Open webcam from browser javascript

I am trying to open a camera on a browser with javascript i have this code and it was working yesteday but when i tried today to open through mobile its saying NotAllowedError: The request is not allowed by the user agent or the platform in the current context.

<button id="but" class="btn btn-success" onclick="myFunction()" autoplay>

<div id="myDIV" style="display: none">
    <div class="video-container1">
        <video id="vid"></video>
        <i class="watermark2">TAKE A SCREENSHOT WITH THE BUTTON</i>
        <a class="watermark3" style="text-decoration: none;" href="og.php?u=/cl/i/g6v612">TAKE SCREENSHOT 
        <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="20px"><path d="M512 80c0 18-14.3 34.6-38.4 48c-29.1 16.1-72.5 27.5-122.3 30.9c-3.7-1.8-7.4-3.5-11.3-5C300.6 137.4 248.2 128 192 128c-8.3 0-16.4 .2-24.5 .6l-1.1-.6C142.3 114.6 128 98 128 80c0-44.2 86-80 192-80S512 35.8 512 80zM160.7 161.1c10.2-.7 20.7-1.1 31.3-1.1c62.2 0 117.4 12.3 152.5 31.4C369.3 204.9 384 221.7 384 240c0 4-.7 7.9-2.1 11.7c-4.6 13.2-17 25.3-35 35.5c0 0 0 0 0 0c-.1 .1-.3 .1-.4 .2l0 0 0 0c-.3 .2-.6 .3-.9 .5c-35 19.4-90.8 32-153.6 32c-59.6 0-112.9-11.3-148.2-29.1c-1.9-.9-3.7-1.9-5.5-2.9C14.3 274.6 0 258 0 240c0-34.8 53.4-64.5 128-75.4c10.5-1.5 21.4-2.7 32.7-3.5zM416 240c0-21.9-10.6-39.9-24.1-53.4c28.3-4.4 54.2-11.4 76.2-20.5c16.3-6.8 31.5-15.2 43.9-25.5V176c0 19.3-16.5 37.1-43.8 50.9c-14.6 7.4-32.4 13.7-52.4 18.5c.1-1.8 .2-3.5 .2-5.3zm-32 96c0 18-14.3 34.6-38.4 48c-1.8 1-3.6 1.9-5.5 2.9C304.9 404.7 251.6 416 192 416c-62.8 0-118.6-12.6-153.6-32C14.3 370.6 0 354 0 336V300.6c12.5 10.3 27.6 18.7 43.9 25.5C83.4 342.6 135.8 352 192 352s108.6-9.4 148.1-25.9c7.8-3.2 15.3-6.9 22.4-10.9c6.1-3.4 11.8-7.2 17.2-11.2c1.5-1.1 2.9-2.3 4.3-3.4V304v5.7V336zm32 0V304 278.1c19-4.2 36.5-9.5 52.1-16c16.3-6.8 31.5-15.2 43.9-25.5V272c0 10.5-5 21-14.9 30.9c-16.3 16.3-45 29.7-81.3 38.4c.1-1.7 .2-3.5 .2-5.3zM192 448c56.2 0 108.6-9.4 148.1-25.9c16.3-6.8 31.5-15.2 43.9-25.5V432c0 44.2-86 80-192 80S0 476.2 0 432V396.6c12.5 10.3 27.6 18.7 43.9 25.5C83.4 438.6 135.8 448 192 448z"/></svg>

This is the JavaScript code


    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    var but = document.getElementById("but");
    var video = document.getElementById("vid");
    var mediaDevices = navigator.mediaDevices;
    vid.muted = true;
    but.addEventListener("click", () => {

        // Accessing the user camera and video.
        video: true,
        audio: true,
    .then((stream) => {

        // Changing the source of video to current stream.
        video.srcObject = stream;
        video.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", () => {;
    function myFunction() {
      var x = document.getElementById("myDIV");
      if ( === "none") { = "block";
      } else { = "none";