How to Create a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS With Jenkins and Spring Boot

Kuberntes cluster under construction.

In this article, we will set up an AWS environment to deploy a Dockerized Spring Boot application in a Kubernetes Cluster with the free tier EC2 instance in a few minutes. Kubernetes can be installed on AWS as explained in the Kubernetes documentation either using conjure-upKubernetes Operations (kops), CoreOS Tectonic or kube-aws. Out of those options, I found kops easier to use and it's nicely-designed for customizing the installation, executing upgrades and managing the Kubernetes clusters over time. 

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Steps to Follow

  1. First, we need an AWS account and access keys to start with. Login to your AWS console and generate access keys for your user by navigating to Users/Security credentials page.
  2. Create an EC2 Instance with a t2.micro instance for managing the Kubernetes cluster.
  3. Create a new IAM user or use an existing IAM user and grant the following permissions to the newly-created EC2 Instance:        