How to Limit Post Revisions in WordPress

Optimizing your WordPress workflow often involves tweaking a few settings and functions. One of these features is post revisions. This built-in functionality can be a lifesaver, especially when you want to revert changes or restore an earlier version of a post. However, having an excessive number of revisions can be overwhelming and may clutter your database.

We’ll guide you through the steps to limit post revisions in WordPress, without turning to specific plugins.


Understanding WordPress Post Revisions

Post revisions, a core feature of WordPress, allows you to undo changes and revert to previous versions of your posts or pages. For every draft in progress, WordPress automatically generates a temporary revision (known as an auto-save) every 60 seconds. It supersedes older versions with these new auto-saves.

Alongside auto-saves, WordPress creates permanent revisions each time a user hits save, update, or publish. These permanent revisions are stored in the WordPress database and can be managed from the post-edit screen.

Why Would You Limit Post Revisions?

Limiting post revisions does not necessarily mean you’re capping your site’s performance. WordPress intelligently excludes post revisions from the database calls on the front end, only including them on the post-edit screen or while browsing revisions.

However, having a large number of post revisions can cause your WordPress database to become bulky, and although it won’t affect your site’s performance, it may make you feel a bit disorganized. Keeping your database clean and neat is good practice and can make your backend operations smoother.

The Manual Approach

Now, let’s jump into how you can limit post revisions manually in WordPress without the use of plugins.

Restricting the Number of WordPress Post Revisions

WordPress enables you to control the number of revisions retained for an article. To set a limit, you’ll need to add a specific line of code to your WordPress site’s wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 7 );

In the above code snippet, replace “7” with the desired number of revisions you wish to store for each post. Remember to save and close the file after making your adjustments.

How to Completely Turn Off WordPress Post Revisions

If your objective is to entirely disable post revisions, WordPress allows for this as well. By incorporating the following line of code into your wp-config.php file, you can turn off the post revision functionality:

define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false );

Specifically, this command will deactivate the post revisions feature on your website. However, it’s crucial to understand that WordPress will continue to preserve one auto-save and one browser-stored revision despite this change.

Wrapping Up

Fine-tuning how post revisions are handled in WordPress can lead to a tidier database and a more streamlined content production process. It’s worth noting that manipulating core files requires a basic level of comfort with code or additional guidance. For related WordPress management topics, feel free to check out our guide on managing widgets in your WordPress dashboard.

WordPress Dashboard: Removing Unwanted Widgets

Your website’s command center, the WordPress dashboard, arrives with several widgets that enhance functionality. However, not all of these may be beneficial for every user. As plugins introduce more widgets over time, your dashboard may start to feel crowded and less straightforward to navigate. WordPress offers the ability to remove these unnecessary widgets, either manually or programmatically. We’ll guide you through both of these methods, aiding in decluttering your dashboard and promoting better website management.


Understanding Widgets

Widgets are elements you can include in your WordPress site’s sidebars or other widget-ready areas. WordPress includes default widgets, and plugins may introduce more. All these widgets can be managed through the Appearance » Widgets screen in your WordPress dashboard. However, an excess of unused widgets can lead to a messy widget screen. To make your dashboard more navigable, consider disabling those you don’t need. For an in-depth look at managing widgets, you can explore the WordPress official documentation.

Manual Widget Removal from WordPress Dashboard

For the quick and temporary cleanup of your dashboard, WordPress allows you to hide widgets that you don’t frequently use. Follow these steps to hide widgets:

  1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Locate the “Screen Options” button at the top right corner of the screen and click on it.
  3. Uncheck the boxes beside the widgets you want to hide.

While this method doesn’t eliminate the widgets entirely, it does make them invisible from your view. Other users can still enable these widgets from the Screen Options panel.

Programmatic Widget Removal from WordPress Dashboard

For a more lasting cleanup, WordPress provides a way to get rid of dashboard widgets completely, preventing other users from turning them back on. This involves adding a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or to the site-specific plugin you’re using. Here’s the code snippet:

function clear_dashboard_widgets() {
global $wp_meta_boxes;


add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'clear_dashboard_widgets' );

The function above targets and removes the widgets listed. If there are certain widgets you wish to retain, simply remove the corresponding line from the code.

To customize this further, you can add the following function to the functions.php file to restrict the dashboard widget removal to only non-admin users:

if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
add_action('wp_dashboard_setup', 'clear_dashboard_widgets' );

Concluding Remarks

Having a neat and organized dashboard is a significant step towards more efficient WordPress management. Discarding unnecessary widgets tailors your dashboard to your exact needs, fostering a more effective and enjoyable user experience.

Aside from decluttering your dashboard, there are other optimization steps you can take to bolster your website’s performance and security. For instance, hiding your WordPress version can contribute to creating a more secure WordPress environment.

We hope these tweaks will help you maintain a clean and efficient dashboard, helping you focus on what truly matters: creating outstanding content.

Hide Your WordPress Version for Better Security

WordPress is generally a secure platform, but there are ways to make it even more robust. Hiding the version of your WordPress instance is one such way to beef up security. While this might seem a bit technical, we’ll guide you through the process step by step.


Why Hide the WordPress Version?

By default, WordPress discloses its version information on your site. While it’s a helpful detail for developers, it may provide potential hackers with a road map to your site’s vulnerabilities. If they’re aware of the version you’re running, they can tailor their attacks accordingly. Hence, obscuring this information can be an essential part of your security strategy.

