YITH Wonder: A New Free WordPress Theme with Support for WooCommerce and Full-Site Editing

YITH, a WooCommerce plugin development company that was acquired by Newfold Digital in March 2022, has released its first block theme on WordPress.org. YITH Wonder is now listed among 122 other block themes that support full-site editing and have recently gained their own menu link in the directory to improve their visibility.

YITH Wonder includes 24 different patterns – many of them aimed at shops. Since the company specializes in WooCommerce products, it’s no surprise that YITH Wonder offers corresponding styles for WooCommerce products, shop pages, cart, and checkout.

The theme also includes three full-page patterns for different homepage layouts and designs. These are very helpful for quickly putting together a page without having to hunt for and place each pattern in the right place. The full-page patterns can easily be previewed on the theme’s listing on WordPress.org: (Homepage 1, Homepage 2, and Homepage 3).

YITH Wonder comes with six different style variations that make it easy to change the the accent color combinations and typography for the site.

Check out the live demo on the theme’s website. One handy feature on the demo is that you can click “Launch Sandbox” to instantly spin up a test site with the theme and WooCommerce pre-loaded. The sandbox sites expire after one hour. This gives a user the opportunity to explore the full-site editing features and see if the theme will work for their particular use case. For example, users can see how the WooCommerce product catalog template will look with their own customizations applied. The theme packages two dozen different templates and template parts that can be customized inside the Site Editor.

YITH Wonder is listed as a multi-purpose WordPress theme in the directory but it really shines as one of the few free block-based themes built with WooCommerce in mind. Creating a new page and slapping one of the full-page patterns on it is a delightful experience that will save users time in getting started and also enable them to build targeted pages featuring different product categories or sale items.

YITH Wonder is available to download on WordPress.org for free. I couldn’t find any documentation for the theme, but it may be available once the company formally announces the theme on the YITH website.