Why Kubernetes Is the Best Technology for Running a Cloud-Native Database

We’ve been talking about migrating workloads to the cloud for a long time, but a look at the application portfolios of many IT organizations demonstrates that there’s still a lot of work to be done. In many cases, challenges with persisting and moving data in clouds continue to be the key limiting factor slowing cloud adoption, despite the fact that databases in the cloud have been available for years. 

For this reason, there has been a surge of recent interest in data infrastructure that is designed to take maximum advantage of the benefits that cloud computing provides. A cloud-native database achieves the goals of scalability, elasticity, resiliency, observability, and automation; the K8ssandra project is a great example. It packages Apache Cassandra and supporting tools into a production-ready Kubernetes deployment.

Video on Demand (VOD) Processing Using AWS

The demand for video is growing, and even more, businesses find infinite possibilities in this sector. We’re not just referring to entertainment or instructional materials here. Content providers, small businesses, and corporate brands are all benefiting from video on demand. Brands can build stronger relationships with their customers by offering them access to the information they want, whenever and however they want it. Thus, such visualization became the most convenient way to share data with software users.

VOD (video on demand) refers to any content delivery method that allows users to select when, where, and how they interact with media integration. This can be accomplished by either simultaneous broadcasting from an internet source or by the user downloading the video to a personal device for subsequent viewing. This is in contrast to traditional streaming, when the viewer may only see their film on a gadget with a satellite or cable connection at a certain period.

AWS vs Azure vs GCP: Cloud Web Services Comparison in Detail

I am sure you are acquainted with the third wave of the digital revolution — cloud computing. Well, it's time to know them in person and figure out by using these cloud services, do you actually have a shot or not.

Digitalization is being embraced by all of us across the globe, especially cloud computing technology. Whether it's because of its scalability or security or reduced costs, cloud platforms have sprung up to a great extent over a few years. Gone are the days when businesses were confused about whether to choose a cloud service provider or not. Now the confusion surrounds the question of which cloud service provider to use. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are our top three contenders.

AWS vs. Google Cloud: Comparing the Giants

AWS and Google Cloud are two key rivals in the world of cloud computing and storage. While the first one is winning people’s hearts with its amazing flexibility and ample features, Google Cloud has managed to firm its feet in the industry with its superb backup services and cost-effectiveness. These two are performing such wonderfully at their respective fronts that it’s tough to pick one out of these two.

If you’re also at the crossroads of picking one, let’s help you decide. In this blog post of AWS VS Google Cloud 2021, we have covered few key differences between these co-workers cloud computing giants. Before we get into the details, let’s figure out the basics of these two.

Serverless Architecture Best Practices With AWS Lambda

Serverless applications that are well designed are separated, stateless, and utilize minimal code. With the growth of projects, the only aim of development managers is to preserve the design’s clarity and simplicity along with low code implementation. This blog post recommends the serverless architecture best practices with AWS Lambda.

Arranging Your Code Repositories

Most of the Serverless applications are Monolithic applications in the initial stage. This takes place either due to the growth of complexity with time or because the developers follow the subsisting development practices.

Alexa and Kubernetes: Deploying the Alexa Skill on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Services (VII)

Now, we have everything prepared and ready to go to a Kubernetes Cluster in a cloud provider. It is a fact that creating a cluster in any cloud provider manually is a difficult task. Moreover, if we want to automate this deployment, we need something that helps us in this tedious task. In this article, we will see how to create a Kubernetes Cluster and all of its required objects and also, deploying our Alexa Skill with Terraform using Elastic Kubernetes Service.


Here, you have the technologies used in this project:

7 Reasons to Choose AWS as Your Cloud Platform

Cloud computing is on the rise, and AWS is emerging as the clear winner. With more than 40% market share of the cloud service market, Amazon Web Services is the leader in the industry. It offers cloud-based storage, virtual storage, and 70 other services to enterprises for their digital needs.

COVID-19 has driven companies to explore cloud computing more than ever. Amazon cloud business solutions enable you to move your organization to virtual channels. AWS cloud consulting is becoming popular as enterprises look to analyze how going virtual with AWS will help them reap the benefits of digital technology.

AWS HIPAA Compliance Best Practices Checklist

Nowadays, most medical providers across the globe tend to implement cloud-based architecture for their medical services. And it’s not surprising, especially considering today's pandemic reality; medical software is a must. However, to build a highly secure solution to deliver medical services, you must abide by the US 1996 law, namely the HIPAA Security Rule. This legislation represents a set of required and adequate protections for managing electronic confidential patient information and avoiding its disclosure without prior patient's knowledge and even consent.

So, if you want to develop a medical solution and make your healthcare services cloud-based, you will have to apply the latest technologies for maintaining data compliance. To build cloud-based apps according to the Privacy Rule, most healthcare providers apply Amazon Web Services (AWS) due to its increased agility, security, and innovation potential.

Benefits of Serverless For Startups

The popularity of hiring vendors for handling application backend has spiked tremendously over the last 5 years. On the one hand, startup owners go serverless to save infrastructure costs and pay for resources as they go. As the company scales, relying on third-party vendors allows getting access to backend resources as quickly as possible.

