How To Improve Website Loading Speed

Website Speed Optimization is always an important job that a Marketer cares about to optimize the user experience and improve rankings on the Google search results page, as well as other aspects in Digital Marketing. Is your website experiencing slow loading? Severe customer loss? Then the following 10 tips on how to increase website speed are for you!

Apply AMP and PWA To Optimize Your Website

This is one of the ways to increase the speed of outstanding websites that Professional Web Development Companies often apply. To help you better understand the two terms above, the next content will explain in detail the two terms above.

Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack – How To Choose the Right Stack?

While programming languages are dime a dozen, a stack is something that keeps things going. Choosing the right stack for your web development project is where the essence of its success lies. So, if Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack is something that’s on top of your mind, then you’ve finally landed on the right page. Because we will show you the right track. Because we’ve got your back while you choose the right stack.

So, if you’re still unsure about the right stack between Full Stack vs MEAN Stack for your project, these points will help you make the right decision.

How Typescript Enums Work

How Typescript Enums Work

Enums, short for Enumerations, are preset constants that can be defined by a developer for use elsewhere in the code.

For Javascript developers, the concept of enums is usually new, but they are relatively straightforward to understand. Enums add context to what we're writing.

Rust’s Vector

I'll be honest: I initially wanted to describe all collections available in Rust as well as their related concepts. Then, I started to dig a bit into it, and I decided it would have been (much) too long. For that reason, I'll restrict the scope to the Vec type.

  1. My first cup of Rust
  2. My second cup of Rust
  3. The Rustlings exercises - part 1
  4. The Rustlings exercises - part 2
  5. Rust on the front-end
  6. A Rust controller for Kubernetes
  7. Rust and the JVM
  8. diceroller, a sample Rust project
  9. Rust’s Vector (this post)

Here's the diagram we will dive into:

Low-Code Enterprise Application Development: The Future of Technology

FACT CHECK: Low-code Enterprise Application Development is the Future of Technology

What is enterprise application development if not making business-centric apps which help companies make money?! While that is a rough description of apps per se, it holds a deeper meaning in terms of usability, customer care and service, and, most of all, in terms of branding. 

How to Code for Beginners

What Is Coding?

You must have heard about engineers doing coding in their systems, but what does it mean? It is an act of writing a language that can be understood by the computers, which let them perform a task. Codes are compiled and executed to let the process happen. We can create apps, software, websites with the help of coding. Codes are written in a different domain, for example, a machine learning engineer will write code for their ML models. A full-stack developer will write code to optimize their website, and an android developer will write code to make android applications. Coding can also be referred to like computer programming.

Why Should I Learn to Code?

Coding lets you decode your future easily. It opens new opportunities for the future. It not only improves your problem-solving skills but also helps in fulfilling your dream of getting the highest-paid jobs. 

Building a RESTful Service Using ASP.NET Core and dotConnect for PostgreSQL

The term REST is an abbreviation for Representational State Transfer. It is a software architectural style created to assist the design and development of the World Wide Web architecture. REST defines a set of constraints that define how a distributed hypermedia system, such as the Web, should be architected. Restful Web Services are HTTP-based, simple, lightweight, fast, scalable, and maintainable services that adhere to the REST architectural style.

The REST architectural style views data and functionality as resources accessed via Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). Restful architecture is a client-server paradigm that utilizes a stateless communication protocol, often HTTP, for data exchange between server and client. In REST, the clients and servers interact through a defined and standardized interface.

Working With Transactions in Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer

Entity Framework Core, a lightweight cross-platform version of the Entity Framework, gives you a standard method to retrieve data from various data sources using the Entity Framework. It supports working with transactions as well, so you can create and manage transactions elegantly.

This article presents a discussion on how we can work with transactions using Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer for data access.

The Utils for Repeated Item Scope Event Handlers


In the article "Event handling of Repeater Item" we considered how to handle events in the repeater items and why we shouldn't nest event handler inside the Repeater loop. There we created a code snippet that encapsulates the logic for receiving item selector and item data.

Copying and pasting the snippet of code isn't comfortable. Therefore I moved these little helpers to npm package repeater-scope. You can install this package using Package Manager.

What the Heck Are WebSockets!?

We are knee deep into the real-time world by this point with so many applications working with live data. It’s high time there was an explanation of all the events leading up to this point in a technological stance. So, here goes…

These days, applications are moving from utilizing stale data from a database or data that’s created on-the-fly following an event trigger in a live experience that follows real-world events. The first thing we think of when it comes to real-time applications is WebSockets. But, in spite of a lot of people constantly tossing around this term in technological circles, there actually seems to be huge misconceptions associated with its meaning and working.

