Navigating the Database Landscape in India: Finding the Right Partner

In today's digital age, choosing a reliable database management company in India is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive in a data-driven environment. With a plethora of options available, it's essential to consider factors like expertise, scalability, and security. From startups to enterprises, the demand for efficient data management solutions is on the rise, driving the need for competent service providers. Let's share insights, experiences, and recommendations on selecting the best database management company in India. Whether it's cloud-based solutions, data warehousing, or analytics, let's discuss the key players and emerging trends shaping the database industry in India.

pass data to another asp page

ok so i have a page with a gridview on it and it displays rows from sql table. i have also a link assigned to each row:

<asp:GridView ID="GridViewMatters" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnRowDataBound="GridViewMatters_RowDataBound">
        <asp:BoundField DataField="client_ref" HeaderText="Client Reference" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="our_ref" HeaderText="Our Reference" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="client_name" HeaderText="First Name" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="section_name" HeaderText="Second Name" />
        <asp:BoundField DataField="curr_status" HeaderText="Status" />
        <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="">
                <asp:HyperLink ID="lnkDetails" runat="server" Text="View" NavigateUrl='<%# Eval("our_ref", "MD_Overall.aspx?id={0}") %>' />

this works fine and the url that gets displayed is good. But i would like to send the our_ref attribute to the page itself aswell as the url and use it make further queries.



Bouncing Balls: Creating a new ball when two balls collide

I have a program which creates multiple balls and bounces them off when they collide. This works fine.

import java.awt.Rectangle;
public class Ball{
    private int x = 0;        
    private int y = 0;        
    private int radius;
    private int panelwidth = 500;
    private int panelheight = 500;
    private int xDx = 1;        
    private int yDy = 1;        
    private boolean xUp, yUp;
    public Ball(int x, int y, int radius){
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.radius = radius;
        this.xUp = false;
        this.yUp = false;
        this.xDx = 1;
        this.yDy = 1;

    public void move(){
        if ( y <= 0 ) {
            yUp = true;
            yDy = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 5 + 2 );
        else if ( y >= this.panelheight - 2* this.radius ) {
            yDy = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 5 + 2 );
            yUp = false;
        if ( x <= 0 ) {
            xUp = true;
            xDx = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 5 + 2 );
        else if ( x >= this.panelwidth - 2 * this.radius ) {
            xUp = false;
            xDx = ( int ) ( Math.random() * 5 + 2 );
        if (xUp)
            x += xDx;
            x -= xDx;
        if ( yUp )
            y += yDy;
            y -= yDy;

    public int getX(){
        return this.x;

    public int getY(){
        return this.y;

    public void changeDirection(Ball b){
        if (this.x <= b.x && this.y <= b.y){
            this.xUp = false;
            this.yUp = false;
            b.xUp = true;
            b.yUp = true;
        else if (this.x <= b.x && this.y >= b.y){
            this.xUp = false;
            this.yUp = true;
            b.xUp = true;
            b.yUp = false;

    public void setY(int y ){
        this.y = y;

    public int getRadius(){
        return this.radius;

    public Rectangle getBounds(){
        return new Rectangle(this.x, this.y, this.radius, this.radius);

    public boolean collides(Ball b){
        return this.getBounds().intersects(b.getBounds());


import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class Frame{
    public static void main( String args[] ) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame( "Bouncing Balls" );
        Ball b[] = new Ball[6];
        b[0] = new Ball (10, 10,40);
        b[1] = new Ball (100, 100, 40);
        b[2] = new Ball (20, 188,40);
        b[3] = new Ball (144, 100,40);
        b[4] = new Ball (220, 138,40);
        b[5] = new Ball (14, 10,40);

        BallPanel bp = new BallPanel(b); 
        frame.add( bp );
        frame.setSize( 500, 500 ); 
        frame.setVisible( true ); 

