PHP Mysql database

Hi all, I hope someone can help me with the following. I have a script that reads a txt file and displays the correct values. I only want to add it to the database now, but I can't manage this. below the script

include '../includes/connect.php';


    $fd = fopen ("import/8.txt", "r");

while (!feof ($fd))
 $buffer1 = fgets($fd, 4096);
 if (substr($buffer1,0,7)=='#EXTINF')
  $buffer = fgets($fd, 4096);
  $buffer = str_replace("'","`",$buffer);
  $count = count($array);

  list($artiest,$titel) = explode(' - ',$array[$count-1]);

  if (strlen($titel)==0)
  {print("$artiest <br>");
   list($artiest,$titel) = explode('- ',$array[$count-1]);
   if (strlen($titel)==0)
   {print("$artiest <br>");
    list($artiest,$titel) = explode(' -',$array[$count-1]);
    if (strlen($titel)==0)
     print("$artiest <br>");
     list($artiest,$titel) = explode('-',$array[$count-1]);
     if (strlen($titel)==0)
      $buffer = str_replace("'","`",$buffer1);
      $tekst = substr($buffer,$pos+1);
      list($artiest,$titel) = explode(' - ',$tekst);
      if (strlen($titel)==0)
       list($artiest,$titel) = explode('- ',$tekst);
       if (strlen($titel)==0)
        list($artiest,$titel) = explode(' -',$tekst);
        if (strlen($titel)==0)
         list($artiest,$titel) = explode('-',$tekst);
         if (strlen($titel)==0)
          print("$artiest <br>");

            $sql= "INSERT INTO mp3 (id_dj,artiest,titel) VALUES ('8','$artiest','$titel')";








echo "import mp3's klaar";
