Teach Your Bot to Ask for More Information — How to Do It in Teneo

Sometimes users communicate using incomplete inputs making it harder to interpret what they want. To be able to get that humanlike answer the bot needs to learn how to ask for more information to be able to understand what the user wants. Here is how you teach it to do so in Teneo Studio.

In Teneo we might expect ambiguous inputs mentioning one of our relevant products, such as coffee or flat white. We would have the same trouble understanding if someone spoke to us this way. Do they want to order? Do they want the calorie count? Something else?

Build Chatbots with Dialogflow – Step By Step Guidelines

Dialogflow from Google (earlier known as API.ai) is a great platform for developing chatbots for multiple platforms. Earlier when Dialogflow was known as API.ai, they had an Android and iOS client library to integrate chatbot into mobile apps. But after merging into Google, the existing library is not getting updated; rather we are seeing Dialogflow added to Google’s Cloud platform and a new Java-based client API is being developed.

In this article, I will show you how you can integrate a chatbot developed in Dialogflow using the new Java client API. 

Web Development Trends and Techniques for 2020

Web development trends are always changing. After they show up, some evolve for the better and last for years. Others disappear quite quickly, not leaving much of a mark. Many of the trends that started in 2019 are making their way to 2020. This article digs the web development trends a little deeper and predicts which trends will expand in 2020.

The following are some trends to keep an eye out for:

ESP8266 and Telegram Bot: Home Automation

Learn more about home automation with Telegram Bot

This tutorial describes how to use ESP8266 with Telegram bot to automate tasks in your home. In more detail, we want to create a bot based on Telegram that uses an ESP8266 to control peripherals such as LEDs or to turn on or off an external device automating some home tasks. We can integrate ESP8266 and Telegram Bot in two different steps:

  • Define a bot in Telegram
  • Build an ESP8266 sketch that handles bot commands and controls external peripherals
You may also like: Home Automation: Playing With IoT, Temperature Sensors, Fans, and Telegram Bots

Where can you use this project? There are several ways to use ESP8266 and Telegram bot, for example, to automate tasks using simple commands or to remotely control devices. For example, home automation is one of the most simple use cases where this project can be applied. We can use this project to turn on or off lights in our home or some appliances, making the first step in home automation.

Building a Chatbot in Neo4j (Part Two)

Ready for Part Two?
You may also like: Building a Chatbot in Neo4j

In part one our this building a chatbot series, we figured out how to use OpenNLP to "hear" what a user is saying and figure out both their intent and any entities they may have mentioned. Today we're going to learn how to use Neo4j to talk back...like an impudent child.

We haven't done any graph modeling yet, so let's tackle part of this. Our chatbot will be used by a team of Shadowrunners under a single account, but by different members of the team. We need Account nodes and these nodes will have Members that send us messages, and we'll have to reply to those messages. The messages will be in order, so we can chain them together in a list. It looks like this:

Creating a Conversational Order Process in Teneo

Creating a conversational order process

Think about how much faster you could sell or help customers by having a chatbot or virtual assistant handling orders. An order process has certain information that needs to be filled out in order to complete the process. When you are building a bot, this is called slot filling. This guide is a walkthrough on how you create a slot filling flow.

You might also like:  Slot-Filling Chatbots Will Never Meet Human Expectations

Slot filling is about collecting certain bits of information from the user before a final response can be given. A typical use-case is to make an order of some kind where certain parameters need to be settled before the order can be placed, for example booking a flight or ordering a pair of shoes.

UX Design Trends to Look For In 2020

It's hard to believe, but 2020 means we will be heading into the decade’s final chapter. In these ten years, the internet has changed our everyday life. We have witnessed change and seen the reign of mobile, the introduction of a chatbot, IoT, AR, VR. As breakthrough as all of these new technologies have been, where I see and feel these transformations the most is in web design trends. It seems like UX design trends will be huge in 2020 as we will witness aesthetics and technology come together like never before.

You may also like: A Beginner's Guide to Creating an Interactive Chatbot Flow in Teneo.

A Recap

What is User Experience (UX) Design?

7 Powerful Chatbot Building Platforms

Some of the popular chatbot publishing platforms are FB Messenger, Kik, Slack, Telegram, and WeChat.

A chatbot publishing platform is a medium through which a chatbot can be accessed and used by users.

AI Chatbots: Reality vs. Hype

Welcome to the world of intelligent chatbots: your companion and conversation agents who should make your life smarter. A leading research paper even said that by 2020, the average person would have more conversations with bots than with their spouse. So, be ready to embrace this new life in a year from now.

Ok… Hold on. Have you ever tried telling Siri or Google to “find restaurants that don’t serve pizza?” At least they are both consistent in that they gave the same answer — suggesting restaurants that do serve pizza.

Building a Chatbot With Couchbase, Amazon Lex, and Node.js

It is no question that the future is going to be automated. We have automated self-driving vehicles, voice assistants, call center and text-based bots, and so much more. However, what does it take to bring automation to your business?

The short answer is that it doesn't take much more than building standard applications if you're using the right tools.

A Complete Guide to Managing Time and Date Periods With a Chatbot

Business Challenge

Dates are the key parameter that is mandatory in numerous business scenarios like Leave or Travel Request Creation, generating conversational reports for backend data for the date or period. However, it sometimes appears to be a challenge to record various date formats and combinations (one date, several dates, period).


This tutorial is meant to be for advanced users, so if you haven’t built your first bot, follow this tutorial.
If you want to learn how to master memory management using the bot builder on SAP Conversational AI platform, please read this article first!

How to Control Your Web App With an Integrated AI Chatbot

Conversational interfaces are gaining in popularity, especially for transacting with seemingly opaque backend systems. For example, we can deploy a chatbot to walk a customer through a troubleshooting process and create a ticket if they require further assistance, all without the customer having to know the ticket creation process. This allows for a more intuitive experience for your customer, increasing customer satisfaction, while also improving efficiency by freeing employees from handling the classification and routing of tickets.

Conversational AI can handle this out of the box, but what if your users want to be able to interact with your front-end application? For example, it might be nice for your user to navigate to a certain page within your website without having to find the exact link or allow your user to apply a complex filter to a list of products without having to click around menus. Though our webchat can be embedded on any website, it does not have the contextual awareness of the UI necessary for these sorts of interactions. To demonstrate how we can accomplish this contextual awareness, we will create a simple map application with an embedded bot that has the ability to move the map and zoom in or out:

How to Make a Chatbot With AI

The world is slowly moving towards intelligent business systems that can make important decisions or perform vital actions on behalf of humans while offering a personalized experience. AI Chatbots are the latest rage in the current business technology scene ranging from e-commerce systems to hospitality management systems. The key advantages are anytime and anywhere interactions, which give the business global access to potential customers.

These intelligent software systems analyze previous conversations and study patterns using what is known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to exhibit a more human-like response to queries. Some chatbots even flash the current user’s preferences based on previous conversations to give a more realistic touch to the interaction. Using a combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Vector Machines, Heuristics, and ANN, chatbots are designed to respond like intelligent humans.