How To Solve Android Studio Gradle Build Failure

I was trying to make an app On Android Studio. During the making of the app on Android studio, it gives an error. The error was about the Gradle bundle failing.

I neglected this error while creating. I thought this might be due to the slow process and net speed. But after some time, when I pushed the tab for the final step, the pop-up appears that the generate the app failed. It took almost 2 hours to do.

Is there any senior app developer who can help me out in solving this irritating problem?

What a DevOps Test Toolchain Is and Why It Matters for Your Mobile App Development

The digital experience is now primary to our everyday lives. Our recent consumer report, Every Experience Matters, dove into quality and how it affects consumer behavior. We know, for example, that 20% of users will abandon a brand after encountering even one error on a mobile app. At the user level, everything comes down to customer experience.

To meet these customer expectations for constant value delivery, companies have to continuously develop software and deliver hundreds or even thousands of releases every year. 

Key Characteristics of Web 3.0 Every User Must Know

Web 3.0 is indeed the future version of the present-day Internet which will be purely based on public blockchains. Public blockchains refer to a record-keeping system known for carrying out crypto transactions. Unlike its predecessors, the key feature of Web 3.0 is its decentralized mechanism, translating to users using the Internet via services governed by major tech players, individuals, and users. The users will also get the privilege of controlling various parts of the Internet. Web 3.0 doesn't necessarily demand any form of "permissions," meaning that the governing bodies have no role to play in deciding the Internet service accessibility, nor is any "trust" required. Hence no intermediatory body is not necessary to carry out virtual transactions amongst different involved parties. Since these online agencies are involved in most of the data collection part, Web 3.0 will protect user privacy in a better manner.

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is an integral component of Web 3.0 and has gained significant traction recently. It involves executing real-world financial transactions over blockchain technology without any assistance from banks or the government. Also, larger enterprises across different industries are now investing in Web 3.0, and this hasn't been easy to consider that their engagement won't be driving results in some centralized authority form.

How to Enable Maintenance Mode for WooCommerce

Do you want to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce without affecting other parts of your WordPress website?

Maintenance mode allows you to show a user-friendly notice to shoppers instead of a broken eCommerce site. You can even enable maintenance mode for specific product pages or areas of your WooCommerce store.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce.

How to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce

Why and When You Need to Enable Maintenance Mode for WooCommerce

Sometimes you may need to put your WordPress website in maintenance mode. For example, you may be making major changes such as installing a new theme or completely redesigning your WordPress blog.

At other times you may need to put your WooCommerce store into maintenance mode, while leaving the rest of your site open.

This could be because there’s a problem that’s only affecting your online store, and not the rest of your website. For example, you may be unable to process customer payments. In this case, maintenance mode can stop customers from encountering the error and having a bad shopping experience.

You may also be adding an online store to an existing website and want to keep those pages private while you work on them.

An engaging ‘coming soon’ page can also create a sense of excitement and anticipation while you build your store behind the scenes. You might even encourage shoppers to get ready for the launch by following you on social media, joining your email list, or even entering a WooCommerce contest.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to easily enable WooCommerce maintenance mode without affecting the rest of your website.

Enabling Maintenance Mode for WooCommerce

The easiest way to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce is by using SeedProd.

SeedProd is the best landing page builder for WordPress, used on more than a million websites. It allows you to create beautiful coming soon pages in WordPress, improve your 404 page, and even design unique landing pages using drag and drop.

There’s a free version of SeedProd that lets you create a maintenance mode page. However, we’ll be using the premium version as it lets you put your WooCommerce store into maintenance mode while keeping the rest of your site available.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the SeedProd plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to install a plugin in WordPress.

After activating the plugin, SeedProd will ask for your license key.

Adding the SeedProd license key

You can find this information under your account on the SeedProd website. After entering the license, click on the ‘Verify Key’ button.

Once you’ve done that, you’re ready to put your WooCommerce store in maintenance mode.

Creating Your Maintenance Mode or Coming Soon Page

After activating SeedProd, go to SeedProd » Pages. Here, you can choose whether to create a maintenance mode page or a coming soon page.

Although some people use these terms interchangeably, there are some important differences you should know.

If you create a ‘Coming Soon’ page, then search engines will still be able to see and crawl your store pages. This gives your WooCommerce site a chance to get indexed by search engines.