Incomplete Solutions and Their Limitations

You might find suggestions to edit your theme’s header.php file to eliminate the version number:

<meta name="generator" content="WordPress <?php bloginfo('version'); ?>" />

However, each time you update your theme, this change will be overridden, and the version number will reappear. Consequently, it’s a fleeting solution at best.

Another commonly recommended approach is to inject this code into your theme’s functions.php file or a specific plugin:

remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');

While this will mask the version number in the site’s header, it won’t do so in your RSS feeds, making this solution incomplete.

A Better Solution: Hiding the Version with Code

For a more holistic approach, you’ll want to hide the WordPress version from both your header and RSS feeds. To achieve this, you can use this function:

function remove_wp_version() {
   return '';
add_filter('the_generator', 'remove_wp_version');

You can add this code to your theme’s functions.php file. It effectively ceases the broadcasting of the WordPress version, making it much more challenging for hackers to tailor their attacks.

Beyond Hiding the Version: Other Security Measures

Hiding your WordPress version represents only one facet of your site’s security. Other key steps include regularly updating your WordPress site and utilizing strong, unique passwords.

For more concrete security practices, consider restricting user access according to roles, implementing two-factor authentication, using secure FTP to transfer files, and making sure to use trusted themes and plugins.

Remember, maintaining website security isn’t a set-and-forget task. It’s crucial to stay current with the latest threats and to adjust your protective measures as needed.

Moreover, while focusing on security, don’t neglect website performance. An action as simple as disabling the emoji autoload function can significantly boost site speed.

Wrapping Up

Ensuring your website’s security is a continual task. As your site grows, so does the potential pool of threats. Each step you take – whether it’s regularly updating WordPress, hiding its version number, or implementing other security practices – contributes to a more secure environment.

Disabe Emoji Autoload for Faster WordPress Sites

Website speed is critical to the success of any online venture, which is why we’ll discuss how to disable Emoji Autoload in WordPress in this guide. Not only does site speed have a direct impact on user engagement and conversion rates, but it also influences how search engines rank your site. One often overlooked factor affecting website speed, particularly in WordPress, is the Emoji Autoload feature. Let’s delve into this feature and discuss its implications on site performance.

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What is Emoji Autoload in WordPress?

Emojis, those fun little icons we often use in our digital conversations, are universally supported on almost all devices and browsers. To ensure emojis display correctly across all platforms, WordPress introduced the Emoji Autoload feature in version 4.2. This feature, which is part of the core WordPress functionalities, automatically loads a JavaScript file (wp-emoji-release.min.js) on every page of your WordPress site, impacting the site’s loading speed.

While this ensures a consistent emoji experience across all devices, it also adds an extra HTTP request to your site on every page load. In the world of web performance, each HTTP request can add to your site’s load time. For websites that do not rely heavily on emojis, this feature can slow down the site unnecessarily.

Why You Should Disable Emoji Autoload

Optimizing your WordPress website for speed involves minimizing unnecessary HTTP requests, including those made by features like Emoji Autoload. By disabling the Emoji Autoload feature in WordPress, you eliminate one such HTTP request from every page load, thereby enhancing your website’s speed. Remember, in the speed race, every millisecond counts. As per the HTTP Archive, among the top contributors to page bloat are HTTP requests.

How to Disable Emoji Autoload

Disabling Emoji Autoload is straightforward and involves adding a short code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file. Remember, before editing any theme files, ensure you have a recent backup of your site and preferably use a child theme to prevent issues when updating your theme.

Here is the code snippet to disable Emoji Autoload:

remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7);
remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');

This code stops the emoji script from loading on your site, thereby eliminating the associated HTTP request.

The code snippet is made up of two functions:

  • remove_action(‘wp_head’, ‘print_emoji_detection_script’, 7); – This line tells WordPress to stop printing the emoji detection script into the <head> of your website.
  • remove_action(‘wp_print_styles’, ‘print_emoji_styles’); – This line does the same for the emoji styles, preventing them from being printed on your site.

When adding these two lines to your functions.php file and saving your changes, you effectively disable the Emoji Autoload feature.

Wrapping Up

Optimizing your WordPress site for speed involves many tweaks and adjustments, and disabling Emoji Autoload is just one of them. It’s a small change that can contribute to a faster, more efficient website, particularly if emojis are not a critical part of your site’s content. After making these adjustments, it’s crucial to assess the impact on your website’s performance. You might consider using a tool like Lighthouse to monitor your website’s page experience.

Bonus💡: How to Monitor Website Page Experience with Lighthouse

Beginner’s Guide: How to Safely Update WordPress (Infographic)

Do you want to update WordPress but don’t know where to start? Often beginners are afraid that an update may break their website.

This fear is understandable. However, it’s important to use the latest version of WordPress for the best website security and performance.

In this beginner’s guide, we will show you how to safely update WordPress like a pro without breaking your website.

Beginner's Guide: How to Safely Update WordPress (Infographic)

Upgrading your WordPress website is a regular maintenance task. We have created an easy-to-follow infographic that you can use as a reference guide.

Just click on the image below to view the full infographic, or continue reading the text instructions.

Ultimate Guide to Upgrade WordPress - Infographic

Why Should You Always Update WordPress?

