4 Perspectives When Selecting a Conversational AI Platform

 Businesses are quickly acknowledging the importance of Conversational AI (CAI) to increase their customer engagement and revenues. The question is no longer whether to deploy CAI, but rather which platform to use and how to leverage its capabilities. 

In this series, see some insight on important aspects of a conversational AI platform that buyers often overlook. For example, what does language support really mean? What is localization? How do different deployment models impact the TCO? And maybe most importantly – How can the CAI platform not only help me during the first development sprints – but across the entire bot lifecycle?

The Ultimate Chatbot Development Guide for a Niche Edge

Enterprise concerns or requirements in chatbot development have been progressing rapidly without much hindrance. With the coming of artificial intelligence development services, the need for contextual communication to simulate almost human-like responses has become inevitable. The fact that it can be effortlessly deployed and automated is even more beneficial.

Chatbots are being pushed in development for dynamic intelligence to engage in contextual communication giving users human-like interactions through real-life situations. This is a trendy and promising path that is now carried out by every software development company as there is a dire need to provide a transformative user experience and also in narrowing down enterprise hassles.

How a Bot Built in Teneo Can Make Proactive Suggestions and Offers

Sometimes we want our bot to give some extra information that the user did not explicitly request, such as special deals, promotions, and more. In Teneo, this can be achieved using prompt triggers.

Prompt triggers are tested after the normal flow execution, right before the response is given. If a prompt trigger matches, the flow containing this trigger will be executed and the resulting output will be added to the response. In the example below, the first part of the bot answer comes from the ‘User wants to order coffee’ flow, while the second, highlighted, part comes from a flow that has a prompt trigger:

Teach Your Conversational AI Chatbot to Pick up Entities in Teneo Studio

Teaching a conversational AI chatbot to pick up entities.

In order for your bot to understand what the user said, some words of the user's utterance are more important than others. Typical examples for such important words include so-called named entities like cities or product names. Here is how you pick up an entity from user input in Teneo Studio.

You might also like:  A Beginner’s Guide to Creating an Interactive Chatbot Flow in Teneo

Sometimes it's not enough to recognize which flow to trigger. Your bot may also need to extract some piece of information from the input to respond appropriately. Let's assume that the user wants to know where our Longberry Baristas stores are located. This is how such a conversation could go about:

Tracking and Using Sentiment in Teneo

His sentiment doesn't look too good.


The Teneo platform is delivered with a collection of agile, customizable tools that build on the usual intent recognition that natural language systems offer. Combined with Teneo's unique infrastructure, these tools allow you to cumulatively monitor various aspects of user behavior during a conversation:

Characteristics of user input Categories Examples
Sentiment negative
not happy about this
that was a nice answer
Intensity cues capitalization
intensifying vocabulary
multiple one-word sentences
what DAY is this
I know, I know
what?? what!! what!?!
very good, extremely well
You. are. great.
Abusive language hate speech
sexual abuse
(clearly racist statements)
(obscene language)
(threats of violence)
(explicit sexual references)
Controversial themes

I need an abortion.
How do I rob a bank?
My best friend died.
Heil Hitler.
Let’s have sex.
I want to end it all.
What happened on 9/11?

Think about these categories for a moment. Knowing what happens at the meta-level of a conversation opens numerous powerful possibilities. During the session, you have an opportunity to identify and react to various situations that arise, tailoring the conversation towards a better user experience. After the session, you are able to analyze user sentiment towards company products and services as well as towards acceptance of the system's handling of the users’ issues. In this article, we focus on use cases for sentiment tracking during the session. 

Four Ways Chatbots Make Your Office Life Easier

Routine tasks kill productivity and creativity. It’s an obvious fact, but if you need proof, there are stats showing that people spend up to 80 percent of their average workday on activities of little to zero value. How can organizations solve the problem? Incorporating chatbots is one of the most innovative and effective answers.

When Merge Queue, or MQ for short, joined one of our projects, we all felt relieved. This guy has taken on the arduous task of managing access to the GitHub repository. How does it work? Well, MQ lets only one developer at a time use the central file storage, preventing hang-ups. Others who want to push changes receive a notification: "Hold your horses, you are in the queue!" After the repository is free, MQ pings the next contributor in a waiting line.

Dialogflow Tutorials to Learn Chatbot Development

Chatbots are becoming widely popular nowadays as more and more businesses are adapting it to cater to their various needs. Many of the companies are considering chatbots to improve their customer support. Also, there are chatbots being developed for various bookings like scheduling appointments, ticket booking, hotel room booking, restaurant table bookings, etc. As the popularity of the chatbots is increasing, it's high time that you learn chatbot development. 

To make our lives easier, there are multiple chatbot platforms available that we can use to get started with chatbot development. Some of the platforms are powerful enough to let you create a bot without any programming knowledge. Dialogflow is one such platform.