If you’re building a new store, then you’ll typically want to create a coming soon page.

If your store is down for maintenance, then you should create a ‘Maintenance Mode’ page instead. This mode tells search engines that your site is temporarily down, using the special header code 503.

After getting this code, the search bots will recheck your WordPress website later to see whether it’s back online. In this way, you can hide your store from shoppers without affecting your search engine rankings.

Note: We’ll create a maintenance mode page in this guide, but the steps will be the same no matter whether you click on ‘Set up a Maintenance Mode Page’ or ‘Set up a Coming Soon Page.’

Creating a maintenance page for your online store

The next step is building the page that shoppers will see when you enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce.

You can either choose a ready-made template or start with a blank design. We’re using ‘Celebrate Coming Soon’ in all our images but you can use any template you like.

To select a template, simply hover your mouse over that design’s thumbnail and then click the ‘checkmark’ icon.

Choosing the WooCommerce coming soon page

After selecting a template, you’ll be taken to the drag-and-drop builder, where you can start customizing the maintenance mode design.

On the left side of the screen, you’ll find blocks and sections that you can add to your design. The right side of the page is the live preview.

How to create a maintenance mode for WooCommerce

Most templates already have some blocks, which are a core part of all SeedProd designs. To start, you’ll typically want to customize these blocks by adding your own text, images, links, and other content.

To change the text in any Headline or Text block, simply click to select that block in your layout. This brings up all the settings for that particular block.

You can now type your text into the small text editor.

Adding text to a WooCommerce coming soon page

You can also use these settings to style the text, including adding bold and italic formatting, changing the text alignment, changing the font size, and more.

You can add more blocks to your maintenance page by dragging them from the left-hand menu and then dropping them onto your design.

For example, if you wanted to add a custom logo then you could simply drag an ‘Image’ block onto your layout.

Adding a logo to to your online store's maintenance page

Then, just click to select that block in your layout and the left-hand menu will show all the settings for that block.

To add a logo, go ahead and click on ‘Use Your Own Image.’

Building a custom coming soon page with WooCommerce

You can then either choose an image from the WordPress media library or upload a new file from your computer.

After adding an image, you can change the size, add image alt text, embed a link, and more using the settings in the left-hand menu.

The SeedProd page builder plugin

If you’re using the WPForms plugin then you can quickly and easily add a contact form to the maintenance page. This gives shoppers a way to talk to you even when your WooCommerce site is down for maintenance.

After creating a contact form in WordPress, you can drag the ‘Contact Form’ block onto your SeedProd layout.

Adding a contact form to your maintenance page

Then, simply click to select the Contact Form block.

In the left-hand menu, open the dropdown menu and choose the form you created earlier.

Adding a contact form to the WooCommerce maintenance screen

To remove a block from your design, simply go ahead and click on it.

You can then select the trash can icon.

Deleting blocks in the SeedPage page builder

You can also move blocks around the page using drag and drop.

When you’re happy with how the maintenance page looks, make sure you click ‘Save.’

Saving the maintenance mode template

Turn on Maintenance or Coming Soon Mode for Your WooCommerce Store

Now that you’ve created a custom coming soon or maintenance mode page, let’s go ahead and enable it.

Here, we want to put the store into maintenance mode, and not the entire site. To do this, click on the ‘Page Settings’ tab inside the SeedProd editor.

Then, select the ‘Access Control’ tab.

SeedProd's access control settings

You can use these settings to specify where the coming soon or maintenance page appears on your site, and who sees it. For example, you might show this page to people who have a particular user role or IP address.

Since we want to put our WooCommerce site into maintenance mode, scroll to the ‘Include/Exclude URLs’ section.

Then, just click on the ‘Include URLs’ button.

Enabling maintenance mode for a WooCommerce store

Now, you need to enter the URLs for your WooCommerce store. This may vary depending on how your store is set up, and whether you’ve created any custom pages such as a custom WooCommerce cart page or a custom checkout page.

However, it’s smart to start with all the pages that WooCommerce creates automatically:

If your store has products, then you’ll also need to add these URLs. Be sure to include the asterisk!***

The asterisk is a wildcard character, which tells SeedProd to include all URLs that match the pattern before it.