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
public class BallPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener {
    private int delay = 10;
    protected Timer timer;
    Ball b[];
    public BallPanel(Ball b[]) {
        this.b= new Ball[b.length];
        for (int i = 0; i <b.length; i++){
            this.b[i] = b[i];
        timer = new Timer(delay, this);

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    public void paintComponent( Graphics g )  {
        super.paintComponent( g ); 
        // move the balls
        for (int i = 0; i <b.length; i++){
        // check for collision and change direction if balls collide
         for (int i = 0; i <b.length; i++){
              for (int j = 0; j <b.length; j++){
                  if (i!= j && b[i].collides(b[j])){

        // draw the balls
        for (int i = 0; i <b.length; i++){
            g.fillOval(this.b[i].getX(),  this.b[i].getY() , this.b[i].getRadius(), this.b[i].getRadius());

I would like to add a new ball when two balls collide in the Ball Panel class. When I tried creating a new ball in the nested loop that checks for collision (used an array list), and then called the move and the fill oval methods, the program froze. Can you tell me why? What is the proper way to handle creating a new ball upon collision and make it move etc.?

Thank you

Read file properties of video files in C++

I want to figure out what Windows does when you right-click a video file and check properties and I would like to write a similar piece of code in C++.
I should be able to figure out how to read the file type and size, but I'm lost in how to get details of the video like resolution and runtime.
Which API commands does Windows use there?

VB2010- why i get a different vertical size\color on RayCasting?

these is the VB6 function for RayCasting:

Private Sub DrawRays()

        Dim StepX As Double
        Dim StepY As Double
        Dim VertX As Double
        Dim VertY As Double
        Dim HorizX As Double
        Dim HorizY As Double
        Dim MapX As Long
        Dim MapY As Long
        Dim HorizDist As Double
        Dim VertDist As Double
        Dim WallDistance As Double
        Dim RayHeight As Double
        Dim RayRadians As Double
        Dim RadiansSteps As Double
        Dim RayCount As Long
        Dim RayCounts As Long
        Dim OffSetGrid As Long

        RayCount = imgverticalline.Width

        MapX = Player.MapX
        MapY = Player.MapY
        RadiansSteps = Radian60 / RayCount

        RayRadians = (Player.Radians - Radian30)
        RayCounts = 0
        Do While RayCounts < RayCount
            If (RayRadians > Radian360) Then RayRadians = 0.001
            'Check for horizontal intersections:

            If RayRadians >= 0 And RayRadians <= Math.PI Then 'Facing down
                HorizY = (Fix(player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
                HorizX = player.PosX + (HorizY - player.PosY) / Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                StepY = ObjectSize
            ElseIf RayRadians = 0 Or RayRadians = Math.PI Then
                HorizY = player.PosY
                HorizX = player.PosX
            Else 'Facing Up
                HorizY = (Fix(player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
                HorizX = player.PosX + (HorizY - player.PosY) / Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                StepY = -ObjectSize
            End If

            StepX = StepY / Math.Tan(RayRadians)
            MapX = GetPositionMap(HorizX)
            MapY = GetPositionMap(HorizY)

                If MapX < 0 Or MapX > 9 Or MapY < 0 Or MapY > 9 Then Exit Do
                If levelmap0(MapY, MapX) = Color.Black Then Exit Do
                HorizX = HorizX + StepX
                HorizY = HorizY + StepY

                MapX = GetPositionMap(HorizX)
                MapY = GetPositionMap(HorizY)


            HorizDist = Math.Abs((player.PosX - HorizX) / Math.Cos(RayRadians))

            'Check for vertical intersections:
            If RayRadians < Radian90 Or RayRadians > Radian270 Then 'Facing right
                VertX = (Fix(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
                VertY = player.PosY + (player.PosX - VertX) * -Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                StepX = ObjectSize
            ElseIf RayRadians = Radian90 Or RayRadians = Radian270 Then
                VertY = Player.PosY
                VertX = Player.PosX
            Else 'Facing left
                VertX = (Fix(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
                VertY = player.PosY + (player.PosX - VertX) * -Math.Tan(RayRadians)
                StepX = -ObjectSize
            End If

