It Can Be an IoNT Integrate With Blockchain?

The Internet of Nano Things is one of the most talked-about topics in today's tech world. However, there are many challenges facing IoNT. The author speculates that several challenges can be solved with Blockchain-based on author sources. This article will discuss the differences between IoNT and IoT and how Blockchain addresses the challenges of IoNT.

What Is the Internet of Nano Things (IoNT)?

The Internet of Nano Things, or IoNT, has roots in IoT and nanotechnology, according to StatNano, which defines it as "an interconnected system of very small devices that transfer data over a network."

6 Best Platforms to learn Blockchain in Depth

Hello Devs, if you want to become a Blockchain Developer and are looking for the best resources to learn Blockchains like online platforms, websites, places, books, online courses, and tutorials, you have come to the right place.

Earlier, I have shared the best Blockchain courses, and today, I will share the best places, websites, and online platforms where you can learn Blockchain in-depth by yourself.

Why PSP22 Is Important to The Polkadot Ecosystem

Standards are critical to the successful development of emerging technologies, and Polkadot is no exception. It's important because the proper standard set at the right time can help improve interoperability and build trust within the technology ecosystem (opening the doors to mass adoption). 

Benchmarks like these are crucial to enable token-based smart contracts that interact with each other. Without a standard, anyone can develop and deploy their own smart contract. The problem with this approach is that they would have to expose the same function signature to enable true interoperability.

Top 10 August ’21 IoT Articles to Read Now


IoT deals with devices connected with each other, sharing data to achieve autonomous tasks. IoT has brought in home automation, modular furniture, smart complexes, and many new ways to save resources. How awesome would it be to find top trending articles in the IoT Zone in one place so that you can always stay up to date with the latest trends in technology? We dug into Google analytics to find the top 10 most popular IoT articles in August. Let's get started!

10. IoT Messaging Protocols

Want to learn more about the top platforms for IoT messaging protocols? Check out this article with different types of messaging protocols for your app.

Top Cybersecurity Trends Ruling the Financial Market

While 2020 was all about the COVID-19 pandemic, it allowed the digital world to flourish, with businesses investing more and more resources in developing frameworks to interact with customers online. The demand for technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), real-time cloud computing, and machine-learning-based systems outgrew the existing solutions in the market. 

Unfortunately, the surge in the digital revolution came at a price of increased cybersecurity risks, since perpetrators became active on digital platforms as well. As a counter to these concerns, enterprises and SMEs started employing quick and efficient cybersecurity solutions to combat perpetrators from hijacking customer identities. 

How Good Is Python for Blockchain Development?

With the growing interest in blockchain, the choice of technologies for creating blockchain solutions is becoming one of the main issues. Python is often ranked among the top tools for creating blockchain-based projects. According to StackOverflow’s 2019 developer survey, this programming language entered the top 5 most popular languages among developers. Moreover, according to the TIOBE rating, Python ranks as the second most popular programming language as of June 2021. So let's see how exactly this technology is attracting engineers around the world and what role it plays in blockchain development.

Blockchain Development Without Complications

Most often, the first thing you hear about Python is that it's pretty simple. It is easy to learn so even novice developers can contribute to the development of open-source projects. To understand how this simplicity benefits blockchain developers, let's go through the process of building blockchains. 

Develop a Scalable Event Listener for Blockchain

Developing a Scalable Event Listener for Hyperledger Fabric

Using an event listener for replicating data stored in Hyperledger Fabric ledgers is an emerging pattern in todays’ enterprise solutions based on Hyperledger Fabric oriented distributed ledger technology-based platform. This article will provide a comprehensive guide for building an event listener using Hyperledger fabric-sdk-go. All the examples have assumed the usage of Hyperledger Fabric v2.2.x platform.

Why We Need Event Listeners

For many blockchain-based applications, it has been observed that there is a requirement of storing all or some of the assets into an off-chain data storage. There could be several motivations for such requirements. Some of the frequently encountered cases are

5 Ways Blockchain Is Revolutionizing E-commerce Payments

A blockchain is a peer-to-peer network of computers. Blockchain technology offers easy, secured, and faster options for international payments. It is used in various industries such as retail, insurance, automotive, health care, and advertising.

The e-commerce industry is flowing, but payments remain a crucial factor to improve user experience. There are 24 million e-commerce sites worldwide. The total online sales from e-commerce reached $3.9 trillion at the end of 2020. However, what's interesting to note is that around 155 million e-commerce transactions end in a dispute.

Building Blockchain Apps: Key Considerations and Steps in The Process

Just think about a mobile app that instead of depending on one server can actually draw power from a multitude of remote computers through the mediation of a distributed database network. That's precisely the story of Blockchain-based mobile apps. Blockchain for mobile app development ensures optimum security and resilience against all kinds of attacks and data breaches.

The emergence of cryptocurrency solutions like Bitcoin that allowed anyone to join a decentralized Blockchain network and provided a cross-verification-based network for secure transactions were the first instances of Blockchain-based apps that swept the world. Since Bitcoin and the likes completely revolutionized digital transactions and asset management more than ever before, they continued to grow and find traction across all enterprises.

