Engineering Manager: Continuous Feedback

Feedback is one of the most valuable tools to support people and company growth. What is feedback? It is any information about the product, workplace, company culture, team, workmates, or managers used as a basis for improvement. The feedback comes from many sources, but in this article, we focus on feedback between engineers and their engineering managers.

The feedback goals, frequency, and methodology to achieve them are good indicators of the company's culture. For example, there are many companies where the goals are only focused on performance delivery and not on the growth of the people's career path or skills.

Leading 650 Engineers with Microsoft’s Brendan Burns

Brendan Burns is famous in engineering circles as one of the co-founders of Kubernetes, but he's more than just a talented developer - he leads a team of 650 engineers at Microsoft.

In the first episode of a two-part series, Brendan joins the Dev Interrupted podcast to talk all things engineering leadership and management. After joining Microsoft and being given a team of 30 people, he has seen his teams double each year. Adopting a leadership style that he jokingly refers to as "my form of punishment is micromanagement," Brendan discusses how to be intentional about employee interactions in a remote world, the importance of delivering a concise message and why saying "yes" to as many opportunities as possible has led to career success.