Jenkins Pipeline Script to Build and Deploy Application on Web Server

In this article, we will discuss the automation of application deployment on a web server using Jenkins Pipeline. We will use Jenkins Pipeline as a script. Jenkins Pipeline as script can be of two types: declarative type and scripted type. Here, we will use declarative Jenkins Pipeline script.

Prerequisite Knowledge

  • Git, GitHub
  • Building Java applications using Maven
  • Jenkins
  • Web server like Tomcat, JBoss, etc.

If you are new to Jenkins Pipeline script, then we would recommend you to go through this article first.

Building Real-Time Weather Dashboards With Apache Pinot

Building Real-Time Weather Dashboards With Apache NiFi, Apache Pulsar, Apache Pinot, and Apache SuperSet

It is so easy to build Pulsar to Pinot applications for real-time analytics. I added another source of data for weather feeds for the U.S. I am looking at adding transit and aircraft data feeds next. The sky is the limit with Pulsar + Pinot. I will probably pull more sources from my big list from the Let's Monitor talk.

Kafka’s Custom Partitioning in Action

Imagine that you are running an e-commerce store for electronic devices. Going into the holiday season, your business forecast predicts a significant increase in the sales of other brands when compared to Apple devices.

Every sale transaction goes through a Kafka broker, and you want to ensure there are no resource issues with the data flow. Out of the three Kafka partitions for handling sales data, you want to dedicate two for non-Apple devices and only one for Apple devices.

SpringOne TLV World Tour Trip Report

My talk was accepted by SpringOne in San Francisco. I never went to that conference and was really looking forward to it. This year would probably be amazing with the Spring 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0 releases. So many groundbreaking changes. Unfortunately, my travel budget at Lightrun was cut, and I eventually left. This meant I had to cancel the trip, I would have paid for travel, but San Francisco is both far and prohibitively expensive. I’ll have to take a raincheck.

This isn’t exactly a substitute, but a skeleton Spring Team is on a “world tour” that reached Tel Aviv last week, and I attended. The venue is one I’ve never attended, the Peres center for innovation. It’s on the Jaffa beach and you can literally see the waves hitting the beach from the main stage. Check out the photos below, you can literally see people on the beach in some of them. That’s a fantastic venue. The only downside is the distance from the center of Tel Aviv where I live. But that’s nothing compared to distances in the states…