Projections/DTOs in Spring Data R2DBC

When dealing with Spring Data JPA or Spring Data R2DBC, we all know that everything revolves around entities. You usually create a repository, and in most cases, it either extends the JpaRepository<T, ID>  for Spring Data JPA or the R2dbcRepository<T, ID> for Spring Data R2DBC, and then you’re ready to talk to the database. With the repository in place, things are pretty straightforward: you either use the standard already-provided interface methods, you write derived-query methods, or you can use the @Query annotation to write custom stuff. Up until here, everything’s nice. As I said, everything revolves around entities (with minor exceptions, you can get a primitive return type with a custom query like an Int or String), so as a response, you’ll always get an Entity/List<Entity> for JPA and Mono<Entity>/Flux<Entity> for R2DBC. However, there are certain scenarios when you either don’t want to fetch the entire entity because some columns are redundant/not-needed or, even more, you need to construct a POJO from something completely different from your entity, yet still somehow related. Think about a group by, some counts, or some mapping at the database level, and by default you can’t do that – your repos are bound to entities.

That is when projections and DTOs come into play. For Spring Data JPA there is already a fair amount of documentation/info around (official documentation, Vlad Mihalcea, Thorben Janssen, and so on). This is not the case when it comes to Spring Data R2DBC (we still have amazing documentation here).