This means that shoppers will see the maintenance page when they try to access any product, product category, or product tag.

After adding all these URLs, click on the ‘Save’ button to store your changes.

Putting Your Store In Maintenance Mode

You’re now ready to put your WooCommerce store in maintenance or coming soon mode at any point. In the WordPress dashboard, simply go to SeedProd » Landing Pages.

Then, click on the ‘Inactive’ slider under ‘Coming Soon Mode’ or ‘Maintenance Mode,’ so that it changes to ‘Active.’

Activating maintenance mode for a WooCommerce store

Now, simply visit your WooCommerce store in an incognito browser tab and you’ll see your custom design, rather than your online store.

When you’re ready to make your store public, simply go back to SeedProd » Landing Pages.

Then click on the ‘Active’ slider so that it shows ‘Inactive.’ Now, anyone who visits your site will see your WooCommerce store, and can buy products and services as normal.

We hope this article helped you learn how to enable maintenance mode for WooCommerce. You may also want to take a look at our expert pick of the best WooCommerce plugins, and our complete step-by-step guide on how to create an email newsletter.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Enable Maintenance Mode for WooCommerce first appeared on WPBeginner.

Why DevSecOps Automation Is Important for Your Business

DevOps has dramatically changed the way IT businesses operate and innovate. It enabled them to develop and deliver products at a speed and scale. Amid this paradigm shift, the business realized that the traditional "bolt-on" security techniques and manual controls that are reliant on legacy practices are not keeping pace with high-velocity, continuous delivery software development. Indeed, in the DevOps ecosystem, the security aspect was tackled by a separate security team and quality assurance teams at the end of the software development cycle (as an afterthought), which created an unacceptable bottleneck. And DevSecOps seeks to solve this security conundrum by integrating security practices and controls throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

DevSecOps addresses security issues as they emerge before they're pushed into production, when they're easier and less expensive to fix. Moreover, it makes the application and infrastructure security a shared responsibility of the development, security, and IT operations teams, rather than the sole responsibility of the security engineers. As security is backed into every phase of the DevOps lifecycle, the business can now build more secure, high-quality software at speed and scale. 

Creating Self-Serve DevOps Without Creating More Toil

My journey to co-founding was triggered by the very real pain of being a DevOps leader supporting both broader organizational goals along with the day-to-day support of software engineers and others. This is my story (or at least the somewhat interesting parts) of what it was like and how I found a productive approach to managing it all.

DevOps Opening Hours: 2:45 p.m. until a Quarter to 3:00 p.m.

It’s really not a joke. DevOps have no time. We need to make sure everything is running smoothly from development to production and often beyond. 

How to Implement Geolocation Features in Apache Server

Geolocation, a technology is allowing you to find out where your visitor’s location by using an IP address, is a ubiquitous solution that has been used in many industries. For example, if you are using Google Analytics or Matomo to track your visitors, you are using the geolocation solution. If you embed a cool widget to automatically fill the country or region information, you are using the geolocation solution. To name a few.

There are many reasons to implement geolocation, such as to better serve your audiences, to tailor make a better browsing experience, to monitor the buying pattern, to combat fraud, and so on. In this article, I’m going to show you how to implement the geolocation features in an Apache server and touch base on some usage scenarios. Here, I will use the IP2Location geolocation library for Apache, PHP programming language, and Debian OS.

Why I Switched from Ubuntu to openSUSE

I've been using different flavors of Ubuntu for years, including its upstream parent, Debian, and derivatives like Linux Mint, but the more-recent additions like the Snap package tool and the flakiness of Network Manager led me to make the switch once and for all. It's been a great move.

Though I have a Macbook for work, I've preferred Linux over Windows and macOS for my daily driver for the past 10 years. I do a mix of coding, writing, system testing, and a wide range of activities that make Linux fast and easy. When I need tools like VScode, bridge utilities for advanced network configurations, video-editing software, and plain old email, Linux is fast and comfortable.

7 DevOps Security Best Practices for 2022

The ability to ship software at speed has become imperative to stay competitive in today’s ever-evolving digital world. Fortunately, DevOps has enabled IT businesses to embrace speed by seamlessly collaborating with developers and operations teams and automating the processes across the software development lifecycle (SDLC). However, there’s a catch. While DevOps has indeed facilitated high-paced software delivery, the security considerations are often overlooked, which led to subpar application security. 