Although implementing cloud-based infrastructures is mainly popular among startup owners, large-scale companies use distributed architectures as well. Amazon Polly, for one, fully relies on AWS for project support.

AWS Cloud Monitoring: Best Practices and Top-Notch Tools

The practicality and viability of AWS in the world of cloud computing can’t be overlooked. At present, it’s the trailblazer of cloud computing and currently rules over the 31% market share.

The AWS cloud computing services are nothing but quality-driven. They are future-driven and play a vital role in a business’s growth. But, first thing first, let’s why out why AWS cloud monitoring is essential.

Confused by AWS Storage Options? S3, EBS, EFS Explained

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is well-known for its vast number of product offerings. There are (probably) a few AWS ninjas who know exactly how and when to use which Amazon product for what because they've earned this certification.  The rest of us are in need of help.

Specifically in the storage arena, AWS provides three popular services — S3, Elastic Block Store (EBS), and Elastic File System (EFS) — which work quite differently and offer different levels of performance, cost, availability, and scalability. We'll discuss the use cases of these storage options, and compare their performance, cost, and accessibility to stored data. But before diving in, you can also try out this free AWS storage skills assessment to see how your "IQ" stacks up against your peers.

Why Getting an AWS Certification Is Significant?

Cloud computing has emerged as the most trending topic in the world of Information Technology. Cloud technologies are quickly becoming the future for organizations regardless of industry. The emergence of leading-edge technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving a push to cloud-based technology. New cloud service models are coming on the sight continuously and organizations (small or large) are undoubtedly moving their infrastructure as well as applications over to the cloud. As per IDC, expense on public cloud services and infrastructure collectively around the globe will hit by 23.8% from 2018, reaching a total spend of USD 210-billion in 2019. The projected 5yrs CAGR (compound annual growth rate) from 2017 to 2022 is forecasted to be 22.5% to reach USD370 billion.

When it comes to cloud computing, Amazon Web Services presently leads and continues to grow. Amazon Web Services undoubtedly is the sole leader of cloud computing space because of its compliance with cloud computing models such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The supremacy of Amazon Web Services can be observed from the reality that it holds 30% of the cloud market share, which is three times to its close player Microsoft Azure standing at 9%. Forward-looking enterprises are drawn to these next-gen clouds for three prime reasons:

AWS EC2 Image Builder: Automating OS Image Build Pipelines

Automation continues to be a major growing trend in today’s cloud infrastructure landscape. Service providers like Amazon Web Services are integrating better, more advanced automation tools to make the life of administrators easier. Automation allows for workflows to be more efficient, especially with more tasks being executed without the need for human input.

Until very recently, however, some fundamental tasks couldn’t be automated. The creation and maintenance of operating system images is a good example. Admins have different approaches when it comes to creating and maintaining OS images for their development teams, but all of those approaches required a lot of manual work.

Utilizing AWS Backup To Improve Your Recovery Time

Regardless of the size of your company, data backups and system recovery need to be a critical part of your IT operations and planning. Without a proper backup plan or recovery techniques put in place for when an IT disaster strikes, you are signing off on your business’s failure. Today, many technologies encompass the backup realm, and AWS has its own in-house feature to help you automatically back up and recover multiple other services too; AWS Backup.

AWS Backup is a fully-managed and automatic backup service first released by Amazon Web Services in January 2019 and was updated earlier this year. With this policy-based service, it is possible to automatically backup data from multiple AWS services in your cloud environments as well as your on-premises servers with the additional help of AWS Storage Gateway. 

Serverless CI/CD on the AWS Cloud

CI/CD pipelines have long played a major role in speeding up the development and deployment of cloud-native apps. Cloud services like AWS lend themselves to more agile deployment through the services they offer as well as approaches such as Infrastructure as Code. There is no shortage of tools to help you manage your CI/CD pipeline as well.

While the majority of development teams have streamlined their pipelines to take full advantage of cloud-native features, there is still so much that can be done to refine CI/CD even further. The entire pipeline can now be built as code and managed either via Git as a single source of truth or by using visual tools to help guide the process.

AWS Transit Gateway Examined – Part II

In a previous article, we talked about how AWS Transit Gateway is enabling on-premise infrastructure to interact with cloud infrastructure in a multi-cloud environment. We also covered how Transit Gateway can be fully automated using Terraform, with each VPC configured to work seamlessly as a part of a larger network.

AWS Transit Gateway has been updated since then. New features such as support for multicast allows AWS Transit Gateway to be more robust, especially when it comes to allowing services and VPCs to deliver data to multiple users at the same time. What are the changes added to AWS Transit Gateway? How can you benefit from the new features?

Snowflake and Salesforce Integration With AWS AppFlow

Amazon Web Services has recently announced a new service called AWS AppFlow, which is a fully managed serverless integration service to allow secure data transfer between various Software as Service providers such as Salesforce, ServiceNow, Snowflake, AWS Redshift, etc. The functionality supports no-code integration with mapping, validating, and merging fields on the fly.

This article covers integrating Salesforce CRM and one of the most popular cloud data warehouses, Snowflake using AppFlow.