New Macbook Air Beats M1 Max for Java Development

This is a shocker…I just switched laptops, and I thought I was downgrading from the “top of the line” M1 Max with 64 GB (14.1-inch version) to a “tiny” MacBook Air M2 with “only” 24gb of RAM. Turns out I was wrong. The new M2 seems to be noticeably faster for my use cases as a Java developer. I was at first shocked, but in retrospect, I guess this makes sense.

I recently left my job at Lightrun. I usually buy my own laptops, as I don’t enjoy constantly switching devices when I’m at work or working on personal things. But since I worked at Lightrun for so long, I accepted their offer for a laptop. One year after I got the new laptop, I found myself leaving the company. So arguably, this should have been a big mistake. Turns out it wasn’t.
