Common B2B SaaS Integration Patterns and When to Use Them

According to a recent survey, the number of SaaS companies has grown to more than 25,000 worldwide. In general, businesses that subscribe to SaaS products work with multiple SaaS vendors and expect that the apps will integrate with each other. To address this, some SaaS companies build bespoke integrations into their apps, while others go with an embedded integration platform to address their customers' integration needs.

Regardless of the approach you are taking for integrations with your app, you'll find that most integrations should fit into a few common patterns. Knowing these patterns will help whether you find yourself in the midst of an integration project, just getting started with building out your API, or in the early days of planning a new SaaS app.

How to Scale Your SaaS Business


Scaling is essential for success in the SaaS industry. If you can’t scale, you can’t reach new customers. Once your customer pool stays stagnant, your competitors will overtake you. 

With so much competition and such a small time frame to get it right, scaling your SaaS business can seem scary. Luckily it doesn’t need to be so difficult!

The SaaS Customer Lifecycle Explained


Everything in life is characterized by cycles. There’s an order to most things from nature to the business world if you look close enough, and your SaaS business is no exception. It’s made up of many different cycles that need to work together for your business to function. One such cycle is the SaaS Customer lifecycle.

The SaaS Customer Lifecycle Explained

Before we can discuss how to utilize the SaaS customer lifecycle, we need to understand it. What is it? How does it work? And why is it important?

How To Turn Loyal Customers Into Advocates in SaaS


While "you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar" might be an old and well-worn phrase, it’s also true today of the SaaS industry. After all, attracting, catching, and keeping new customers has always been the name of the game-step in brand advocacy.

Brand advocates in SaaS offer so much more than fandom—they are your secret and often most helpful marketing team. By spreading brand awareness, they influence their network to become customers too. 

Popular SaaS Podcasts for 2021


In the early 2000s, technology skyrocketed. Some of the most popular platforms we know today emerged, and their creators set their sights on the stratosphere. From Facebook and Youtube to iPhones and Fitbits—the digital transformation was rampant. It was from this melting pot of innovation that the podcast was born. 

Today podcasting is one of the most used platforms out there. In this piece, we’ll talk you through all things podcast-related and give you our top list of popular SaaS podcasts in 2021.

The Vital Importance of SaaS Buyer Persona Development

SaaS inbound marketing is used to attract new users to your product and convince them to pay for it. Buyer persona development can help you do just this, but what exactly is it? How do you create one, and where do they fit into your SaaS business? We’re here with some insider knowledge about how you can use personas to take your business to the next level.

What Is a SaaS Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a fictional representation of what your target customer looks like. This isn’t the same as gathering demographics, as it goes much deeper. It is modeled on how your ideal customer thinks and feels. It goes to the core of who they are and what they want from your product.

Building a Modern B2B E-Commerce Tech Stack


Most articles about building e-commerce software focus on B2C (business-to-consumer) settings. While B2C is widely written about, there are far fewer technical guides for developers in the $1.3 trillion B2B (business-to-business) e-commerce industry. B2B e-commerce is notably different from B2C retailing, and building software for this industry poses a unique set of challenges.

In this post, I’ll shed some light on building a modern, scalable B2B e-commerce platform. I’ll share some of the technical considerations you’ll make and architectural decisions you’ll encounter. Along the way, I’ll mention a few tools that will help you build B2B e-commerce software faster.

Traditional iPaaS Doesn’t Work for Software Companies – Here’s Why

It’s no surprise that software integration is a hot topic these days. Or that there’s a growing number of iPaaS (Integration Platform as a Service) solutions that help companies build integrations between all the different applications they use.

Businesses are using more and more unique applications as part of their day-to-day operations. That presents challenges like siloed data and disjointed workflows, creating a need to easily connect those applications.

How to Send AS2 Messages With an EDI Trading Platform

Keep your confidential data secure

When business involves lots of confidential data, security becomes a major concern for all enterprises. Therefore, going for an EDI trading platform with a secure file transfer protocol is essential. AS2 Gateway is a SaaS EDI trading platform that is created based on AS2 protocol to provide secure communication for B2B enterprises.

In addition to all the benefits packaged with AS2 protocol, AS2 Gateway itself provides a flexible, easy-to-use, personalized piece of software to the customers. So, in this article let's talk about how to send AS2 messages via AS2 Gateway.