Leading WordPress security research shows that the majority of WordPress websites that get hacked have outdated WordPress core, plugins, or themes.

WordPress is actively maintained by developers from all over the world. These developers find and fix bugs, add new features, and hunt down security vulnerabilities on a regular basis. These changes are then released in a new WordPress version.

If it is not a big release, then WordPress can automatically update itself to the newer version. For major releases, unless you are on managed WordPress hosting, you will have to manually initiate the update yourself.

You need to update to make sure that your website has the latest security patches, the newest features, and the best speed and performance.

You can learn more on this important topic in our guide on why you should always use the latest version of WordPress.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to safely update WordPress to the latest version.

Things to Do Before Updating WordPress

The most important thing you need to do before upgrading WordPress is to create a complete WordPress backup.

Even if you have an automated WordPress backup plugin set up like Duplicator, you still need to create a new backup and store it safely in a remote location, such as your computer or cloud storage like Google Drive.

A complete WordPress backup includes everything:

  • Your WordPress database
  • All your images and media uploads
  • Your WordPress plugins and themes
  • Your WordPress configuration files
  • Core WordPress files

This step is crucial as it will allow you to restore WordPress from the backup in case something goes wrong.

Once you have created a complete backup and stored it remotely, then you can move on to the next step.

Updating WordPress to the Latest Version

There are two easy ways to upgrade your WordPress site to the latest version. One is automatic, and the other one is manual. We will show you both of them.

Method 1: Updating WordPress Using the Built-in System (1-Click)

This method is easier and is recommended for all users.

First, log in to the admin area of your WordPress website and go to the Dashboard » Updates page.

You will see the notice that a new version of WordPress is available. Now you just need to click on the ‘Update to version X.X.X’ button to initiate the upgrade.

Updating WordPress Core From the Dashboard

WordPress will now fetch the latest version of the software and install it for you.

You will see the update progress on your screen. During the upgrade, WordPress will put your site into maintenance mode.

WordPress update progress

Your site will still be visible to users, but you can’t install plugins or themes while the update is underway.

Once the update is over, you will be redirected to the WordPress welcome screen. Depending on each release, you may see a page explaining what’s new in WordPress and the features you should try.

That’s all; you have successfully upgraded WordPress to the latest version.

Method 2: Manually Update WordPress Using FTP

This method requires you to use FTP to manually upload WordPress files. You can use this if the first method doesn’t work.

First, you will need to download the latest version of WordPress. Head over to the WordPress download page and click on the ‘Download’ button.

Download WordPress

Your browser will now download WordPress in a zip file. Once downloaded, you need to extract the zip file.

Inside you will see a wordpress folder. This folder contains all the WordPress files you need for the update.

Next, you need to open your FTP client and connect to your website. Once connected, go to the wordpress folder you just extracted from the zip file in the local files column.

In the remote files column, go to your website’s root folder. This folder could be public_html or named after your website’s domain name. Inside this folder, you will see your WordPress files and folders.

Using FTP to Upload a Fresh Version of WordPress

You should select all files inside the wordpress folder on your computer and then right-click to select ‘Upload’.

Your FTP client will now start uploading WordPress files from your computer to your website.

However, your website already has older versions of the files with the same name. You will be asked what you want to do with those files. You need to select ‘Overwrite’ and check the box next to ‘Always use this action’.

Overwriting Your Current WordPress Files Using FTP

This will ensure that all WordPress files on your website are replaced by the newer versions.

Once the upload is finished, you need to go to the admin area of your WordPress site. This step is necessary because sometimes, a newer version of WordPress may also need to update your WordPress database.

Database update required

In that case, you may see a page mentioning that a database update is required. Simply click the ‘Update WordPress Database’ button to continue.

That’s all; you have successfully updated your WordPress website.

Things to Do After Updating WordPress

Once you have upgraded WordPress on your website, you need to make sure that everything is working as expected. Simply visit your website in a new browser window and review the settings in the WordPress admin area.

If you come across any issues, then take a look at our list of common WordPress errors and how to fix them. If the issue you are facing is not listed there, then follow the steps in our WordPress troubleshooting guide to figure out the problem and apply a solution.

We hope this article helped you update WordPress to the latest version. You may also want to see our step-by-step WordPress SEO guide for beginners or our expert picks for the best analytics solutions for WordPress users.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Beginner’s Guide: How to Safely Update WordPress (Infographic) first appeared on WPBeginner.

Easy Microdata in WordPress

HTML5 is making huge strides toward the semantic web -- and the semantic standards defined by the Google/Bing/Yahoo-backed are probably prudent standards to follow.

But if we're talking prudence, practicality, and semantics, then we're probably talking CMS too -- not that coding isn't unremitting joy, of course, but there isn't really much point to coding semantics when you're using a CMS to manage content anyway.

Transform Your Website with These 10 Multipurpose WordPress Themes for 2023

If you are looking for the best multipurpose WordPress theme you might feel the need to clearly understand what “best” means. On the other hand, you shouldn’t worry about that too much since you don’t have to drill down to selecting a single multipurpose WordPress theme at the exclusion of all others; and the reason is this.

Multipurpose themes are flexible WordPress templates. You can use them to create almost any kind of website imaginable.