            StepY = StepX * Math.Tan(RayRadians)
            MapX = GetPositionMap(VertX)
            MapY = GetPositionMap(VertY)

                If MapX < 0 Or MapX > 9 Or MapY < 0 Or MapY > 9 Then Exit Do
                If levelmap0(MapY, MapX) = Color.Black Then Exit Do
                VertX = VertX + StepX
                VertY = VertY + StepY

                MapX = GetPositionMap(VertX)
                MapY = GetPositionMap(VertY)

            VertDist = Math.Abs((player.PosX - VertX) / Math.Cos(RayRadians))
            Dim VertColor As Color

            If VertDist <= HorizDist Then
                WallDistance = VertDist
                OffSetGrid = VertY Mod ObjectSize
                VertColor = Color.Aqua
                OffSetGrid = HorizX Mod ObjectSize
                WallDistance = HorizDist
                VertColor = Color.Blue
            End If

            WallDistance = WallDistance * Math.Cos(RayRadians - player.Radians) 'avoiding the Fish Effect
            RayHeight = (ObjectSize / WallDistance) * 200 ' is the height screen\
            If (OffSetGrid = ObjectSize) Then RayHeight -= 1
            'picWall1.DrawTextureVerticalLine(A.MemoryHDC, OffSetGrid, Fix(RayHeight * 4), RayCounts, 5)
            imgverticalline.ForeColor(RGB(VertColor.R, VertColor.G, VertColor.B))
            imgverticalline.DrawLine(RayCounts, imgverticalline.Height / 2 - RayHeight \ 2, RayCounts, imgverticalline.Height / 2 + RayHeight \ 2)
            RayRadians = RayRadians + RadiansSteps
            RayCounts = RayCounts + 1

    End Sub

when the 'OffSetGrid' is zero or ObjectSize, i get that different color bar... and i don't know why...
i tried severalthings without success... and yes i'm here too:
but without success :(

Installing programs from Github


I downloaded Tkinter Designer, but theres no exe there.

Ive used Thonny as a "compiler" for running scripts, and I used it to "make" a a simple program, but I dont know how to save as an exe, and I dont know how I would put these files into Thonny.

Am I even using the right program ?

How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container

I wrote a Python script that included the python-swiftclient module to connect to the OpenStack Object Storage and upload some files to the OpenStack Object Storage container

It works great if I upload a file that ends with the extension .gz however, Im getting an error regarding the TarFile object having no attribute read after running my script.
when it comes to the compressed file that ends with the extension .tar.bz2.

Ive included the Python script and the errors I got after running it. Please show me where Im wrong, and I would like some assistance in solving this issue. Im a beginner in Python.

from keystoneauth1 import session
from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
from swiftclient.client import Connection
from swiftclient.client import ClientException
import gzip
import tarfile

# Create a password auth plugin
auth = v3.Password(auth_url='',

# Create session
keystone_session = session.Session(auth=auth)

# Create swiftclient Connection
swift_conn = Connection(session=keystone_session)

# Create a new object with the contents of Netbox database backup
with'/var/backup/netbox_backups/netbox_2024-03-16.psql.gz', 'rb') as file:

# Confirm the presence of the object holding the Netbox database backup
obj1 = 'object_netbox_2024-03-16.psql.gz'
container = 'netbox-backups'
    resp_headers = swift_conn.head_object(container, obj1)
    print("The object " + obj1 + " was successfully created")
except ClientException as e:
    if e.http_status == '404':
        print("The object " + obj1 + " was not found!")
        print("An error occurred checking for the existence of the object " + obj1)

# Create a new object with the contents of the compressed Netbox media backup
with'/var/backup/netbox_backups/netbox_media_2024-03-20.tar.bz2', mode='r:bz2') as file_tar_bz2:

