An Immutable Mastodon Handle

Whether Twitter crumbles remains to be seen, though some signs are telling. Whatever happens, I'm continuing to invest a bit in Mastodon. Last week, I showed how to sync one's content between Twitter and Mastodon. This week, I've set up a Mastodon handle on my domain that redirects to my profile page: I want to explain how I achieved it and the problems I'm still having.

Mastodon 101

Mastodon is different from Twitter in that it's not centralized: it's a federation of Mastodon servers, run independently and connected — the Fediverse. To be precise, the Fediverse is more than Mastodon nodes, but let's not go that far. The first problem when one wants to create a Mastodon account is to choose the correct instance. My first choice was, but it was closed to new accounts at the time. I set my eyes on for no reason but that it was in the proposal list and was French.
