Hi Can someone help me how to make a codes for this

How can i make codes for this?
Problems for Program Development

  1. Create a java program that will display a menu for choices to perform the following routines:
  2. Input a number then determine and display the factors of the number.
  3. Input a number then determine and display if the number is odd or even.
  4. Input a number then determine and display if the number is a Perfect Number or Not.
  5. Input the elements of a 1-dimensional array using the Random Class (random elements
    from 0 to 9 and random size from 0 to 10) then display the sorted elements in ascending
  6. Input the elements (from 0 to 9) of a (5x5) 2-dimensional array using the Random Class
    then display the sum of all odd elements in the array.