10+ Free MailChimp WordPress Plugins to Increase Optins

Free WordPress Plugins To Grow Your MailChimp ListMany bloggers consider their email lists as the most important assets they own. Even if you wouldn’t go quite to that extent, as a savvy blogger, you know that the money is in the list. In other words, the more high quality email subscribers you have, the greater an income you can generate through your online business […]

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std::vector error with wx custom class

I am getting an error while making a vector.


#include <wx/wx.h>

class Frame : public wxPanel
    Frame(wxPanel* parent, int xx, int yy);

    int x;
    int y;


#include "frame.h"

Frame::Frame(wxPanel* parent, int xx, int yy)
    x = xx;
    y = yy;


in another wxPanel ,

I am creating a vector-

std::vector<Frame> vFrames;

And using it in a function-

    vFrames.push_back(Frame(this, 20, 40));

And I am getting this error-
error: use of deleted function 'Frame::Frame(const Frame&)'

Is this related to wx or I am coding some stupid code.

So, uh, Windows sign in just screamed at me. Like.

Idk what the hell just happened but Im pretty freaked out.

So, I start my computer like normally. It prompts me to enter my bitrecovery key. Thats never happened to me before, so I was pretty concerned, but I was able to find my key and get things rolling.

Then Im taken to the log-in screen, with the facial recognition and everything. I get the your pin isnt available make a new one type message. I hit set up new pin. It looks like its loading something, but then takes me back to the pin not available screen. Weird, but ok.

I hit set up pin one more time. It re-loads the error message again...but this time, out of my speakers comes this...yell. Not like a computer yell. Like a recorded audio clip of mans voice just screaming.

Suffice to say Im WICKED freaked out. What the fuck just happened? Is it a virus trying to spook me? Did my laptop fuck up and play a random sound but and just so happened to play the creepiest one?

Please help me out bc idk wtf to do D: suffice to say Im covering my webcam.

EDIT: oh my god im fucking dumb. i had a vine compilation pulled up on youtube when i shut down my computer last night. the opening vine started off with a guy screaming. i think my laptop started playing it in the bg by accident just for couple seconds. my heart is still beating but at least ik im not gonna be murdered tonight by a dark web hitman.