3 Essentials for Releasing Software at Speed Without Losing Quality

Delivering at speed without quality doesn't amount to much.

How to Reduce Time to Market While Maintaining Quality?

How long does it take at your company, from the time someone in sales or marketing comes up with an idea, to the time that it’s making money and adding value to your users? Let’s say it’s a simple change to your software or an added functionality in which everyone agrees that it would be an improvement. And, let’s say that the change would have to be able to support 100,000 users in a 100-minute window. You want to avoid any risk and also design and ship it so that it provides a great user experience. How long would it take to make that a reality? If you think it’s five days, for example, how much time could you possibly shave off that? A few hours? A day? Two days?

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With any digital transformation, it’s essential to attain “quality at speed” to be able to provide quick solutions with a reduced time to market, but without sacrificing quality. In this hyper-competitive world, the difference is not in who has the best idea, but in who can implement it and bring it to market in the shortest time, in the best way, with appropriate quality.