There are hundreds of WordPress themes available in the online market, many of which are multi-purpose. A fair number are best-sellers you can use to create a corporate website, eCommerce site, personal blogging site, or a portfolio.

In this post, we’ve narrowed a list of potential candidates down to what experts will agree are 10 of the best Multipurpose WordPress themes of 2023.

While you should have little difficulty in selecting one you believe will best suit your needs, you can’t make a bad choice.

  1. Be – Multipurpose WordPress Theme with 650+ prebuilt websites

When a multipurpose WordPress theme can claim 250,000 satisfied customers, there must be a good reason. In BeTheme’s case, there are several. BeTheme gives you all the tools, options, and flexibility needed to create most types of websites, any of which is capable of matching or beating the competition.

A few highlights:

  • Be’s library of more than 650 pre-built websites are responsive, customizable, extremely user friendly, and cover all the major website types and niches and many of the smaller ones.
  • Be Builder is the fastest, lightest, and most intuitive website builder for WordPress. In addition to copying content from pre-built websites you have a host of pages, pre-defined sections, and elements to work with.
  • Creating a shop? The WooCommerce Builder will take care of that for you with its single product page builder and multiple customer-centric options.
  • Be’s Setup Wizard helps you install pre-built websites as well as define logos, colors, fonts, etc. during installation.

Click on the banner to find out more about each of BeTheme’s 40+ core features.

  1. Pro – Top WordPress Theme

When the Pro team said ‘Out with the old and in with the new” they meant it. Pro will lift you out of your website design comfort zone and set you down in an even nicer one.

Here are a few things you can look forward to with Pro, the big sister product to ThemeForest’s fastest selling theme of all time:

  • Cornerstone, the most advanced website builder in WordPress makes website building fun again.
  • The native Grid Editor lets you create “impossible” looking layouts powered by CSS Grid in a point and click interface.
  • You have ready access to a family of header, footer, page, blog, shop, and layout builders that all work together along with Components and Parameters that allow for advanced site building.
  • Native support for dynamic content allows you to build cutting-edge web applications powered by WordPress.

Click on the banner and see for yourself everything that Pro brings to the table. 

  1. Total WordPress Theme

This aptly named multipurpose WordPress theme features a wealth of design options and customizer settings coupled with layout choices, navigation options, and dynamic template functionality.

In short, Total has everything needed for blogs, businesses, online stores, forums, portfolios, and then some.

The following key features will help you build your dream site(s) with Total.

  • Quick start demos, section templates and post cards.
  • Easy drag & drop WPBakery page builder with built-in customization settings.
  • Layout options include boxed and full-width layouts, dynamic layouts, one-page sites, page and post designs, and advanced page settings.
  • Navigation features include 8 preset header styles, local scroll menus, mobile menu styles, and a simple mega menu.
  • Advanced developer snippets, hooks, actions, and filters.

Total is responsive, speed optimized, and SEO-friendly. Click on the banner to get a better idea of what this popular multipurpose theme could do for you.

  1. TheGem – Multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce Theme

TheGem, a versatile multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce theme, offers unlimited customizations, plenty of design & marketing features, an extended library of 400+ pre-built designs, and fastest loading times.

  • TheGem’s versatile Templates Builder enables you to build every part of your website with Elementor or WPBakery.
  • TheGem Blocks is a game-changer. Its 600+ page sections & page templates will significantly speed up your workflow.
  • TheGem’s WooCommerce toolbox features the WooCommerce Builder, advanced AJAX filters, versatile product grids, live search and more to help you to create a conversion oriented online shop.

You’ll love the 5-star user support, as have 70,000 others. 

  1. Avada – Best Selling Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Sales figures can be a legitimate factor in choosing a WordPress theme.  Avada, with 750K+ sales that make it the #1 best seller of all time obviously has a lot going for it. Everyone from first-time WordPress users to professional web designers have fallen in love with Avada.

One reason? This top-selling multipurpose theme makes it so easy to create an amazing website — and fast too, thanks to the following features:

  • The 1-click demo importer doesn’t waste your time. Click to install and you’re ready to customize.
  • Avada’s visual drag and drop builder lets you build an impressive website in a few hours.
  • You can customize layouts, content, headers, footers, forms, store pages, and just about anything else.
  • Updating global styles across your website with Avada’s theme options has never been easier.

Avada is responsive, optimized for speed and eCommerce enabled. 

  1. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Uncode is a pixel-perfect creative WordPress theme designed with attention to flexibility and performance. It is also one of the top selling themes of all time on the Envato market with more than 100,000 sales to date.

With Uncode at your fingertips you can easily –

  • Build incredible WooCommerce websites with the advanced drag & drop Product Builder, impressive shop layouts, and the performant configurable Ajax product filters with variations swatches.
  • Mix and match 70+ Carefully crafted importable pre-made designs and 500+ Wireframes sections (that you can also use for rapid prototyping).
  1. Blocksy – Free Premium WordPress Theme

Blocksy is innovative, fast, Gutenberg and e-Commerce ready, and more importantly, a WordPress theme for any project. Blocksy is the ideal companion when you need to build a high class website in a short time.

For example:

  • Blocksy’s modern and elegant starter sites get you off to a fast start.
  • Powerful header & footer builders, Content Blocks module, and dynamic data support help you create a dynamic website.
  • Blocksy is built using the latest web technologies for a lean experience.
  • Blocksy is fully compatible with Elementor, Brizy, Beaver Builder, and with WooCommerce.

