12 Ways To Optimize Your JavaScript Journey in 2023 and Beyond

JavaScript has emerged as the prominent scripting language among the next cohort of developers. It is an incredible tool for front-end programming, building interactive, feature-loaded websites, and fast and smooth web applications. Every front-end programmer knows JavaScript, however, when used without knowledge, it can make things worse. Poor JavaScript code can impact the website's performance, rendering speed, and load time. In this blog post, we will share some tips to help you optimize your JavaScript journey for the future. Let’s have a look:

1. Minify JavaScript code for small file — Minifying code is not similar to obfuscating code. However, both are ways of converting JavaScript — to be more complex to read or to make it smaller. Minifying accomplishes the latter and can shrink file sizes to reduce page load times. Line breaks, extra spaces, comments, etc., all increase the size of a JavaScript file and affects the pace at which the page loads. Minifying the code solves this problem.
