A Complete Guide to Managing Time and Date Periods With a Chatbot

Business Challenge

Dates are the key parameter that is mandatory in numerous business scenarios like Leave or Travel Request Creation, generating conversational reports for backend data for the date or period. However, it sometimes appears to be a challenge to record various date formats and combinations (one date, several dates, period).


This tutorial is meant to be for advanced users, so if you haven’t built your first bot, follow this tutorial.
If you want to learn how to master memory management using the bot builder on SAP Conversational AI platform, please read this article first!

GloVe and fastText — Two Popular Word Vector Models in NLP

Miklov et al. introduced the world to the power of word vectors by showing two main methods: Skip–Gram and Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW). Soon after, two more popular word embedding methods built on these methods were discovered. In this post, we’ll talk about GloVe and fastText, which are extremely popular word vector models in the NLP world.

Global Vectors (GloVe)

Pennington et al. argue that the online scanning approach used by word2vec is suboptimal since it does not fully exploit the global statistical information regarding word co-occurrences.

How to Approach Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Introduction to the Security Development Lifecycle (SDL)

Security Development Lifecycle is one of the four Secure Software Pillars. By pillars, I mean the essential activities that ensure secure software.

SDL can be defined as the process for embedding security artifacts in the entire software cycle.

Why You Should Work Remotely As A Developer in 2019

As developers, we are extremely lucky: the demand for our skills is high, the job is cool, the salary is good. But most of all, we can work from home!

The rise of new ways of communicating has deeply impacted the work environment. While our grandfathers used to work on the assembly lines of Ford industries, we are lucky enough to see our assembly line is dematerialized: we can build cars without being in the same physical location.

Why You Need to Automate Your Customer Support With Chatbots

Up until 2015, social media dominated the digital world, creating a new way of sharing content, managing customer support, or communicating around the world. We all got used to it and were expecting instant gratification and simplicity out of everything digital. In 2015, messaging apps such as Messenger, Whatsapp, Kik, and Telegram took over social media in terms of users.

This created a new shift in the way we get information online: conversation became the new way of sharing — the new interface. That, of course, had a strong impact on the service industry, which consequently faced a drastic increase in online interactions. Thus, companies today are having to find ways to efficiently manage the increased requests while still providing outstanding customer support.

Getting a Bot That Really Works: The Best Corporate Architectures for Conversational Interfaces

People today expect instantaneity. That's why messaging has become the most popular interface in the world; billions of messages are sent every hour! But while the public has shifted to this conversational era, companies and governments are still living in the past. So, when brands record a drastic increase in customer support requests, they are failing to provide a good experience for their customers and losing them. Let's not forget that poor customer service amounts to $1.6 trillion annual losses in the US only.

"There are many reasons for a brand to build a bot! The two most important are innovation and customer relations. Innovation generates convictions about what you want to do with chatbots, giving you the opportunity to rethink your customer or employee relationship. All in the goal of offering a more powerful service."
Christophe Tricot, AI expert and manager at Kynapse  ( @ctricot )

In a past article, we've talked about why chatbots are the only viable solution to scale the customer service of major corporations. Remember how brands today are struggling to handle the booming number of customer requests and because of bad customer care, are losing money and gaining a bad reputation? Well bots, by excelling at managing simple customer conversations, are definitely the best solution: they automate support while increasing productivity and customer experience quality.