The SaaS Customer Lifecycle Explained


Everything in life is characterized by cycles. There’s an order to most things from nature to the business world if you look close enough, and your SaaS business is no exception. It’s made up of many different cycles that need to work together for your business to function. One such cycle is the SaaS Customer lifecycle.

The SaaS Customer Lifecycle Explained

Before we can discuss how to utilize the SaaS customer lifecycle, we need to understand it. What is it? How does it work? And why is it important?

Top 5 Challenges in Agile Testing

Can you complete the testing challenges?

Testing challenges in agile has been a topic of woe for modern testers. This is mainly because it is one of the most frequented testing practices and methodologies. What does it mean to test on agile terms? Agile teams are required to release new features to the market in a matter of weeks, not months or years. Quality is essential to the agile method because its main focus is on satisfying customer requirements.

The challenges in agile testing are how to test features rapidly and comprehensively as development velocity increases.

Spring Bean Lifecycle

Spring (Coffee) Bean Lifecycle

The Spring IoC (Inversion of Control) container manages Spring beans. A “Spring bean” is just a Spring-managed instantiation of a Java class.

The Spring IoC container is responsible for instantiating, initializing, and wiring beans. The container also manages the life cycle of beans.

IoT Security Compliance: Necessary?

With so many IoT devices clouding the market, we wonder about the security of each unit. And rightly so, if you consider that cyber attacks cost U.S. enterprises $1.3 million, on average, in 2017. It is predicted that around 29 billion connected devices will be present by 2022, of which around 18 billion will be related to IoT. Given these figures, it is easy to imagine how important it is to have safe and secure IoT devices. In fact, 70 percent of IoT devices have a significant security vulnerability. When there are so many devices connected to each other over nonsecure platforms, the possibility of data security and cybersecurity being compromised are incredibly high. For instance, Chevrolet reported an increase in data usage by 200 percent for its Internet-connected vehicles. In spite of its advantages, this also exposes vehicles to possibilities of a security breach. As expected, hackers were able to remotely control the brakes and steering of one of their vehicles. The impact of such hacking into any physical product is immense. Apart from the loss of brand loyalty, payment of claims, product recall, such security compromises can also lead to loss of life and property. To cite another instance, there have been studies where doctors have been handed hacked devices which have led to the death of simulated patients. It is horrifying to consider the real-life implications.

So, here is a checklist of all important points that must be considered while creating an IoT Security Compliance checklist.

Full Lifecycle Container Security

According to our 2019 DevSecOps Community survey of over 5,500 IT professionals, just 24 percent of companies with mature DevOps practices have integrated and automate security into their DevOps pipeline — that drops to 3 percent for those without a DevOps practice. While the change to integrating security into the development process is a big culture shift, the benefits in security compliance and eventual cost savings, far outweigh the initial friction.

But, alas, that is a case for different posts and presentations.