A White-label option is available for agencies.

  1. Kalium – Creative Multipurpose WP Theme

Build your unique site using the most beautiful creative multipurpose theme of the decade. 44,000+ customers have already done so and more than 2,000 have submitted 5-star reviews.

Creating an award-winning site with Kalium involves 3 easy steps, 1) choose a pre-built starter site, 2) install it with 1 click, and 3) live edit it. Naturally, there is an abundance of tools to help you along the way, that include:

  • The live drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to easily create custom layouts for your website pages.
  • The live WooCommerce builder that can preview changes in real time.
  1. Litho – Multipurpose Elementor WordPress Theme

One thing you have to be careful about when selecting a theme is to ensure you will have complete control over the content of your website. Litho is a multipurpose Elementor theme that does exactly that, as do the other themes on this page.

  • Litho is creative, modern, responsive, and highly customizable. It is also fully compatible and build with the world’s #1 free page builder – Elementor.
  • Litho can be used for any type of business niche plus, blog, portfolio, and eCommerce sites.
  • 37+ home pages, 200+ creative elements and an awesome library of 300+ templates are at your fingertips. 
  1. Woodmart – WooCommerce Multipurpose Theme for Any Kind of Store

WoodMart offers and all-in-one WooCommerce solution. This WooCommerce WordPress theme does not require plugins to create a state-of-the-art eCommerce store. A quick check of the website will convince you of that.

Woodmart comes with –

  • 80+ pre-built demo websites than can be imported with one click together with a library of 400 pre-made templates.
  • Shop and product page Elementor builders and a custom checkout with Elementor feature; no coding is required.
  • Header builder featuring unlimited layout possibilities.
  • A full AJAX shop, an AJAX Quick shop, AJAX filters and search including search by SKU.


When your website is the digital storefront for your business you want it to perfectly represent your brand. It should not only look great, but offer a seamless user experience as well.

That is what each of the 10 multipurpose WordPress themes in this article is capable of doing. You really can’t make bad choice. But with a little extra thought you should be able to select the multipurpose WordPress theme you will be most comfortable with.

Read More at Transform Your Website with These 10 Multipurpose WordPress Themes for 2023

10+ Best WooCommerce Themes for 2023

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce theme to help you build your online store, but are afraid of making a wrong choice?

For starters, you want to select a WordPress WooCommerce theme since not all WordPress themes offer complete WooCommerce support. If a theme doesn’t support WooCommerce, it won’t support all the available addons and extensions. And it will make it all the more difficult, if indeed even possible, to build the online store you have in mind.

WooCommerce is a free, open-source e-commerce plugin built for WordPress websites. The plugin allows you to easily sell almost any type of product while giving your visitors an intuitive and seamless on-brand buying experience.

The best WordPress theme for you will therefore be a WordPress WooCommerce theme, whether you’re about to create a new eCommerce site or redesign your current site.

The following list of the 11 Best WooCommerce Themes features one or more themes that will best meets your needs.

  1. Be – the Biggest WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

BeTheme, the biggest WooCommerce theme of them all, is more than capable of meeting your needs. BeBuilder, BeBuilder Woo, the Loop Builder, and 360+ professionally crafted pre-made websites are just a few of the 40+ powerful core features this popular (250,000 customers) website building machine places at your fingertips.

  • BeBuilder, the fastest WordPress website builder, lets you view each element as you customize it.
  • BeBuilder Woo helps you design versatile Shop and Single Product layouts that sell. 6 pre-defined layouts for Single Product are also at your disposal, you can create templates for Shop Archive or for Single Products, and BeBuilder Woo is loaded with customer-centric login, account management, and checkout features.
  • With the Loop Builder you can jazz up your website by designing any type of slider, blog, portfolio, or shop listing you can think of.
  • Add Be’s library of 650+ customizable pre-built websites and BeTheme’s flexibility becomes apparent.
  • Be’s updated Setup Wizard will help you get your project underway.

Click on the banner to learn more about what BeTheme can do for you.

  1. Jupiter X – Probably the Best WooCommerce Theme

Jupiter X, the go-to theme for many businesses, brands and marketers, is probably the best theme for WooCommerce with its huge WooCommerce base of exclusive shop features and capabilities.

Jupiter X is also the only Elementor theme that fully eliminates the need for an Elementor Pro subscription with its massive native widget library and native replacements to multiple Elementor features.

Key Jupiter X WooCommerce features include –

  • True shop builder: Build and customize product pages, membership pages, all checkout pages, and build single-step and multi-step checkouts
  • Checkout optimization features: Increase engagement and maximize profits with advanced sales funnels, order bumps, smart checkout notices, and more.
  • Fast Checkout features: Create Shopify-like checkouts with express checkout, sticky cart, checkout expiry and more.

Click on the banner to learn about Jupiter X’s many other WooCommerce features. 

  1. Blocksy – Best Free Ecommerce WordPress Theme

What makes Blocksy the best free eCommerce WordPress theme? Is it the selection of elegant pre-built starter sites? Or the powerful header builder and footer builder, both of which feature multiple content and design options? Or the fact that Blocksy is Gutenberg ready and features the latest web technologies?

Answer: Yes, yes, yes.  And there’s more.

