Yolo-FastestV2: Faster and Lighter

Yolo-Fastest focuses on single-core, real-time inference performance and low CPU usage under real-time conditions. Not only can it realize real-time performance on mobile phones, but also on RK3399, Raspberry Pi 4, and various Cortex-A53 while remaining low-cost. The power consumption device meets certain real-time performance standards. After all, these embedded devices are much weaker than mobile phones, but they are more widely used and cheaper.

Let me talk about the original intention of Yolo-Fastest. Most people used Mobilenet-SSD in early lightweight object detection. In actual tests, it is difficult to achieve real-time on commonly used ARM devices; it can only be done on some high-end mobile phones. All big cores can barely reach real-time when booting, not to mention the "powerful" RK3399 and other commonly used ARM CPUs in the industry. Real-time is basically impossible.