driven crypto exchanges and wallets.

The crypto market place has been known to create unlikely millionaires virtually overnight. With heavy levels of market volatility and huge volumes of data produced with every movement, the utilization of intuitive analytical software can be hugely beneficial for investors and market analysts alike. However, the future roles that AI can play within the world of crypto can extend way beyond smart market analysis.

i get a hyphen at the beginning of the json response php

hey every one thank you in advance
i have a jason resonse befofe the start of the json respone i get a hyphen like this
i have been stuck for a day here so any help is much appreciated

    "responseCode": "",
    "responseStatus": "200",
    "responseMessege": "Success",
    "product": {
        "id": "60",
        "name": "Rolex Watch",
        "description": "Luxury watch.",
        "price": "25000",
        "category_id": "1",
        "category_name": "Fashion"

the json encode part

    // create array
    $product_arr = array(
        "id" =>  $product->id,
        "name" => $product->name,
        "description" => $product->description,
        "price" => $product->price,
        "category_id" => $product->category_id,
        "category_name" => $product->category_name**Bold Text Here**


    // set response code - 200 OK

    // make it json format
    echo json_encode(

Creating a Business Rule Engine Using Dynamic Expression Predicates With C#

Hello everyone. Today I am going to show how to create a dynamic business rule engine in C#. But before we get into it, let's discuss some basic concepts of writing a business rule. 

What Is a Business Rule Engine? 

A business rule engine (BRE) is a specific collection of design-time and runtime software that enables an enterprise to explicitly define, analyze, execute, audit, and maintain a wide variety of business logic, collectively referred to as "rules."

Java Tutorial: How to Use Spring Boot With JSR 330


JSR 330 comes with its own set of annotations which are different than Spring annotations. Just using JSR 330 annotations in a Spring environment will not bring in the desired features of JSR 330 – we need to tell the Spring container explicitly to use it and Spring will override its default bean scoping strategy to use JSR 330 scoping. As per the JSR 330 specification, all beans should be of prototype scope by default, unless explicitly marked as a singleton.

We’ll create a simple Spring Boot application with three classes denoted as Spring beans by annotating them with JSR 330 annotations. They will be scanned and added to the Spring context at the application's startup.

Elasticsearch New Features: 2020 in Review

What a year 2020 has been! Social distancing and a lot of very weird situations. For some, it was a year full of difficulties, and hopefully a lot of growth and some good things too.

It has definitely been an interesting year for Elasticsearch. Many things happened, new features added and the product evolved significantly. We wanted to recap and share highlights of new features and usage recommendations. This post is about the things we consider as big changes, and important steps forward, based on our experience and what we see as important while actively working with hundreds of customers on Elasticsearch clusters of all shapes and sizes, from full-text search to log analytics and anomaly detection.

Creating A CAD Application In Java

I'm a Java (JavaFX) freelance consultant, Software Engineer and Software Designer and a few months ago I finished a CAD application for a client.

This is a CAD application whose purpose is to calculate the energy efficiency of dwellings (or multiple dwellings). It can be seen as an application similar to Autocad (which is used in civil engineering, architecture, etc.) but with the specific purpose to perform energy efficiency assessments. 

KanbanFlow vs. Trello vs. nTask

Since way before the time of the pandemic and the start of the most chaotic time ever for businesses, project management software has been very important for the organizational paradigm. They bring order and stability to the very chaotic project development process.

Knowing the importance of project management software is one thing but to have an idea about the best project management software in the world is a completely different animal.

Limitations of Task-Based Build Tools

Many build tools use a classic task-based approach for organizing the CI/CD pipeline. Among these tools, there are both old (Ant, NAnt) and modern ones (Gradle, Cake, Nuke).

Let's start with the definition of the CI/CD pipeline.

The Evolution of Java: Time-Based Release

The Java programming language celebrated its 25th anniversary in May 2020. It was initially developed at Sun Microsystems by a developer named James Gosling and first released in May 1995. Sun introduced the slogan “Write Once, Run Anywhere” to describe Java’s unique cross-platform capabilities.

Throughout its 25 year history, Java has been developed at an irregular pace. The release cadence of new versions has often been irregular and very long due to the delays in the development of large features in new releases. This also slowed down the innovation of language while other languages, with faster feedback periods, evolved.

Alexa Skill Auto-Deployer

Imagine that you find a template of an Alexa Skill on the internet and want to try it immediately.

Well, this is possible thanks to this new tool called Alexa Skill Auto-Deployer. These steps are automated using the continuous integration system CircleCI and are executed using its official API.