  • Blocksy is fast and features thoughtfully written clean code.
  • A content blocks feature allows you to insert any piece of content anywhere in your site, plus any changes you make to a page, section, or item is synced in real time in the preview window so as not to slow your workflow.
  • Blocksy is also compatible with the popular Elementor, Brizy, and Beaver Builder page builders, is compatible with WooCommerce, is responsive, and features a White Label module.

Click on the banner to learn even more reasons why Blocksy is best.

  1. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

The Uncode WordPress theme for WooCommerce gives its users the ultimate in shop building experience with its advanced drag and drop Product Builder, impressive Shop layouts, custom Cart and Checkout, Ajax Filters, and more.

Other reasons for making Uncode your choice:

  • 100,000+ sales that make it one of Envato’s top-selling themes of all times.
  • You can mix and match more than 70 carefully crafted and importable pre-made designs with over 100 builder modules to create custom pages.
  • The Wireframes plugin with its 500+ wireframes sections gives you a ton of design flexibility.
  1. Total WordPress Theme

Total is an aptly named super-intuitive WooCommerce-ready multipurpose theme that has everything needed to give your online store a unique and custom look and to get it up and running quickly.

  • Use a pre-made custom demo, Total’s extended WPBakery page builder, or both to create your custom website.
  • In addition, you have at your fingertips 100+ builder modules and shortcodes, and 90+ section templates, with no limits on customizing options.
  • With the native WordPress customizer and advanced Total settings you can change site colors, widths, and typography, and view your changes live before making them permanent. 
  1. Avada WordPress & WooCommerce Theme

With the Avada WooCommerce builder you can create a completely customized experience for your WooCommerce users.

  • You can design and build your own conditional layouts for individual WooCommerce Products
  • You can create custom Shop, Cart, Checkout and Archive pages using the design flexibility and power of Avada Builder, Woo Design, and other Avada Builder Elements.
  • Avada is lightweight, responsive, and built for speed and its impeccable code quality translates into exceptional performance.

Avada is popular. It’s the #1 best-selling theme ever, with its more than 750,000 happy users. 

  1. Rey – Exceptionally Intuitive WordPress WooCommerce Theme

The Rey WooCommerce theme is so fully equipped and flexible that you very likely will not need to rely on external plugins, plus its website demos are feature-rich yet designed with minimizing workflow in mind. With a few edits you can get a store up and running in a few hours.

There are plenty of supporting features as well, including –

  • 70+ internal optional modules and pre-made store templates.
  • flexible visual editing and fast search, filtering, and products navigation.

Rey is SEO friendly as well and puts you in good hands with its 5-star customer support.

  1. Woodmart – WordPress WooCommerce Theme for Any Kind of Store

WoodMart is ThemeForest’s most popular WooCommerce WordPress theme for a simple reason. It is loaded with features you will not find in most other eCommerce-oriented themes, such as –

  • shop and product page Elementor builders with an Elementor custom checkout feature, the WPBakery page builder, a header builder, and AJAX filters, product swatches, and search capabilities.
  • 80+ prebuilt websites to get projects underway or combine to create your pages.
  • 400+ templates you can use to prototype your website pages.

Woodmart, its plugins, and its dummy content can be installed in a few clicks. 

  1. Hongo – Most Powerful WooCommerce WordPress Theme

Hongo is a modern and multi-purpose WooCommerce WordPress theme which is specially curated for creating WooCommerce stores and company websites.

Hongo users have plenty to work with, including –

  • 12 Stunning and impressive store demos, 200 plus creative elements and a library of around 250 templates
  • Out of the box premium features like quick view, compare products, wishlist, catalog mode, advanced filters, color swatches, product tabs, and product videos.
  • WordPress Customizer and WPBakery custom shortcodes to support flexibility and customizability.

Users will also appreciate Hongo’s online detailed documentation and highly rated customer support.

  1. XStore – The Most Complete & Customizable WordPress WooCommerce Theme

The first thing people notice about XStore is its library of 120+ stunning and ready-to-go pre-built shops, which have become somewhat of a trademark for this theme.

Upon closer inspection, they find there’s plenty more to like about this WooCommerce WordPress theme including –

  • Its full support for Elementor and WPBakery, header builder, single product page builder, and 500+ prebuilt blocks.
  • $510 worth of premium plugins and a built-in WooCommerce email builder.

XStore gives every one of its users incredible value for a relatively small investment.

  1. Electro – Best WooCommerce theme for Affiliates, Dropship, and Marketplace Websites

Electro is a clean, modern, user friendly, responsive and highly customizable WooCommerce Theme with a 1.25 sec load time that makes it an ideal choice for your WooCommerce electronics store.

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  • Electro’s design platform offers pixel perfect design, while producing 100% clean code.

You can choose from 7 awesome home pages and 3 different layouts to showcase your product, while using the power of Electro to add features like quick checkout and display product reviews.


WordPress WooCommerce themes provide an excellent pathway to create an eCommerce shop and sell your products thanks to the easy to use WooCommerce extensions.

The right theme will ensure that your store will be both fast and reliable while providing an exceptional shopping experience that converts visitors to customers and boosts your store’s sales.

Choose one of these 11 Best WooCommerce WordPress Themes to launch your successful online store. There are no wrong choices here.