Moreover, security teams often considered security as an infrastructural component rather than an application design element. Basic practices such as firewalls that secure the borders are deemed sufficient. This approach fails utterly when applications are hosted in environments beyond enterprise infrastructure, such as the cloud, containers, or serverless computing platforms. Moreover, introducing security testing at the final phases of the software development lifecycle inherently causes friction, slowing business teams from realizing the speed and scale of unrestricted DevOps. 

Scaling Your Compute Resources on Salesforce

The Salesforce development platform offers many powerful features to provide your team with apps that can unlock new workflows. For many years, the platform has run on a trifecta of technologies: Visualforce (to view the data), Apex (to handle the data), and Salesforce itself (to store the data).

Apex is like many other object-oriented languages, and it has a Java-like syntax. However, Apex runs directly on Salesforce servers, allowing developers to build and deploy an app without worrying about where to host it or how to secure their data.

Kubernetes vs Docker: Differences Explained

Kubernetes vs Docker: Differences Explained

Containerization has existed for decades but has seen increasing adoption in recent years for application development and modernization. This article covers two container solutions and their uses:

  1. Docker, which is the container engine solution, its container orchestration solution Docker Compose, and Docker Swarm, which is a cluster-container orchestration solution.
  2. Kubernetes, the alternative cluster-container solution, compares it to Docker Swarm to help you choose the one that best meets your requirements.

What Is Containerization?

A containerization is a form of virtualization at the application level. It aims to package an application with all its dependencies, runtimes, libraries, and configuration files in one isolated executable package, which is called a container. The operating system (OS) is not included in the container, which makes it different from virtual machines (VMs), which are virtualized at the hardware level and include the OS.

So, you’d like to animate the display property

The CSS Working Group gave that a thumbs-up a couple weeks ago. The super-duper conceptual proposal being that we can animate or transition from, say, display: block to display: none.

It’s a bit of a brain-twister to reason about because setting display: none on an element cancels animations. And adding it restarts animations. Per the spec:

Setting the display property to none will terminate any running animation applied to the element and its descendants. If an element has a display of none, updating display to a value other than none will start all animations applied to the element by the animation-name property, as well as all animations applied to descendants with display other than none.

That circular behavior is what makes the concept seemingly dead on arrival. But if @keyframes supported any display value other than none, then there’s no way for none to cancel or restart things. That gives non-none values priority, allowing none to do its thing only after the animation or transition has completed.

Miriam’s toot (this is what we’re really calling these, right?) explains how this might work:

We’re not exactly interpolating between, say, block and none, but allowing block to stay intact until the time things stop moving and it’s safe to apply none. These are keywords, so there are no explicit values between the two. As such, this remains a discrete animation. We’re toggling between two values once that animation is complete.

This is the Robert Flack’s example pulled straight from the discussion:

@keyframes slideaway {
  from { display: block; }
  to { transform: translateY(40px); opacity: 0;}

.hide {
  animation: slideaway 200ms;
  display: none;

This is a helpful example because it shows how the first frame sets the element to display: block, which is given priority over the underlying display: none as a non-none value. That allows the animation to run and finish without none cancelling or resetting it in the process since it only resolves after the animation.

This is the example Miriam referenced on Mastodon:

.hide {
  transition: opacity 200ms, display 200ms;
  display: none;
  opacity: 0;

We’re dealing with a transition this time. The underlying display value is set to none before anything happens, so it’s completely out of the document flow. Now, if we were to transition this on hover, maybe like this:

.hide:hover {
  display: block;
  opacity: 1;

…then the element should theoretically fade in at 200ms. Again, we’re toggling between display values, but block is given priority so the transition isn’t cancelled up front and is actually applied after opacity finishes its transition.

At least that’s how my mind is reading into it. I’m glad there are super smart people thinking these things through because I imagine there’s a ton to sort out. Like, what happens if multiple animations are assigned to an element — will none reset or cancel any of those? I’m sure everything from infinite animations, reversed directions, and all sorts of other things will be addressed in time.

But what a super cool first step!

So, you’d like to animate the display property originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Observability vs Monitoring Use Cases

Observability and monitoring are the two different types of DevOps measurement contributing to continuous delivery. These two are often used interchangeably, but there are key differences between them that separate them from each other.

