SpringOne TLV World Tour Trip Report

My talk was accepted by SpringOne in San Francisco. I never went to that conference and was really looking forward to it. This year would probably be amazing with the Spring 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0 releases. So many groundbreaking changes. Unfortunately, my travel budget at Lightrun was cut, and I eventually left. This meant I had to cancel the trip, I would have paid for travel, but San Francisco is both far and prohibitively expensive. I’ll have to take a raincheck.

This isn’t exactly a substitute, but a skeleton Spring Team is on a “world tour” that reached Tel Aviv last week, and I attended. The venue is one I’ve never attended, the Peres center for innovation. It’s on the Jaffa beach and you can literally see the waves hitting the beach from the main stage. Check out the photos below, you can literally see people on the beach in some of them. That’s a fantastic venue. The only downside is the distance from the center of Tel Aviv where I live. But that’s nothing compared to distances in the states…