    # Read the contents of the compressed Netbox media backup file
    file_contents =

    # Create a file-like object from the contents of the compressed Netbox media backup file
    my_file_like_object = io.BytesIO(file_contents)

    # Upload the returned contents to the OpenStack Object Storage container

# Confirm the presence of the object holding the compressed Netbox media backup
obj2 = 'object_netbox_media_2024-03-16.tar.bz2'
container = 'netbox-backups'
    resp_headers = swift_conn.head_object(container, obj2)
    print("The object " + obj2 + " was successfully created")
except ClientException as e:
    if e.http_status == '404':
        print("The object " + obj2 + " was not found!")
        print("An error occurred checking for the existence of the object " + obj2)

Below is the error I got after running the script.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/scripts/", line 57, in <module>
file_contents =
AttributeError: 'TarFile' object has no attribute 'read'

ABC for Github-programs and Python


I want to make use of GitHub-programs, and so I downloaded a bunch of Python-tools. When I run this command in "Python 3.12", which looks like CMD to me, I get a syntax error.

"To create a virtual environment, Python supplies a built in venv module which provides the basic functionality needed for the virtual environment. Running the command below will create a virtual environment named "openai-env" inside the current folder you have selected in your terminal / command line: python -m venv openai-env"

The instructions said nothing about how to "select" a folder, and I have no idea how to do that, so maybe thats whats going on. It says its included in the program, so..

Any clue?


If you know of a good guide to this whole, general question of using Github-programs, that would be much appreciated. As I gather, its entire programs sometimes, sometimes just scripts, and sometimes just modules or snippets of code. How to put a general framework together would be awesome to learn, the dream being to have like a "test-program", as in a blank program with basic stuff in place, like a file menu on the top, keyboard and mouse-compatibility, and stuff like that; a program that looks just like a normal Windows-program, only you can put stuff in it. A GUI? Is that what it is? I guess the more relevant question is; is there a GUI like this that I can put in a website? Some sort of template code that you can shimmy into HTML ?


how convert cur images to image?

how can i convert cursor files to image?
i need see the cur\ani on picturebox?(just for learning)

Private Sub btnChooseImage_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChooseImage.Click
        If (ofdChooseFile.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) Then
            If (ofdChooseFile.FilterIndex = 6) Then
                Dim cur As New Cursor(ofdChooseFile.FileName)
                PicShowImage.Image = cur 'error yes
                PicShowImage.Image = Image.FromFile(ofdChooseFile.FileName)
            End If
            Me.Text = "Image Viewer: " & ofdChooseFile.FileName
        End If
    End Sub

how can i get the image from a cursor?
the Cursor object read cur files and ani?

Why am getting different syntax errors when running a Python script

I am working on an exercise from Google's Python class dealing with popular baby names. I have the program running properly when using only one filename, but when I try to use the wildcard to get all files with baby####.html files I get differing errors every time I run the program.

Here is the problem code:

  matches = re.findall('<td>[0-9]+<\/td><td>(\w+)<\/td><td>(\w+)', file)

  for match in matches:
    rank = match[0]
    name = match[1]
    item = (year, name, rank)
    name = match[2]
    item = (year, name, rank)

On the re.findall statement, the error message invalid escape sequence on \d, so I changed it to look for a numeric range.

When I ran the program again, I get a subscript out of range error on the name = match[2], which is the female name in a tuple with (popularity, male name, female name) in it. When I ran the program last night on a single file, I got the results I expected. But now, not even the single file run works. Keep in mind, in both instances, the same code is being executed.

Obviously, I'm new to Python, but have a solid understanding of how object oriented design works, having taught myself VB.NET, C# and Java.

I don't understand why running the same code with the same parameters causes these errors. It's very frustrating when the language itself has these kinds of issues.

As always, any help is appreciated!