Observability is defined as the ability to understand a system's internal state by analyzing the data generated by the system, such as — logs, metrics, and traces. Monitoring is closely related to Observability. In general, monitoring is classified as the collection and analysis of data that are pulled from IT systems. By analyzing the information about the application’s usage patterns, monitoring helps IT teams detect vulnerabilities beforehand and come up with an appropriate solution. 

How To Prioritize User Security When Collecting Offline Data

This article is a sponsored by Flatfile

With the explosive growth of cloud computing over the last decade, unprecedented volumes of data — customer data, product data, statistics, financials, and so on — are being shared between organizations every day. While it would be great if there were a universal API that could guarantee secure and accurate transfer of data, the reality is much more primitive.

Most data that is being shared between companies these days is contained in CSV (comma-separated values) files. While CSVs are generally easy to create, they’re notoriously difficult to secure.

Because of this, the exchange of CSV files has the potential to cause serious problems for companies. And when it comes to user security and privacy, companies can’t afford to gamble on such liability.

How To Create A Secure Data Importer For Your Clients

TechRepublic recently published the findings from a KPMG report regarding data privacy. 64% of respondents said that they don’t believe that companies do much in the way of securing and protecting the data that’s been shared with them.

We know what the solution to this is and how to reduce those justifiable concerns. The first piece is to handle customer data responsibly and be transparent about what you’re doing with it. Regulations like GDPR and HIPAA provide the framework for this.

The other solution is to use technology that prioritizes user security. Just as you’d only add secure data handling features to your digital product — like contact forms, payment processors, and so on — the same applies to your data importer.

CSV importers are already a step in the right direction when it comes to security. Rather than sending email files back and forth over insecure email platforms, companies pass their data through CSV importers. The trick is to build or use a data importer that prioritizes security.

Next, you can find some things your importer will need in order for that to be true.

Protect Your Data With A Secure Infrastructure

When you build a website or app, there are certain measures you take to secure it. One of the most important measures is choosing a hosting provider with the proper infrastructure to support, stabilize and secure your digital product and the data that moves through it.

If you’re building your own data importer, then your product hosting will serve as the underlying infrastructure for it. Just make sure that it is capable of protecting the integrity of your product as well as securing the data transmissions that take place through your importer.

If you’re going to use a pre-built data importer solution, then spend some time reviewing the technology and systems that power it. Your users — and their customers — won’t be too happy if a data breach occurs and you try to put the blame on an external solution.

Here are some things that a secure data importer needs in terms of infrastructure:

Built In The Cloud

Cloud hosting offers a high degree of protection. When reviewing data importer options, take a look under the hood of each to confirm that they’re running in the cloud.

For instance, Flatfile’s servers are built on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure. As a result, data that passes through Flatfile’s systems is fully encrypted using the AES-256 block cipher. This encryption protects data while it passes through the data importer as well as once it’s stored.

Security Testing And Monitoring

You and your clients aren’t the only ones who should be keeping an eye on what’s going on with your data importer. The company that devised the solution should be doing so, too.

There are a number of ways to ensure that the data importer and its infrastructure haven’t been compromised:

  • Application monitoring;
  • Continuous logging;
  • User action tracing;
  • Penetration testing;
  • Malicious activity monitoring;
  • Automated blocking.

It’s also important to find a data importer solution and provider that will be transparent about detected issues and alert you to any they’ve found.

Resource Management

Application performance goes hand-in-hand with security. This is critical for companies like EmployUS who promise users that their data will be secured, compliant and available.

In addition to reviewing your data importer solution for security features, also look for what it’s doing to optimize performance and uptime.

Load balancing and resource scaling are two things to look for. Another thing you should do is check out the company’s “Status” page. Here’s an example of what the “Status” page looks like for Flatfile:

If there are issues with any aspect of the data importer technology, you’ll find proof of it on this page. Users can also subscribe for real-time updates. Having this level of visibility and transparency is essential when you outsource a critical piece of your application to another provider’s solution.

Ensure Regulatory And Legal Compliance

Different types of digital products have to maintain certain levels of compliance. This can be due to the types of data they handle (like in the medical and financial industries) or because of where they or their users are located in the world.

