Get the Complete Intro to Web Development and Intro to React (with Hooks!) with Brian Holt 🎣

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Hey, Marc here from Frontend Masters — excited to support CSS-Tricks ❤️!

Have you checked out Brian Holt's courses yet? His most popular courses are the "Complete Intro" courses which give you the lay of the land in Web Development as well as the entire React ecosystem.

Complete Intro to Web Development, v2

This Complete Intro to Web Development assumes no prior coding knowledge, taking you from not knowing how websites are made to writing code for your own sites in HTML, CSS, JavaScript…all the way to building a server with Node.js!

You’ll learn to...

  • Setup the tools you need to write code.
  • Write HTML and CSS to put content on a websites and make them look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Make websites interactive with JavaScript, the de facto programming language of the web.
  • Use Git and other modern development tools through your computer’s terminal to save your work and pull in code libraries.
  • Use JavaScript via Node.js to serve your own website from a server.

Complete Intro to React, v5

In the Complete Intro to React course, you’ll start from the ground up, getting all the way to using the latest features in React, including hooks, effects, context, and portals. Throughout the course, you’ll piece together tools from the entire React ecosystem (like Reach Router) to build a full application to browse adoptable pets.

You’ll learn to...

  • Use the new hooks and effects methods to handle state in function components.

  • Understand how React works by writing React with and without JSX.

  • Package client-side applications with Parcel.

  • Leverage Prettier and ESLint to maintain high-quality code.

  • Route to pages and search results with Reach Router.

  • Grab API data and update state asynchronously in an effect.

Intermediate React, v2

The Intermediate React, v2 course is a modular course where you can pick and choose the various pieces of the react ecosystem you want to learn.

You'll learn to...

  • Learn all the types of hooks, including useReducer, useCallback, useRef and more.

  • Make CSS local to your JavaScript components using the Emotion library.

  • Load your apps fast using code splitting, Suspense React and server-side rendering.

  • Use TypeScript for writing scalable apps with superior developer experience.

  • Redux for state management

  • Test your React applications using Jest.

You'll love Brian's awesome courses!

Join Now

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