Hasura Brings Declarative Programming to GraphQL API Development

During Day 1 of GraphQL Summit, Tanmai Gopal, CEO, and co-founder of Hasura introduced his company’s declarative approach to creating GraphQL APIs during an exclusive interview with ProgammableWeb. Hasura is an open-source solution that provides complete support for the GraphQL specification but does so in a way that stresses declarative configuration over text-based type definition.

Misty Robotics Introduces Misty II

Misty Robotics, a professional-grade robot platform provider, has introduced Misty II. Misty II, unlike many modern robots, includes both hardware and software that is more accessible to the broader developer community. Many robot platforms on the market today are limited in access to those familiar with robotics.

Become a Master of Java Streams (Part 4): Database Streams

You can almost see the data flowing...

SQL has always been a declarative language whereas Java for a long time has been imperative. Java streams have changed the game. Code your way through this hands-on-lab article and learn how Java streams can be used to perform declarative queries to an RDBMS database, without writing a single line of SQL code. You will discover, there is a remarkable similarity between the verbs of Java streams and SQL commands.

Not quite what you're looking for? Take a look at Querying Databases Using Java Streams.

This article is the fourth out of five, complemented by a GitHub repository containing instructions and exercises to each unit.

Best Practices and Patterns With Couchbase Mobile: Part 2

Couchbase established

Couchbase Mobile enables a wide range of offline-first use cases of varying degrees of scale and complexity. In an earlier post, I discussed common patterns while using Couchbase Lite as an embedded NoSQL data store within your apps. Those patterns focused on local data storage. In this blog post, we discuss a few common patterns and best practices as it relates to syncing data with the Sync Gateway. This post assumes that you are familiar with the fundamentals of Couchbase Mobile. If you need a primer, check out the docs on Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway.

Looking for Part 1? Head on over here and check it out!.

Pattern 1: Keeping the Data Up-to-Sync While the App Is in the Background

couchbase mobile app background

Backgrounding support on mobile apps varies drastically by the platform. In fact, on certain platforms such as Android, the concept of “backgrounded apps” is quite nebulous/complicated. So how you would sync data while your app is in the background is very much platform-dependent. You can find a discussion on how Couchbase Lite reacts to the app life cycle on iOS, Android, and Windows in our documentation.

Best Practices and Common Patterns With Couchbase Mobile: Part 1

Since the first official release in 2014, Couchbase Mobile has enabled a wide variety of use cases of varying degrees of scale and complexity. Despite the variation, there are some common usage patterns for using Couchbase Mobile.

I have put together a series of blog posts that cover some common usage patterns and tips and recommended practices for addressing these use cases. In this blog post, we discuss common patterns if you are developing apps with Couchbase Lite. This post assumes that you are familiar with the fundamentals of Couchbase Mobile. If you need a primer, check out the docs on Couchbase Lite.

PGP Encryption in Mule 4: How it Works

Expert in the field (10/10 deserves a sugar cube)


The flow of information that runs through the average business every day is like a river. It’s massive and holds the potential for danger if you’re not careful. Scammers easily lift data from your payment systems if you let them and use it to steal your information. When working with clients, it's very common to receive and send sensitive information, such as server names, usernames, passwords, or even clients' internal information. Sharing this information via an email, text, files, or a 'chat' program is very insecure, unless you encrypt the information using a good encryption method.

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, E-mails, files, directories, and whole disk partitions to increase the security of e-mail communications. It was created by Phil Zimmermann in 1991.

Optimized File Formats – Reduce Overall System Latency

Since Optimized columnar file formats helped Big data ecosystem to have SQL query features, Organizations are now able to retrain their existing data warehouse or Database developers quickly in Big data technology and migrate their analytics applications to on-premise Hadoop clusters or cheap object storage in the cloud.

When Columnar file formats were first proposed in the early 2010s, the intention was to enable faster query execution engines on top of the Hadoop file system. The columnar format was explicitly designed to give much-improved query performance than conventional row-based file formats. Columnar file formats give much better performance than row-based file formats (used in conventional Databases and data warehouses) when a partial set of columns from a table are queried.

An Overview of Modex BCDB for Deploying Blockchain Solutions

Let's push some software.

