New 2FA Integrations and Other Upgrades with Defender Pro 2.4!

Just when you thought Defender, our answer to WordPress security, couldn’t get any better — with the release of v2.4, he’s now better than ever!

Defender Pro now comes with two-factor authentication integrations, a new notifications interface, bulk actions for security recommendations, and more.

These improvements help you customize your security options and streamline recommended security precautions.

Here’s a breakdown of the new features. We’ll look at how to:

  1. Quickly Activate and Schedule Reports in the New Notifications Area
  2. Easily Integrate 2FA with Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy
  3. Take Care of Security Recommendations in Bulk

This article will give you a quick overview of what’s new, and you’ll be able to implement them in Defender Pro today!

1. Quickly Activate and Schedule Reports in the New Notifications Area

Defender has a new look and better functionality with Notifications. It’s a centralized manager area for all notifications and reports.

The Notifications area gives you a complete overview of the reports, whether it’s enabled or not, gravatars icons of the email recipients, and reports’ frequency.

The notifications area in Defender.
All the security reports can be enabled here.

You can configure and disable reports in one-click. If a report can be enabled, you’ll see a plus sign next to it.

Click the plus sign to enable a notification.
Tapping the plus sign gets your notification enabled.

Once clicked, you can choose who to send email notifications to.

You can easily search for recipients to add by username or click on an individual user from the list. Alternatively, you can always invite a user by email by clicking Invite by Email.

Where you add recipients.
Quickly add a new user by username in the search bar.

If the report is already enabled, clicking on the gear icon will allow you to configure it by adding recipients, frequency of reports, day & time of reports, and additional settings.

Configure or disable a report from here.
Configure or disable a report from the gear icon.

Want to configure reports in bulk? You can do that in a snap with the new Bulk Action dropdown. This will give you the option to Enable, Disable, and Update reports all at once.

Enable all of the security reports and notifications at once.

If you enable the reports, Defender will direct you to set up your Recipients, Configure Notifications, add the times and dates for reports, and more — all in bulk.

Bulk configure reports area.
Click on the individual reports to set up times when you want you and your recipients to receive them.

You can also send notifications without a recipient for the Malware Scanning report when you configure it.

If you opt for this, your reports will still be conducted, but they won’t go to your email and instead can be viewed in The Hub.

An option to not include recipients.
You can choose to get no email report for Malware scanning and just view it in The Hub instead.

Defender has made it quick and easy to manage your reports, notifications, and recipients. This can all be set up in just a few clicks!

2. Easily Integrate 2FA with Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy

Another great new feature for Defender is now you can integrate two-factor authentication with more than Google Authenticator. We’ve now added options for Microsoft Authenticator and Authy!

This is all done in one click. You simply go to the 2FA section in Defender’s dashboard. From there, you choose whatever 2FA option you’d like.

Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy. The choice is yours!

Once you choose your option, select whether to download it from Google Play or the App Store and you’re all set.

3. Take Care of Security Recommendations in Bulk

Instead of handling security recommendations one-by-one, you can get them all handled in an instant with bulk updates. Likewise, you can choose to ignore all of the security recommendations at once.

This can all be done from the Recommendations area in Defender’s dashboard. From here, you’ll see the number of security recommendations at the top of the screen.

The number of security recommendations.
In this example, there are four recommendations.

If you have recommendations, you can then bulk action them. You can choose to Action All or Ignore All.

Select all of them at once by checking the Security Recommendations box or click individual recommendations. Once you decide on what to do, it’s done by simply clicking Apply.

Handle all of the recommendations instantly.

As always, you can always view the recommendations in detail with the dropdown by each recommendation. It will give you an overview and more information.

The dropdown of a security issue.
The dropdown will give you very detailed information about the security recommendation.

If you have any questions or can’t decide whether to delete or ignore a security recommendation from Defender, just reach out to our 24/7 support for expert help and advice.

And That’s Not All…

We didn’t stop there. A few other new features for Defender includes onboarding that replaces the old quick setup and enables everything that is recommended and better UI/UX and performance for Malware Scanning.

Beyond that, there are always new features and developments happening regularly!

Our team of dedicated developers and programmers are always keeping Defender up-to-date with the latest recommendations, security protocols, and more!

Be sure to see what’s next for our security superhero in our Roadmap. And learn more in our article, How to Get the Most Out of Defender Security.

Managing your WordPress security with Defender just keeps getting better – making it easier for you and harder for hackers!