5 Tricks to Help You With AWS Cost Optimization

By the end of 2019, more than 30% of the 100 largest vendors’ new software investments will move to a “cloud-only” from a "cloud-first" strategy. Any “no-cloud” policies will be nearly extinct by the year 2020. This is mainly because large, medium and small firms are looking for an alternative to reduce their capital expenditure-intensive IT models. Cloud provides a variable cost and pay-as-you-go model, making it economical. Additionally, the scalability and flexibility that comes along with using AWS make it a superior solution than the traditional methods. Companies adopt cloud computing because of its scalability, security or maybe just because cloud computing is the latest trend. Regardless, many have noticed that AWS cost have spiked and spend trends keeps going upwards.

The pricing methods at first look very simple but as you expand, mixing lots of products, it gives you a hard time tracking the ever-growing cost of your cloud infrastructure. Thus, it is really important that you maintain strict Amazon Web Services billing hygiene. Let us, in this short article, examine a few strategies that will help you maintain this hygiene.