MolecularMatch Announces new SDK and Improved Drug Search

MolecularMatch, a clinical informatics company providing Precision Medicine software solutions for oncology, announced the release of MMPower v4, the latest update to its Clinical Decision Support platform. This new release adds expanded therapeutic guidance and a new Software Developer's Kit (SDK) to broaden language support and speed up time-to-market for software developers writing custom applications integrating with the MolecularMatch platform.

Ten-Ton Widgets

At a recent conference talk (sorry, I forget which one), there was a quick example of poor web performance in the form of a third-party widget. The example showed a site that installed the widget in order to add a "email us" button fixed to the bottom right of the viewport. Not even a live-chat widget — just an email thing. It weighed in at something like 470KB, which is straight bananas.

Just in case you are someone who feels trapped into using a ten-ton widget because you aren't yet sure how to replicate the same functionality, I've prepared a small chunk of HTML for you.

It's 602 Bytes, or about 1/10th of 1% of the size of that other widget — with nothing to download, parse or render block.

See the Pen
Mailto Fixed Postion Widget
by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)
on CodePen.

Perhaps on your own site, you'd move the styles out to your stylesheet and add in some hover and focus styles.

It's not that third-party JavaScript has to be bad. It just has a habit of being bad.

My friend Richard showed me a new product he built called Surfacer. It's like an RSS widget that you can put anywhere.

See the Pen
by Chris Coyier (@chriscoyier)
on CodePen.

That's a 773 Byte JavaScript file that does a 3.5KB Ajax request for data, and you'd place it at the end of the document to avoid any render-blocking. It would be nice to see more of this kind of thing.

The post Ten-Ton Widgets appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Java Concurrency, Part 1: Threads

Concurrency is a game-changer for building Java applications, referring to the ability to run several programs at the same time using multiple threads. 

This post is the first in a series of posts about Java concurrency. All code shared in this article has been tested in Java 12.

Kioken Blocks Partners with Gutenslider Plugin

Kioken Blocks creator Onur Oztaskiran is teaming up with Niklas Jurij Plessing, a Berlin-based developer and author of the Gutenslider plugin, to improve both products under the same roof. Oztaskiran said the partnership is not an acquisition but rather a unification of efforts that may eventually result in combining under the same name.

“Our short term plan is to work on each other’s plugins to improve them according to our individual areas of expertise (me in design, marketing and user happiness, him in development and more technical stuff where I fall short), and then fully collaborate on plugins and themes,” Oztaskiran said.

Gutenslider will remain a standalone plugin and will not be merged into Kioken Blocks. Both products will share similar resources in terms of functionality and support. The team plans to work on porting their products to be ready for’s upcoming Block Directory. Pro users of Kioken Blocks will be able to use the pro functionalities of Gutenslider and the team plans to make Gutenslider work like an extension to Kioken Blocks.

“Gutenslider is pretty extensive at it is, and we thought it deserves to keep going as a standalone block and plugin, since it will be also available in the upcoming Block Directory for Gutenberg,” Oztaskiran said. “We will handle it as another product even though it is under the same roof as Kioken Blocks. We will continue adding new features to that block and improve the experience and Kioken Blocks will gain new blocks as well, but not as extensive as Gutenslider. There’s a possibility we could rename the block but that’s not the case at the moment.”

Oztaskiran said he sees a lot of possibilities in Gutenslider, because it is not just an image and video slider but capable of adding different types of block content on top of the slides, such as paragraphs, headings, images, galleries, products, and more.

“Since the future of Gutenberg, as we see it, is going to be shaped around the Block Directory in the editor, our plan is focusing more blocks on that directory, with the Kioken Blocks as a builder on top of them as a plugin,” Oztaskiran said. “The final goal is building an ecosystem for WordPress users who have adopted the new editor – products, plugins and themes with a streamlined interface and experience. Dev partnerships are the first step of it.”

Oztaskiran could not confirm if the product catalog will be combining under one company name. The final decision has not yet been made but he said it is likely that they will combine under the Kioken branding sometime in the future for marketing their WordPress products.

The Art of Rebranding: 7 Steps to a Successful Makeover

Rebranding just like evolution comes to us all: from our personal lives to relationships, and most importantly to our brands!  Rebranding is a necessary facet for the growth of every brand. Often times, there’s the need to break free and transform your brand to represent new values and mission in order to reach new goals […]

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11 Pro Web Design Tips for an Attention-Grabbing Business Website

Is your business website appealing to your target audience? Are you getting lucrative outcomes with your website design? Is your brand growing time and again? The answers to these questions can be discovered without spending thousands of dollars on experts and updates. Frequently. there is a situation when you develop a visually-appealing website, but it […]

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Going Vintage with Graphic Design: What You Need to Know

If there is one thing that will never go out of style, it’s vintage. In fact, it can often seem that the more technology progresses, the more interested people are becoming in this trend. This is perhaps because it is classic, and therefore, timeless. Now, if you are looking to include vintage elements in your […]

The post Going Vintage with Graphic Design: What You Need to Know appeared first on

Getting Started With EMR Hive on Alluxio in 10 Minutes

Find out what the buzz is behind working with Hive and Alluxio.