Read More at 10+ Best WooCommerce Themes for 2023

Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes

Fonts are a defining characteristic of the design of any site. That includes WordPress themes, where it’s common for theme developers to integrate a service like Google Fonts into the WordPress Customizer settings for a “classic” PHP-based theme. That hasn’t quite been the case for WordPress block themes. While integrating Google Fonts into classic themes is well-documented, there’s nothing currently available for block themes in the WordPress Theme Handbook.

That’s what we’re going to look at in this article. Block themes can indeed use Google Fonts, but the process for registering them is way different than what you might have done before in classic themes.

What we already know

As I said, there’s little for us to go on as far as getting started. The Twenty Twenty-Two theme is the first block-based default WordPress theme, and it demonstrates how we can use downloaded font files as assets in the theme. But it’s pretty unwieldy because it involves a couple of steps: (1) register the files in the functions.php file and (2) define the bundled fonts in the theme.json file.

Since Twenty Twenty-Two was released, though, the process has gotten simpler. Bundled fonts can now be defined without registering them, as shown in the Twenty Twenty-Three theme. However, the process still requires us to manually download font files and bundle them into the themes. That’s a hindrance that sort of defeats the purpose of simple, drop-in, hosted fonts that are served on a speedy CDN.

What’s new

If you didn’t already know, the Gutenberg project is an experimental plugin where features being developed for the WordPress Block and Site Editor are available for early use and testing. In a recent Theme Shaper article, Gutenberg project lead architect Matias Ventura discusses how Google Fonts — or any other downloaded fonts, for that matter — can be added to block themes using the Create Block Theme plugin.

This short video at Learn WordPress provides a good overview of the Create Block Theme plugin and how it works. But the bottom line is that it does what it says on the tin: it creates block themes. But it does it by providing controls in the WordPress UI that allow you to create an entire theme, child theme, or a theme style variation without writing any code or ever having to touch template files.

I’ve given it a try! And since Create Block Theme is authored and maintained by the team, I’d say it’s the best direction we have for integrating Google Fonts into a theme. That said, it’s definitely worth noting that the plugin is in active development. That means things could change pretty quickly.

Before I get to how it all works, let’s first briefly refresh ourselves with the “traditional” process for adding Google Fonts to classic WordPress themes.

How it used to be done

This ThemeShaper article from 2014 provides an excellent example of how we used to do this in classic PHP themes, as is this newer Cloudways article by Ibad Ur Rehman.

To refresh our memory, here is an example from the default Twenty Seventeen theme showing how Google fonts are enqueued in the functions.php file.

function twentyseventeen_fonts_url() {
  $fonts_url = '';
   * Translators: If there are characters in your language that are not
   * supported by Libre Franklin, translate this to 'off'. Do not translate
   * into your own language.
  $libre_franklin = _x( 'on', 'libre_franklin font: on or off', 'twentyseventeen' );
  if ( 'off' !== $libre_franklin ) {
    $font_families = array();
    $font_families[] = 'Libre Franklin:300,300i,400,400i,600,600i,800,800i';
    $query_args = array(
      'family' => urlencode( implode( '|', $font_families ) ),
      'subset' => urlencode( 'latin,latin-ext' ),
    $fonts_url = add_query_arg( $query_args, '' );
  return esc_url_raw( $fonts_url );

Then Google Fonts is pre-connected to the theme like this:

function twentyseventeen_resource_hints( $urls, $relation_type ) {
  if ( wp_style_is( 'twentyseventeen-fonts', 'queue' ) && 'preconnect' === $relation_type ) {
    $urls[] = array(
      'href' => '',
  return $urls;
add_filter( 'wp_resource_hints', 'twentyseventeen_resource_hints', 10, 2 );

What’s wrong with the traditional way

Great, right? There’s a hitch, however. In January 2022, a German regional court imposed a fine on a website owner for violating Europe’s GDPR requirements. The issue? Enqueuing Google Fonts on the site exposed a visitor’s IP address, jeopardizing user privacy. CSS-Tricks covered this a while back.

The Create Block Theme plugin satisfies GDPR privacy requirements, as it leverages the Google Fonts API to serve solely as a proxy for the local vendor. The fonts are served to the user on the same website rather than on Google’s servers, protecting privacy. WP Tavern discusses the German court ruling and includes links to guides for self-hosting Google Fonts.

How to use Google Fonts with block themes

This brings us to today’s “modern” way of using Google Fonts with WordPress block themes. First, let’s set up a local test site. I use Flywheel’s Local app for local development. You can use that or whatever you prefer, then use the Theme Test Data plugin by the WordPress Themes Team to work with dummy content. And, of course, you’ll want the Create Block Theme plugin in there as well.

Have you installed and activated those plugins? If so, navigate to AppearanceManage theme fonts from the WordPress admin menu.

Manage Theme Fonts screen with type samples for Space Mono.
Source: WordPress Theme Directory

The “Manage theme fonts” screen displays a list of any fonts already defined in the theme’s theme.json file. There are also two options at the top of the screen:

  • Add Google fonts. This option adds Google Fonts directly to the theme from the Google fonts API.
  • Add local fonts. This option adds downloaded font files to the theme.

I’m using a completely blank theme by WordPress called Emptytheme. You’re welcome to roll along with your own theme, but I wanted to call out that I’ve renamed Emptytheme to “EMPTY-BLANK” and modified it, so there are no predefined fonts and styles at all.

