Main Uses for Couchbase Primary Index

 FROM customer USE KEYS ["cx:123"] Couchbase is a distributed database. It supports a flexible data model using JSON. Each document in a bucket will have a user-generated unique document key. This uniqueness is enforced during the insertion or updation of the data. Here’s an example document.

select meta().id, travel
from `travel-sample` travel
where type = 'airline' limit 1;
      "id": "airline_10",
      "travel": {
          "callsign": "MILE-AIR",
          "country": "United States",
          "iata": "Q5",
          "icao": "MLA",
          "id": 10,
          "name": "40-Mile Air",
          "type": "airline"

INSERT INTO customer (key, value) VALUES(“cx:123”, {“name”:”joe”, “zip”: 94040, “state”:ca});

SELECT META().id FROM customer;