This tutorial describes steps to set up an EMR cluster with Alluxio as a distributed caching layer for Hive, and run sample queries to access data in S3 through Alluxio.

You may also enjoy:  Distributed Data Querying With Alluxio


  • Install AWS command line tool on your local laptop. If you are running Linux or macOS, it is as simple as running pip install awscli.
  • Create an from the EC2 console if you don’t have an existing one.

Step 1: Create an EMR Cluster

First, let's create an EMR cluster with Hive as its built-in application and Alluxio as an additional application through bootstrap scripts. The following command will submit a query to create such a cluster with one master and two workers instances running on EC2. Remember to replace “alluxio-aws-east” in the following command with your AWS keypair name, and “m4.xlarge” with the EC2 instance type you like to use. Check out this page for more details of this bootstrap script.

Schedule Azure WebJobs Using Azure Logic Apps

Migrate your Azure WebJobs with Azure Logic Apps before it's too late.

In this article, we will see how to migrate Azure WebJobs from Azure Scheduler to Azure Logic Apps. As we all know, Azure Scheduler will become obsolete on December 31, 2019, after which all Scheduler job collections and jobs will stop running and they will be deleted from the system.

You may also enjoy:  An Inside Look at Microsoft Azure WebJobs

In order to continue to use jobs, we must move Azure Schedulers to Azure Logic Apps as soon as possible. Azure Logic Apps have numerous features:

DevSecOps and the Problem of Machine-Scale Data

Machine-scale data might overwhelm your DevSecOps implementation.

“Shifting Left” From DevOps to DevSecOps

When development teams using waterfall approaches couldn’t keep up with customer requirements, they adopted DevOps and Agile SDLCs. While these flexible approaches attempt to meet customer demands, security processes get left behind. You either skip security, or you aren’t really Agile. Either way, you’re losing the benefits of adapting rapidly to customer needs.

Now that new regulations and consumer awareness have made privacy and security a priority, the industry’s recognized that they need to be built into the SDLC. “Shift left” means integrating processes and testing that have traditionally happened at the end into the development process itself, and you often hear that term used to describe a transition from DevOps to DevSecOps.

Jenkins: Changing the Jenkins Home Directory

Home is where the configurations are.

What Is the Jenkins Home Directory?

The Jenkins home directory contains all the details of your Jenkins server configuration, details that you configure in the Manage Jenkins screen. These configuration details are stored in the form of a set of XML files. Much of the core configuration is stored in the config.xml file.

You may also enjoy: Jenkins: Integrating Jenkins With Microsoft Teams

The Jenkins home directory contains a subdirectory for each Jenkins build job being managed by this instance of Jenkins. Each job directory, in turn, contains two subdirectories, builds and workspace, along with some other files. It contains the build job config.xml file, which contains, as you might expect, the configuration details for this build job.

Adding Authentication With SimpleID

I co-founded a developer toolkit company with the explicit goal of making decentralized applications easier to use. However, the tools aren’t just for decentralized applications. Traditional application developers can make use of SimpleID to add authentication and storage to their app quickly.

Let’s start with a sample project since, in most cases, developers will be adding authentication to an existing project. For this, we can use a simple to-do application I had built to compare reactn to Redux.

Getting Started With HTTP/2

The web is built on small HTTP exchanges. HTTP runs on TCP, which is aimed at long running transfers — it is not cut out for small exchanges that are common with HTTP.  There is a lot of overhead caused by TCP in a modern website where only a fraction of time is spent downloading content. HTTP/2 addresses these performance problems. In this article, we will review how HTTP/2 works under the hood and introduce tools to get started with HTTP/2.

You may also like: TLS/SSL Explained: TLS/SSL Terminology and Basics.


The Internet consists of five layers of TCP/IP. All applications run on the Transport layer, which, for HTTP, is TCP.

Customize Shell on Mac OSX

Get the shell layout you deserve

If you're an active Mac user that spends a good amount of time using shell, you may have noticed that the OSX Shell by default is bear bone and not very productive to use on a daily bases.

The question is, how we can make OSX shell more productive?

Migrating Apache Flume Flows to Apache NiFi: Kafka Source to Multiple Sinks

The world of streaming is constantly moving... yes I said it. Every few years some projects get favored by the community and by developers. Apache NiFi has stepped ahead and has been the go-to for quickly ingesting sources and storing those resources to sinks with routing, aggregation, basic ETL/ELT, and security. I am recommending a migration from legacy Flume to Apache NiFi. The time is now.

Below, I walk you through a common use case. It's easy to integrate Kafka as a source or sink with Apache NiFi or MiNiFi agents. We can also add HDFS or Kudu sinks as well. All of this with full security, SSO, governance, cloud and K8 support, schema support, full data lineage, and an easy to use UI. Don't get fluming mad, let's try another great Apache project.