Private Blockchains: Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda

In our primitive blogs, we learned about the basics of Blockchain Technology, what are public and private blockchains. We understood the details of public blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum as well as private blockchains Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Fabric 2, the private blockchains of the Hyperledger family. While each blockchain has its own features and advantages, not everything can be applied and implemented for a particular project or business. Every business has its own set of requirements, the challenges or problems vary from business to business and a lot of other factors like budget, infrastructure, resources, time, etc., have to be taken into account while choosing the right technology for a business project.

In the case of Blockchain, a business, depending upon its nature and functionality may require to choose either a public, a private or a hybrid blockchain. While one of our previous blogs explained the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, the public blockchains; this blog will shed more light on the difference between Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda, the private blockchains. Check below for Hyperledger vs. Quorum vs. Corda activity protocols over the years.

GraphQL Revisited: Adoption in Blockchains

GraphQL Revisited

GraphQL Logo

Key Takeaways

  1. GraphQL is an open-source data query and modification language for APIs leveraged by several prominent tech shops such as Facebook (original creator), Github, Pinterest, Intuit, Coursera, Paypal, Yelp, and Shopify to name a few. It has gotten a lot of positive attention from the engineering community and supporters have termed it as 'Better REST,' asserting a range of benefits over traditional REST.
  2. With all the buzz around GraphQL, do developers need to make an active shift towards it and deprecate REST endpoints completely? It depends on many factors, which are discussed in this article. While GraphQL is an extremely powerful and flexible API strategy, it is not a silver bullet for all your data CRUD needs. You should evaluate your application needs and developer skills to make the right call (by using a skills assessment like this one:  
  3. GraphQL adoption (switching from REST) usually requires a major rewrite of the API and Client layer for your application. While there are material benefits to make the switch, depending on the size and complexity of your app, this can be a massive undertaking in terms of time and resources. There is also a learning curve with GraphQL and its best practices which should be taken into account before taking the leap.
  4. At the same time, GraphQL can remarkably simplify/optimize your data access and modification needs for both client and server-side engineers, regardless of the languages or environment you’re in. If you’re writing an app from scratch and/or not afraid to try something new, GraphQL presents itself as a great option with many compelling reasons to use it. It can vastly improve the performance of your app and developer experience.
  5. If you decide to leverage GraphQL, don't rush on your graph schema design. Measure twice and cut once. Mapping a good GraphQL schema is a non-trivial task. So take your time and try to get it right the first time around; it will save you from a lot of inconvenience down the line.
  6. GraphQL is seeing increased adoption in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency space. Due to the distributed nature of blockchains, querying on-chain data is a hard problem and it is being simplified using GraphQL. With Graph APIs, viewing data across different crypto exchanges, markets, assets, and on-chain data can all be done in a single query.


GraphQL is a data-query language created by Facebook that went open source in 2015. It provides a completely understandable description of the data in the API and enables clients to function in a declarative style to fetch exactly what they need — nothing less, nothing more. In this article, we will summarize how it works, why you should use it, what are some of its drawbacks and how it is increasingly being adopted in the Crypto space.

AI Is Booming Vaccine Supply Chain—From Blockchain To Big Data

COVID-19 cases are increasing at an astonishing rate around the globe. 96.2 million cases have occurred globally, out of which 2.06 million people have died. This immense rate of patient’s data production has paved the way for new innovative data storage technologies. This data is utilized afterward to predict and analyze pandemic measures to fight post-pandemic virus conditions. 

According to a study,  ISARIC4C is collecting data of patients who are suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic from over 250 hospitals in the United Kingdom. Big data is an innovative technology that can be utilized by health care centers to store an enormous amount of patient information. This helps in developing a better understanding of the nature of this virus, and this collected information can also be further utilized for future prevention methods. This technology helps in storing all sorts of data i.e. the infected, recovered, and the number of deceased people. Prediction models have been developed by researchers which need to be fed a lot of data. The 4C deterioration model is designed using ISARIC4C data to predict the risk of COVID-19. 

The Bitcoin Blockchain Explained

Bitcoin is the world’s first and most popular digital currency. It is decentralized and controlled by no one. How does it work, and why can you trust it? After all, if computers can copy any file, why can’t I just make copies of my bitcoins? And if it is not controlled by any one central party, what prevents me from making or forging transactions for bitcoins I don’t own? This article will explain in layman’s terms how Bitcoin works and provide information on how the technology backing Bitcoin can be used for business use cases beyond simply a digital currency.

Bitcoin works by solving three record-keeping challenges without the need for a central record keeper like a bank:

How to Build a Cryptocurrency Exchange Application and How Much It Would Cost

You probably heard of the most recent trend in the world of cryptocurrency. After all, just about everyone is “mining” these days. However, there aren’t enough GPUs to meet demand. 

Cryptocurrency is attainable even for those who aren’t tech-savvy. At some point, people discover Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin, all of which can be used just like the Euro and Dollar. Transactions are made with a cryptocurrency wallet. This form of cryptocurrency is alluring: the cost of transactions is minimal in comparison to national currencies.

Will 2021 See AI Grow Into The Crypto Landscape?

After years of unprecedented growth, both worlds of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence appear to become deeper intertwined in 2021 with the emergence of AI-driven crypto exchanges and wallets.

The crypto market place has been known to create unlikely millionaires virtually overnight. With heavy levels of market volatility and huge volumes of data produced with every movement, the utilization of intuitive analytical software can be hugely beneficial for investors and market analysts alike. However, the future roles that AI can play within the world of crypto can extend way beyond smart market analysis.