*Really* Get to Know Your Site Visitors using WordPress with HubSpot

Having a fast, beautiful and responsive website isn’t enough anymore. Your visitors expect more. And in this post we are partnering with HubSpot to show you how to deliver just that, for free!

Visitors to your site want to have their questions answered instantly. They want to be able to see what your products cost without having to speak with a salesperson or request a quote. They want to be able to click a button and speak with a customer service representative if they need additional help. And, the list goes on…

While your customers are demanding a better experience, you may be asking yourself, “How do I make my prospects and customers happy while not breaking the bank, having dozens of different software plans, and hiring more employees?”

Well, we have some good news to share with you – with HubSpot’s completely free all-in-one CRM, Sales, Marketing, and Customer Service WordPress plugin (not sure what a CRM is, find out more here) you can better attract, engage, and (who knows, maybe) delight your prospects and customers effectively all in one platform without spending a single penny.

Your new, free, CRM in action.

In this article, we’ll go over how to engage your visitors & customers more generally and how you can go about doing that with the HubSpot WordPress plugin.

Convert your website visitors by adding value with Forms

Forms vary in many ways – length, format, content type, appearance and purpose. However, they should fit your business’s needs, collect the information you want from your visitors, and ultimately provide value to your prospects and customers.

If you already have forms on your website, that’s great! Submissions should automatically sync with your HubSpot contact database when you have the HubSpot WordPress plugin installed. HubSpot can monitor any submission on your website and pull in the details that the user inputted.


If you don’t have forms on your website yet, that’s okay! HubSpot has a free form builder in the plugin, or you can use another forms plugin, such as Forminator (which is pretty amazing, just fyi), and have them automatically connect with your HubSpot account. Forminator’s extended HubSpot integration allows for setting up a free WordPress support ticketing system too.

Engage & help your visitors with Live Chat

Sometimes, your visitors don’t want to fill out forms. There are many reasons for this… maybe your call-to-action is too generic or even too invasive by asking for a lot of information.

Have you recently been to a website and engaged with someone in sales, customer support, or even a bot? It’s best to give your visitors different options to engage with your business.


In a recent study asking, “when you have a question or problem you need help with, how do you like to connect with a company’s customer service group?” 48% of the respondents answered with live chat, and 57% of the respondents said they are interested in getting information from bots when browsing a business’s website.

With the big shift in how customers are shopping and researching online, live chat and bots are an easy way to help your customers and save you massive amounts of time and energy. And, it’s very simple to add live chat and bots to your website. In the quick walkthrough below, you will see how easy it is to create a step by step bot that asks questions to qualify your visitors and learn more about their interests.


With HubSpot’s WordPress plugin, you can add live chat to your website in less than a minute and build chatbots to engage with your visitors while you’re away from your computer or even sleeping! If you care to chat with your visitors, you can use HubSpot’s free mobile application or the web app.

Organize, enrich, and track each visitor in a tidy timeline with Contacts

Typically, when someone submits a form on your website, you would receive a simple kickback email with the details they entered and most likely a record saved in your WordPress form editor.

What you may not know is that you’re missing out on a lot of additional information that would help you better engage with your prospect. These additional insights include what pages they viewed, how many times they’ve visited your website, how they found you, and so much more.

Here’s a gif showing a contact’s timeline with all the valuable details:


Imagine being able to know everything about what people are doing on your website, when, and who exactly they are. You can use these details to notify your sales team, trigger an email, and much more.

You can manage up to 1 million contacts in your HubSpot account for free, forever.

Create segmented contact groups with Lists

So you want to know which contacts are visiting your pricing page? Which customers are looking to upgrade or even cancel? You can use Lists in the HubSpot WordPress plugin to create filtered groups of your contacts based on their specific interactions, behaviors, and other metadata that you’ve gathered.

For example, if a lead visits your pricing page, it’s a good inkling that they might be evaluating your products. You can use this valuable insight (and others like it) to reach out and help them, create a tailored chatbot, or even send them an automated email to move them closer to purchasing.

You can use these segmented lists to power more personalized content in email, ads, and in your content.

Follow-up with automated personalized messaging with Email

Educating your contacts and customers through targeted, personalized email is a great way to drive engagement. If you’re sending blanket emails today and hoping they work, you may be getting large amounts of people to unsubscribe from your communication due to its spammy nature. People’s inboxes are overly cluttered, and one of the easiest ways to cut through the noise is to personalize your messaging with things like their name or company name in the subject line and copy.

Think about this: You now know every page each contact is looking at on your website, if they are customers or not, and other information that you’ve gathered when they fill out forms or engage with your chatbot. You can create segmented lists to group very similar contacts together. And, now you can send beautiful, responsive emails to them that feel personalized and helpful!


The goal of any business is to help its customers! Understand your customer’s needs, be helpful and personalized, and always be timely. Now you can do it more easily.

Measure business performance with Dashboard

Now that you’re starting to get the hang of engaging and delighting your contacts and customers, you must be wondering how you can see how your business is performing.

With HubSpot’s Dashboard built into the WordPress plugin, you can view your growth and highlight the areas you need to improve upon.

You can view basic reports and even build custom reports to analyze any part of your business. Since all of your valuable contact data is stored in your HubSpot account, you can build dashboards showing each part of your business’s success.