Modex Blockchain Database (BCDB) is a software product designed to empower businesses by enabling them to develop and deploy blockchain software solutions. Modex BCDB falls into the middleware category, as it positions itself between the client’s software application server and their database. What sets Modex BCDB apart from its competitors is its approach to handling data. From the start, the brains behind this new innovative take on blockchain technology decided to employ a minimally invasive approach, in the sense that companies and enterprises keep their database system intact. Their proposed solution which later took shape in Modex BCDB modifies a set of connectors in order to link the database to a blockchain network, thus significantly enhancing storage capabilities.

Just getting started with Blockchain? Then check out Blockchain: An Introduction

What Is Modex BCDB?

Modex BCDB is the first middleware solution that manages to be both database and blockchain agnostic. Currently, other solutions present on the market are either blockchain or database agnostic, but not both at the same time. Modex BCDB doesn’t aim to replace the existing database but to improve it by adding a blockchain layer. By situating ourselves between the database component and the client’s software, we ensure a higher degree of security and trust, while giving access to a mechanism through which clients can create their own infrastructure. By adopting a modular design, Modex BCDB becomes truly agnostic in the sense that it to any type of database and blockchain. To push the envelope even further, can connect to different databases at the same time, as a result, clients are not obliged to change their database provider. Through Modex BCDB it becomes possible to build a distributed database network with different database engines. Distributed databases exist for some time, but our system allows developers to combine different databases and distribute them across different database engines. Another unique feature is how the system performs encryption through the master and the user key, as well as the fact that encryption can be performed selectively, at the field level.

API Security Weekly: Issue #55

A weekly look at API security.

This week, we check out the vulnerabilities fixed in EU’s eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication, and trust Services) system and Cisco routers, how Instagram is seeking to avoid the privacy controversies that Facebook itself has had, and interesting predictions from Gartner’s latest API report.

Vulnerability: EU eIDAS

EU has patched the reference implementation of the eIDAS system that the member states use for international transactions and signatures.

Cloud Migration Benefits and Strategies for Businesses in 2019

Movin' on up.

A lot of businesses are migrating to cloud computing. The question, however, pertains to why we move to the cloud, so here’s our take on cloud migrating benefits and some cloud migration strategies. We’ve covered it all, whether you’re opting for a cloud-to-cloud or shared-to cloud-migration.

When web-based applications started, the app architecture was so simple that multiple apps could be easily hosted on a shared server, without any significant compromises on performance. However, as the number of users and the internal complexity of the apps increased, shared hosting started to fail, and thus, the businesses migrated their apps to dedicated VPS hosting solutions where they were able to provide the resources and ensure baseline performance.

Demystifying Security on AWS Cloud

We're uncovering some of the mysteries of AWS security.

As of today, every organization is adopting a cloud-first approach for hosting their business applications. Those who had their applications in data centers are also migrating their assets to cloud. Some of the reasons are:

  • There are limited upfront capital costs compared to traditional days where you need space to host your infrastructure in data center and need a lot of money to own and manage it.

Observability and Beyond — Building Resilient Application Infrastructure

The ability to construct observable apps can't be overstated.

The Journey from Being Reactive to Being Proactive

Things were quite simple in the old days. Proactively monitoring applications or infrastructure was not the norm. If there was a failure, a user would pick up the phone to inform the help-desk that the app is broken.

Troubleshooting was all reactive and the only path to resolution was for someone to roll up their sleeves and go in and look at log files and manually fix errors by themselves.

9 Essential Blogs Every Tester Should Follow in 2020

Here's where you need to go to get software testing knowledge in 2020.

2020 is almost here, and it’s time for QA professionals to make new resolutions to improve their testing process. We all understand how software testing has evolved in the last few years. From automating cross-browser testing to real-time testing of web apps with Selenium, a lot of changes have come to the testing process. Though some innovations and technologies made it easy for QA professionals to test their web app, some challenges even made the testing process more complicated than earlier.

You may also enjoy:  The 6 Essential QA Blogs to Read in 2019

Thus, QAs need to keep up with the new trends in the web development sector, and they should take help from blogs and articles published by industry professionals to improve their expertise and make the testing process more efficient and effective.