This Week in Spring: Releases, Podcasts, Tutorials, and More

We've got a lot in store This Week in Spring — check it out!

Hi, Spring fans! What a week! I've just returned from Prague, the Czech Republic, where I was for the epic Geecon Prague 2019 event. (Thanks for voting my talk on Reactive Spring the #1 talk, Prague!). Now, I'm in Nantes, France, the DevFest Nantes show. I'd never been to Prague and I've never been to Nantes. So how's that for cool first-time appearances in one week?

Tonight, I fly to Paris, France, for customer meetings. Then, I fly on Thursday to St. Petersburg, Russia, for the Joker conference, where I'll be presenting on testing. I'll be co-presenting with Spring co-founder, my friend, and hero, the one, the only, the amazing and inimitable, a veritable font of kindness and wisdom, Juergen Hoeller! Then, on the 27th, I fly to Chicago. It's shaping up to be quite the week!