How Do Developers Choose the Best Fit for Containers-as-a-Service (CaaS)?

The emergence of cloud-native development and containers has redefined how software is developed. But not all organizations have the resources or expertise to set up the required infrastructure to support a containerized application. Luckily, cloud vendors offer Containers-as-a-Service to help developers to capitalize on the benefits of cloud native development.

All three leading cloud providers have CaaS products but choosing the right one can be a challenge. While everyone has different requirements, it is always beneficial to understand what solutions others are using and why, to help inform decisions.

Most Common Security Fails (Part 3)

To understand the current and future state of the cybersecurity landscape we spoke to, and received written responses from, 50 security professionals. We asked them, "What are the most common security fails you see today?"

In Part 1, the lack of fundamentals, training, and vision were covered. In Part 2, a lack of strategy, up-to-date technology and tools, patching and data best practices were provided. The following are the responses that fell into the "other" category:

The Unseen Barrier to "Quality @ Speed": Risk

Surprisingly, the majority of enterprise organizations claim to be delivering software with “acceptable business risk”…even though they’re not actually measuring it.

That’s one of the key findings from new Forrester research entitled, "What Separates DevOps + Agile Leaders from Laggards?" Tricentis commissioned Forrester to survey over 600 enterprise leaders who are responsible for their firm’s Agile and DevOps initiatives, then analyzed the results.

Take the 2019 WP&UP Mental Health and Well-Being Survey

WP&UP is a mental health and well-being charitable organization founded by Dan Maby in 2018, whose mission is to promote positive mental health throughout the WordPress ecosystem.

The organization is currently hosting a survey to better understand the needs of the community.

The questions cover the general work environment, general mental health and well-being, and specific work-related mental health and well-being. The survey will close next week and the results will be anonymized, open-sourced, and shared with the community.

New Research Shows Continous Testing Separates Agile + DevOps Leaders from Laggards

Want further evidence that Continuous Testing has evolved from buzzword to business imperative? New Forrester research found that Continuous Testing, done properly, is a key differentiator between DevOps + Agile leaders and DevOps + Agile laggards. Here are the key findings and recommendations from that research project.

Key Continuous Testing Findings

1. Five Core Continuous Testing Practices Separate Successful Dev Ops + Agile Leaders from Laggards

Firms that are more mature in Agile + DevOps do five key things differently:

Have Your Say on the State of SQL Server Monitoring

In 2018, we ran the industry's first-ever state of SQL Server monitoring survey. We received an excellent response from over 600 people in a range of sectors, in organizations of every size across the globe. They provided valuable insights into what they thought the biggest challenges were for them and their estates over the next 12 months.

The results of the survey not only benefited the community but also helped us better understand how we could shape our own product development to deliver more value where organizations needed it.

Why CSS Needs its Own Survey

2016 was only three years ago, but that’s almost a whole other era in web development terms. The JavaScript landscape was in turmoil, with up-and-comer React — as well as a little-known framework called Vue — fighting to dethrone Angular.

Like many other developers, I felt lost. I needed some clarity, and I figured the best way to get it was simply to ask fellow coders what they used, and more importantly, what they enjoyed using. The result was the first ever edition of the now annual State of JavaScript survey.

The State of JavaScript 2018

Things have stabilized in the JavaScript world since then. Turns out you can’t really go wrong with any one of the big three frameworks, and even less mainstream options, like Ember, have managed to build up passionate communities and show no sign of going anywhere.

But while all our attention was fixated on JavaScript, trouble was brewing in CSS land. For years, my impression of CSS’s evolution was slow, incremental progress. Back then, I was pretty sure border-radius support represented the crowning, final achievement of web browser technology.

But all of a sudden, things started picking up. Flexbox came out, representing the first new and widely adopted layout method in over a decade. And Grid came shortly after that, sweeping away years of hacky grid frameworks into the gutter of bad CSS practices.