Extracting values from a regex match

I am trying to extract three values from the td tags in an html downloaded file.

<tr align="right"><td>236</td><td>Roy</td><td>Allyson</td>
<tr align="right"><td>237</td><td>Marvin</td><td>Pamela</td>
<tr align="right"><td>238</td><td>Micah</td><td>Kristine</td>
<tr align="right"><td>239</td><td>Collin</td><td>Raquel</td>

I am using the pattern match = re.findall(r'<td.?>([\d+])([.?])*<\/td>', file)

The file is created with a read() statement.

The output should look like

(236, "Roy", "Allyson")
(237, "Marvin", "Pamela")
(238, "Micah", "Kristine")
(239, "Collin", "Raquel")

What I get is

(236, "")
(237, "")
(238, "")
(239, "")

I've tried different variations of the same pattern and get

('236', '23', '6')
('Roy', '', 'Roy)
('Allyson', '', 'Alison')
('237', '23', '7')
('Marvin', '', 'Marvin')
('Pamela', '', 'Pamela')
('238', '23', '8')
('Micah', '', 'Micah')
('Kristine', '', 'Kristine')
('239', '23', '9')
('Collin', '', 'Collin')
('Raquel', '', 'Raquel')

I'm relatively new to regular expressions so be gently, but any help would
be appreciated.

PS: I'm using Pythoon

Extracting values from capturing groups in regex

I am trying to extract three values from the td tags in an html downloaded file.

<tr align="right"><td>236</td><td>Roy</td><td>Allyson</td>
<tr align="right"><td>237</td><td>Marvin</td><td>Pamela</td>
<tr align="right"><td>238</td><td>Micah</td><td>Kristine</td>
<tr align="right"><td>239</td><td>Collin</td><td>Raquel</td>

I am using the pattern match = re.findall(r'<td.?>([\d+])([.?])*<\/td>', file)

The file is created with a read() statement.

The output should look like

(236, "Roy", "Allyson")
(237, "Marvin", "Pamela")
(238, "Micah", "Kristine")
(239, "Collin", "Raquel")

What I get is

(236, "")
(237, "")
(s38, "")
(239, "")

I've tried different variations of the same pattern and get

('236', '23', '6')
('Roy', '', 'Roy)
('Allyson', '', 'Alison')
('237', '23', '7')
('Marvin', '', 'Marvin')
('Pamela', '', 'Pamela')
('238', '23', '8')
('Micah', '', 'Micah')
('Kristine', '', 'Kristine')
('239', '23', '9')
('Collin', '', 'Collin')
('Raquel', '', 'Raquel')

I'm relatively new to regular expressions so be gently, but any help would
be appreciated.

PS: I'm using Pythoon

Design vs. Coding

I was thinking that one way that a coding team could work would be that coders would be rotated through several roles. This would prevent people from getting too comfortable towards the goal of preventing problem areas (code quality wise) from developing in the department.

  • Architecture
  • Production Coding
  • Documentation
  • Quality Control

Splitting off architecture as a role will help, I hope to clarifty role-wise for a coder when they are expected to have input on process, vs. when I'd be happier if they were actively attempting to hit a metric and fulfill a specification.

VB6 – RayCasting: why my Vertical intersection is so big?

heres my RayCasting function:

Private Sub DrawRays2()
    Dim AY As Double
    Dim AX As Double
    Dim StepX As Double
    Dim StepY As Double
    Dim VertX As Double
    Dim VertY As Double
    Dim HorizX As Double
    Dim HorizY As Double
    Dim MapX As Long
    Dim MapY As Long
    Dim HorizDist As Double
    Dim VertDist As Double
    Dim WallDistance As Double
    Dim RayHeight As Double