Working With Lazy Loading and Eager Loading in Entity Framework Core and Entity Developer

Entity Framework is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) tool from Microsoft that has been an extremely popular from the time it was available. It enables developers to create data-centric applications by programming against a conceptual model rather than the relational model thereby solving the impedance mismatch between the way data is represented in the application and how it is actually stored in the database. While Entity Framework runs on .NET Framework, Entity Framework Core can run on .NET Core environment.

While Entity Framework runs on .NET Framework, Entity Framework Core can run on .NET Core environment.

Revisiting Regular Expression

A regular expression is nothing but a sequence of characters that define a pattern which then can be used to filter or match information. This article is not a tutorial on regular expression but shows the versatility of regular expression in our day-to-day life and some useful references.

Data is everywhere and is the new oil for modern generation. Data can be broadly categorized as binary data such as (mp3 file, png file, etc.) which in most cases is not human-readable, whereas text data like emails, notes, etc. are more human-friendly. Regular expression is well suited for searching for content in text data.

AngularJS Vs. ReactJS Vs. VueJS: A Detailed Comparison

Choosing the best technology for web development is a fundamental pillar for every business. But the process becomes sucking when you have to choose between the leading technologies like AngularJS, React JS, and Vue.js. All three differ only by their release date and their features.

From startups to ISVs, all are confused about choosing the right technology for their project. Be it Angular, React, or Vue.js, all have created a lot of buzz in the market and enjoy excellent community support. 

Embed PDFs in Your Webpage Using Adobe PDF Embed API

It is incredible just how much information we have today stored in PDF format. According to the PDF Association, approximately 2.5 trillion PDFs are created every year, making up 6 percent of the web. As a web developer, though, PDFs aren't always the most outstanding experience online:

  • Viewing experiences vary significantly across different users and devices because they depend on a PDF viewer. Whether it is embedded in web browsers or free online libraries, some viewers are better than others. Adobe Acrobat Reader is generally the universal standard for viewing PDFs properly. Google Chrome is also very common. However, many things have worked in Acrobat that still doesn't work or render correctly in Chrome.
  • It becomes difficult for me to be able to incorporate PDFs into the rest of my website. Most often, PDFs would prompt users to download PDFs on their devices.
  • Converting PDFs to HTML is complicated and unreliable. If I want to present content inside a webpage that is in PDF format, I might often flatten it to PDF to make it easier to embed.
  • I have no visibility into how my visitor is viewing those PDFs. This means that I have no idea if someone is reading certain pages, how long they spend on those pages, etc.

Fortunately, Adobe PDF Embed is an excellent solution to solve all of these challenges.

Angular vs React SEO: The Basics

The world of web development has changed profoundly in a short period of time.

One of the most significant developments to happen in the world of Web Dev is the adoption of JavaScript as a front-end framework used to build websites. Two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks popularly in use today are Angular and React.

Document Generation With Dynamic Image Generation

One of the fascinating aspects of Adobe Document Generation is how incredibly flexible it is. One aspect of the API that can enhance the final result is the ability to include images in your template. In a typical use case, you would provide a static image defined in your data used with the API. In this blog post, I will demonstrate a more advanced example — dynamically generating images, in our case, charts, on the fly.

The Basics

Before we get into a more advanced demo, let’s quickly cover the basics. (My coworker has an intense look into Document Generation and images you should check out.) As our docs describe, using a dynamic image in your Word template requires a few steps.

Comparison of Object Mapper Libraries

In this article, we look at object-to-object mappers in C# .NET.  Mappers solve the common problem of writing mundane and repetitive code when assigning values between objects.  Three different mapping libraries are evaluated to give an idea of common themes and some differences which might be relevant for your development needs.

The mapping libraries AutoMapper, AgileMapper, and Mapster have been used in a simple demo program to explore some simple mapping scenarios.

Migrating My Heroku-Based SaaS to Heroku Postgres

Over the course of my 30+ year career in Information Technology, I have encountered my fair share of proof-of-concept or prototype applications which have found their way into a productional state. This has always been a direct conflict with the original intent of the work that was created.

While this should be considered some form of a compliment for a job well-done, more often than not there are decisions made in those prototyping exercises which are not labeled as production-support friendly. To some degree, this very same scenario exists with the Heroku-based SaaS fitness solution I originally created for my sister-in-law.