Dock windows forms to right side of taskbar using VC++

I am an intermediate in VC++ and trying to accomplish the following:-

  1. Dock a timer created using Windows forms to the extreme right of the taskbar (and to the left of the notification area or system tray).
  2. Make it responsive (match its height with that of the taskbar, even when the taskbar is resized and shift it left/right if notification area width increases/decreases i.e. number of icons in notification area changes).
  3. If "show contacts on the taskbar" option in taskbar settings is turned on and/or any toolbars option is checked (ex - address, links, desktop or custom), it will appear to the left of my timer.
  4. If the taskbar is docked left/right, rotate the timer and apply the above conditions.

I am using Visual Studio 2019 and CLR with VC++ (Winforms) to develop my application. Sorry for my bad english.

Example Screenshot of another application :-