    MapX = Player.MapX
    MapY = Player.MapY
    On Error Resume Next

'    'Check for horizontal intersections:
    If ((Player.Radians > 0 And Player.Radians < PI)) Then 'Facing down
        AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
        AX = Player.PosX + (AY - Player.PosY) / Tan(Player.Radians)
        StepY = ObjectSize
    ElseIf ((Player.Radians = 0 And Player.Radians = PI)) Then
        AY = Player.PosY
        AX = Player.PosX
    Else 'Facing Up
        AY = (Int(Player.PosY / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
        AX = Player.PosX + (AY - Player.PosY) / Tan(Player.Radians)
        StepY = -ObjectSize
    End If

    HorizX = AX
    HorizY = AY
    StepX = StepY / Tan(Player.Radians)
    MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
    MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
    A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
    If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue Then


            HorizX = HorizX + StepX
            HorizY = HorizY + StepY

            MapX = Fix((HorizX) / ObjectSize)
            MapY = Fix((HorizY) / ObjectSize)
            A.SetPixel (Fix(HorizX)), (Fix(HorizY)), ColorConstants.vbCyan
            If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                Exit Do
            End If
    End If

    HorizDist = Sqr(((HorizX - Player.PosX) * (HorizX - Player.PosX)) + ((HorizY - Player.PosY) * (HorizY - Player.PosY)))

    'Check for vertical intersections:
    If ((Player.Radians < PI / 2 Or Player.Radians > 3 * PI / 2)) Then 'Facing right
        AX = (Int(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) + ObjectSize ' Calculate grid position
        AY = Player.PosY + (Player.PosX - AX) * Tan(Player.Radians)
        StepX = ObjectSize
    ElseIf ((Player.Radians = PI / 2 Or Player.Radians = 3 * PI / 2)) Then
        AY = Player.PosY
        AX = Player.PosX
    Else 'Facing left
        AX = (Int(Player.PosX / ObjectSize) * ObjectSize) - 1
        AY = Player.PosY + (Player.PosX - AX) * Tan(Player.Radians)
        StepX = -ObjectSize
    End If

    VertX = AX
    VertY = AY
    StepY = StepX * Tan(Player.Radians)
    MapX = Fix((VertX) / ObjectSize)
    MapY = Fix((VertY) / ObjectSize)
    A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
    If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) <> vbBlue Then

            VertX = VertX + StepX
            VertY = VertY + StepY

            MapX = Fix((VertX) / ObjectSize)
            MapY = Fix((VertY) / ObjectSize)
            A.SetPixel (Fix(VertX)), (Fix(VertY)), vbYellow
            If LevelMap0(MapY, MapX) = vbBlue Then
                Exit Do
            End If

    End If

    VertDist = Sqr(((VertX - Player.PosX)) * ((VertX - Player.PosX))) + (((VertY - Player.PosY)) * ((VertY - Player.PosY)))
    A.ForeColor vbRed

    'obter o a linha mais curta(horizontal ou vertical):
    If VertDist < HorizDist Then
        ' Draw the vertical ray:

        A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(VertX), Fix(VertY)
        WallDistance = VertDist
        Debug.Print VertDist & vbTab & "Draw Vertical" & vbTab & HorizDist & vbTab & "Horizontal line"
        ' Draw the horzontal ray:

        A.DrawLine Fix(Player.PosX), Fix(Player.PosY), Fix(HorizX), Fix(HorizY)
        WallDistance = HorizDist
        Debug.Print HorizDist & vbTab & " Draw Horizontal" & vbTab & VertDist & vbTab & "vertical line"
    End If

    WallDistance = WallDistance * Cos(Player.Radians)
    RayHeight = ObjectSize / WallDistance * 320
    A.ForeColor vbBlue
    A.DrawLine 475 + 50, 200 / 2 - RayHeight / 2, 475 + 50, 200 / 2 + RayHeight / 2

End Sub

35,4424985851603     Draw Horizontal    4548,40096311184    vertical line

the Horizontal intersection works fine.. but why the Vertical intersection give me so big values(4548,40096311184)?
why the horizontal works fine but not the vertical?