Whether you’re building your own importer or using a pre-built solution, your technology and data handling processes need to be compliant with all relevant security and privacy regulations.

For example, Flatfile’s solution maintains compliance with the following:

  • GDPR
    Although this data security and privacy regulation was passed to protect EU citizens’ personal data, it has far-reaching effects. Because many businesses these days serve customers all around the world, GDPR compliance is essential for anyone doing business online.
  • AICPA SOC 2 (Types I and II)
    The Association of International Certified Professional Accountants has its own regulations related to data privacy and protection. SOC and SOC 2 refer to the audit that service providers must pass in order to ensure they’re securely handling employee and customer data.
  • EU/U.S. Privacy Shield
    The U.S. Department of Commerce put together this framework in conjunction with the European Commission and the Swiss Administration. It provides companies that conduct transatlantic commerce with a set of data protection requirements to follow when transferring data.
    HIPAA is a U.S. law concerned with the protection of sensitive patient data. It ensures that their health information is private and secure. It also gives patients more control over how their information is used and to whom it is disclosed.

With so many regulations to stay on top of, a data importer can become a huge chore to maintain and update. This is why many developers and companies choose to use a pre-built data importer solution.

Osmind, for instance, not only streamlined its data transfer process with Flatfile Workspaces, but it enabled them to achieve HIPAA compliance — something that’s critical when working with sensitive health records.

Bottom line: By finding a data importer that maintains various regulatory compliances, you won’t have to spend time down the road looking for alternative solutions to fill in the missing gaps. Plus, a provider that keeps its systems updated as regulations and standards change will greatly reduce the risk of your data importer falling out of compliance.

Prevent Your Importer From Breaking So Easily

Whether you are populating databases for a warehouse catalog, an ERP, or just a list of every town in which you operate, your importer needs to be strong.

For instance, let’s say a user ignores your file preparation instructions and rushes to import the files they have. Before it even gets to the point of cleaning up the data, you want to make sure the importer is able to process it without breaking down.

A broken data importer can leave users with a bad impression of the product they’re using and the company behind it. It doesn’t matter if it’s their fault for not reading the instructions or for poorly formatting their file. Encountering a broken feature is frustrating and can quickly lead to concerns with regard to security and privacy.

“What happened?”
“Did my data even go through?”
“Should I try it again, or is it too risky?”

With how advanced technology has gotten today, users will likely wonder why you hadn’t anticipated these kinds of issues and sorted them out already. So, in order to prevent end users from encountering a broken data importer, it will need to be smart and flexible.

This means using a data importer that:

  • Provides no more than a few guidelines so that users don’t have to read an entire manual in order to prepare their files;
  • Moves massive amounts of files with thousands of rows of data without erroring out;
  • Accepts files just as the customer has prepared them;
  • Easily maps and validates data no matter how inconsistent or varied the formats are;
  • Detects and notifies you (or your users) of serious errors before uploading.

An importer that breaks down all the time is going to cause issues for everyone involved. So too will one that brings tons of garbled data into your system — especially when that data is mission-critical.

By creating or using a strong and agile data importer, you can reduce the frequency with which errors occur. This will make your data importer more reliable and valuable to your users and help them instill greater trust in their own customers.

Wrapping Up

User security — as well as the perception of how secure the products are that they use — should matter a good deal to companies who collect data from their customers. That’s why it’s essential for developers to use CSV importers that they trust and that won’t put their clients or their end users in harm’s way.

As for whether you should build or buy a data importer, that decision is yours to make. However, if security and compliance are top priorities, then purchasing a pre-built importer like Flatfile would be the more economical and practical choice.

Three Must-Have Data Center Security Practices

Data center security is a multidimensional, multilayered problem for the majority of enterprises. Data centers are the "crown jewels" of a business, regardless of whether they are hosted in-house, in managed or co-located facilities, in corporate-owned off-site data centers, or on the cloud. They contain vital information that enables the operation of company operations and provides the context for making informed business decisions. 

Attackers, on the other hand, want these extremely desirable and lucrative data and strive diligently to acquire access to it. Similarly, insiders may accidentally or intentionally misuse or compromise important organizational information. In either scenario, company and customer data may be held for ransom, sold on the dark web, or exploited in other ways.