Themes screen showing Empty Theme as the active selection with no screenshot preview.

I thought I’d share a screenshot of my theme’s file structure and theme.json file to show that there are literally no styles or configurations going on.

VS Code file explorer on the left and an open theme.json file on the right.
File structure of Emptytheme (left) and theme.json file (right)

Let’s click the “Add Google Fonts” button. It takes us to a new page with options to choose any available font from the current Google Fonts API.

Add Google Fonts to your theme screen with the select font menu open showing a list of available fonts.

For this demo, I selected Inter from the menu of options and selected the 300, Regular, and 900 weights from the preview screen:

Add Google Fonts to your theme screen with Inter selected and type samples below it of the various weight variations.

Once I’ve saved my selections, the Inter font styles I selected are automatically downloaded and stored in the theme’s assets/fonts folder:

VS Code file explorer on the left showing Inter font files; theme.json on the right showing Inter references.

Notice, too, how those selections have been automatically written to the theme.json file in that screenshot. The Create Block Theme plugin even adds the path to the font files.

View the entire theme.json code
  "version": 2,
  "settings": {
    "appearanceTools": true,
    "layout": {
      "contentSize": "840px",
      "wideSize": "1100px"
    "typography": {
      "fontFamilies": [
          "fontFamily": "Inter",
          "slug": "inter",
          "fontFace": [
              "fontFamily": "Inter",
              "fontStyle": "normal",
              "fontWeight": "300",
              "src": [
              "fontFamily": "Inter",
              "fontStyle": "normal",
              "fontWeight": "900",
              "src": [
              "fontFamily": "Inter",
              "fontStyle": "normal",
              "fontWeight": "400",
              "src": [

If we go to the Create Block Theme’s main screen and click the Manage theme fonts button again, we will see Inter’s 300, 400 (Regular), and 900 weight variants displayed in the preview panel.

Manage Theme Fonts screen with a button to Add Google Font highlighted in red.

A demo text preview box at the top even allows you to preview the selected fonts within the sentence, header, and paragraph with the font size selection slider. You can check out this new feature in action in this GitHub video.

The selected font(s) are also available in the Site Editor Global Styles (AppearanceEditor), specifically in the Design panel.

Wordpress Site Editor screen with navigation panel open and highlighting the Edit button.

From here, navigate to TemplatesIndex and click the blue Edit button to edit the index.html template. We want to open the Global Styles settings, which are represented as a contrast icon located at the top-right of the screen. When we click the Text settings and open the Font menu in the Typography section… we see Inter!

Open template file in the Site Editor with an arrow pointing out the Global Styles settings button.

Same thing, but with local fonts

We may as well look at adding local fonts to a theme since the Create Block Theme plugin provides that option. The benefit is that you can use any font file you want from whatever font service you prefer.

Without the plugin, we’d have to grab our font files, drop them somewhere in the theme folder, then resort to the traditional PHP route of enqueuing them in the functions.php file. But we can let WordPress carry that burden for us by uploading the font file on the Add local fonts screen using the Create Block Theme interface. Once a file is selected to upload, font face definitions boxes are filled automatically.

Add local fonts to your theme screen with options to upload a font file and set its name, style, and weight.

Even though we can use any .ttf, .woff, or .woff2 file, I simply downloaded Open Sans font files from Google Fonts for this exercise. I snatched two weight variations, regular and 800.

The same auto-magical file management and theme.json update we saw with the Google Fonts option happens once again when we upload the font files (which are done one at a time). Check out where the fonts landed in my theme folder and how they are added to theme.json:

VS Code showing the font files and the theme.json file references to the font.

Removing fonts

The plugin also allows us to remove font files from a block theme from the WordPress admin. Let’s delete one of the Open Sans variants we installed in the last section to see how that works.

The interface for removing a font from the theme.

Clicking the Remove links triggers a warning for you to confirm the deletion. We’ll click OK to continue.

Modal confirming the font deletion.

Let’s open our theme folder and check the theme.json file. Sure enough, the Open Sans 800 file we deleted on the plugin screen removed the font file from the theme folder, and the reference to it is long gone in theme.json.

Updated theme.json file showing the font references have been removed.

There’s ongoing work happening

There’s talk going on adding this “Font Manager” feature to WordPress Core rather than needing a separate plugin.

An initial iteration of the feature is available in the repo, and it uses the exact same approach we used in this article. It should be GDPR-compliant, too. The feature is scheduled to land with WordPress 6.3 release later this year.

Wrapping up

The Create Block Theme plugin significantly enhances the user experience when it comes to handling fonts in WordPress block themes. The plugin allows us to add or delete any fonts while respecting GDPR requirements.

We saw how selecting a Google Font or uploading a local font file automatically places the font in the theme folder and registers it in the theme.json file. We also saw how the font is an available option in the Global Styles settings in the Site Editor. And if we need to remove a font? The plugin totally takes care of that as well — without touching theme files or code.

Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or suggestions, share them in the comments. I’d love to know what you think of this possible direction for font management in WordPress.

Additional resources

I relied on a lot of research to write this article and thought I’d share the articles and resources I used to provide you with additional context.

WordPress font management

GitHub issues

European GDPR requirements

Managing Fonts in WordPress Block Themes originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.