Something even crazier happened: now that the JavaScript people had stopped creating a new framework every two weeks, they decided to use all their extra free time trying to make CSS even better! And thus CSS-in-JS was born.

And now it’s 2019, and the Flexbox Cheatsheet tab I’ve kept open for the past two years has now been joined by a Grid Cheatsheet, because no matter how many times I use them, I still need to double-check the syntax. And despite writing a popular introduction to CSS-in-JS, I still lazily default to familiar Sass for new projects, promising myself that I’ll "do things properly" the next time.

All this to say that I feel just as lost and confused about CSS in 2019 as I did about JavaScript in 2016. It’s high time CSS got a survey of its own.

Starting from scratch

Coming up with the idea for a CSS survey was easy, but deciding on the questions themselves was far from straightforward. Like I said, I didn’t feel confident in my own CSS knowledge, and simply asking about Sass vs. Less for the 37th time felt like a missed opportunity…

Thankfully, the CSS Gods decided to smile down upon me: while attending the DotJS conference in France I discovered that, not only did fellow speaker Florian Rivoal live in Kyoto, Japan, just like me; but that he was a member of the CSS Working Group! In other words, one of the people who knows the most about CSS on the planet was living a few train stops away from me!

Florian was a huge help in coming up with the overall structure and content of the survey. And he also helped me realize how little I really knew about CSS.

Kyoto, Japan: a hotbed of CSS activity (Photo by Jisu Han)

You don’t know CSS

I’m not only talking about obscure CSS properties here, or even new up-and-coming ones, but about how CSS itself is developed. For example, did you know that the development of the CSS Grid spec was sponsored by Bloomberg, because they needed a way to port the layout of their famous terminal to the web?

Did you ever stop to wonder what top: 30px is supposed to mean on a circular screen, such as the one on a smartwatch? Or did you know that some people are laying out entire printed books in CSS, effectively replacing software like InDesign?

Talking with Florian really expanded my mind to how broad and interesting CSS truly is, and convinced me doing the survey was worth it.

"What do you mean, ‘Make the <table> circular’?" Photo by Artur Łuczka

About that divide...

The idea of a CSS survey became all the more important as my new-found admiration for CSS seemed to coincide with a general sentiment that HTML and CSS mastery were becoming under-appreciated skills in the face of JavaScript hegemony.

Myself, personally, I’ve always enjoyed being a generalist in the sense that I happily hop from one side of the great divide to another whenever I feel like it. At the same time, I’m also wholly convinced that the world needs specialists like Florian; people who dedicate their lives to championing and improving a single aspect of the web.

Devaluing the work the work of generalists is not only unfair, but it’s also counter-productive — after all, HTML and CSS are the foundation on which all modern JavaScript frameworks are built; and on the other hand, new patterns and approaches pioneered by CSS-in-JS libraries will hopefully find their way back into vanilla CSS sooner or later.

Thankfully, I feel like a minority of developers hold those views, and those who do generally hold them do so out of ignorance for what the "other side" really stands for more than any well-informed opinion.

So that’s where the survey comes in: I’m not saying I can fill up the divide, but maybe I can throw a couple walkways across, or distribute some jetpacks — you know, whatever works. 🚀

If that sounds good, then the first step is — you guessed it — taking the survey!

Take Survey

The post Why CSS Needs its Own Survey appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Digital Transformation Is Tougher Than You Think. Here’s What Can Help.

How hard is it to digitally transform an enterprise? A lot harder than you might imagine. That’s the message delivered by a recent survey, the “MuleSoft Connectivity Benchmark Report 2018.” MuleSoft surveyed 650 IT decision makers around the world and found how important they believe digital transformation is. The report also highlights how difficult it has been for them to digitally transform their enterprises and far they are from achieving their goals.

The report starts out warning, “To put it bluntly, those organizations that fail to digitally transform will start to lose revenue, and fast…But for many organizations, there are still huge barriers to digital transformation like integration, lack of resources, and misalignment between IT and the rest of the business.”