Crucial Benefits of Automated Testing in Manufacturing Industry

As the global market is preparing to slowly and steadily return to a comparatively normalized world, the manufacturing vertical is not left behind. Such a sector not only has to execute measures to recover from the trouble caused in this pandemic time but also has to take strong actions for facilitating business continuity. According to a current study, about 65-70 percent of the manufacturers are concerned about the financial collision, yet 41 percent are worried about the effect on their manpower and reduction in productivity, whereas almost 30-40% has concerns over decreased consumption which may result from a reduction in customer confidence. 

The lone way to keep pace with fast development cycles whilst managing business continuity is with automation. Typically, enterprises whose major product(s) is not software are afraid to expense in automated tests fearing that the returns won’t be acceptable or if there will be a positive return at all. The technological disruption during the Covid situation has resulted in the introduction of a series of intelligent software and programmable automation into the manufacturing procedures. However, the inadequate experience with automation, lack of proper tools, DevOps practices, and AI & IoT, and having legacy infrastructure can make the conversion from traditional procedures to DevOps-centric automation quite challenging. In short, the manufacturing sector is still in a nascent phase on its digital transformation journey with most of the smart factory initiatives and Industry 4.0 at the beginning stage.

HarperDB: More Than a Database


I recently had a very interesting conversation on our podcast with Ron Lewis, the Director of Innovation and Engineering at Lumen Technologies. Ron brought up the notion that HarperDB is more than just a database, and for certain users or projects, HarperDB is not serving as a database at all. How can this be possible?

Database, Explained

Well, what really is a database? Wikipedia states “In computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically from a computer system.” Another site simply states that “A database is a systematic collection of data. They support electronic storage and manipulation of data. Databases make data management easy.”

Integration of Prometheus With Cortex

As we promised in our previous blog Prometheus as Scale – Part 1 that in our next blog we will be writing about the implementation part of Cortex with Prometheus, so here we are with our promise. But before going to the implementation part, we would suggest you guys go through our first blog to know the need for it.

Previously we talked that Prometheus is becoming a go-to option for people who want to implement event-based monitoring and alerting. The implementation and management of Prometheus are quite easy. But when you have a large infrastructure to monitor or the infrastructure has started to grow, you require to scale monitoring solution as well.

Five Reasons Why You Should Prototype Your IoT Device


It’s no secret that materializing an idea, concept, or plan is often difficult. The process of going from a planning phase—in which everything theoretically works perfectly—to a finished product is almost always more challenging than expected. This is especially true in the world of the Internet of Things.

When launching a new IoT project, any experienced IoT developer will tell you that something will go wrong. Whether that’s going over budget, or due to faulty hardware, carelessness, or other general mishaps, it probably will happen. Therefore, you need to prepare yourself. This is when prototyping IoT devices come in. 

What Can I Do if a Stack Overflow Occurs in a Quick App?

When content obtained through $element('id') is assigned to a member variable, a stack overflow (RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded) may occur and the program will crash. If member variable references exist for a DOM, and a member variable changes, a stack overflow will also occur. The sample code is as follows:

  <div id="content">
    <input type="button" class="button" @click="onTestClick" value="Stack overflow occurs."/>
    <text>{{ stateText }}</text>
  export default {
    private: {
      mContentNode: null,
      stateText: 'init state'
    onReady() {
      /* When data obtained by $element('id') is assigned to a member variable, a stack overflow may occur. */
      this.mContentNode = this.$element('content')
    onTestClick() {
      /* To reproduce this problem, change a member variable when member variable references exist for a DOM. */
      this.stateText = 'new state'

What Is MLOps?

I recently started a new job at a Machine Learning startup. I’ve given up trying to explain what I do to non-technical friends and family (my mum still just tells people I work with computers). For those of you who at least understand that “AI” is just an overused marketing term for Machine Learning, I can break it down for you using the latest buzzword in the field:


The term “MLOps” (a compound of Machine Learning and Operations) refers to the practice of deploying, managing, and monitoring machine learning models in production. It takes the best practices from the field of DevOps and utilizes them for the unique challenges that arise when running machine learning systems in production. 

lambda dont pass the correct value

Hi have this loop but insted of send the correct value in the button it always send the original value
this creates the buttons named from 0 to 9, but when i run the button it always prints 8 insted of 8,9,10 etc...

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

root = Tk()

global gen_reprow,x

mainframe = ttk.Frame(root, padding="3 3 12 12")
mainframe.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S))

def printd(gena):

def ger_but():
    for x in range(10):
       ttk.Button(mainframe, width="15", text=x,command=lambda gen=gen_reprow: printd(gen)).grid(column=0, row=x, padx=1, pady=15)
        x += 1
        gen_reprow += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":

5 Best WordPress Cloud Storage Plugins 2021 (w/ Free Options)

Are you looking for the best cloud storage plugins for WordPress?

Cloud storage plugins make it easy to store and access your website files from anywhere in the world. They can also automatically sync your data, so it’s safe and always backed up.

In this article, we’ll share some of the best WordPress cloud storage plugins you can use to store your WordPress files.

Best WordPress cloud storage plugins (w/ free options)

Why Use a WordPress Cloud Storage Plugin?

WordPress cloud storage plugins help to ensure your website files, documents, and other media are safe and secure.

Many cloud storage plugins and tools also serve your media files from their servers, similar to a CDN, so it can improve your website speed and performance too.

Plus, you can even backup your entire WordPress blog, so no matter what happens, your website and files are ready to be restored if you need them.

That’s being said, let’s look at some of the best WordPress cloud storage plugins.

1. WPForms


WPForms is the best contact form plugin for WordPress used by over 4 million websites. It’s very beginner friendly and can be used to create all kinds of forms like contact forms, registration forms, file upload forms, and more.

It comes with over 100 premade templates that can easily be customized with the drag and drop builder.

All of your form entries will save to your WordPress database, but you can also integrate the plugin with a cloud storage provider.

For example, you could automatically upload files to Google Drive or Dropbox, or use the Zapier addon to connect with any cloud storage service you prefer.

The free version of the plugin lets you create simple contact forms, but for more advanced form creation and cloud storage features you’ll need the pro version.

2. Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator

Uncanny Automator is one of the best WordPress automation plugins in the market. It lets you create powerful automation workflows so you can easily store data and share it with other apps.

It integrates with all the most popular WordPress plugins and third-party tools in the market, so you can create custom automations without writing any code. Think of it like Zapier, but for WordPress websites.

For example, you can send your WordPress form data to Google Sheets, or integrate with Zapier to connect to apps like Google Cloud Storage, Dropbox, and more.

You can get started with the free version of the plugin, which supports all kinds of WordPress plugins and automation actions.

3. OptinMonster


OptinMonster is one of the best popup and lead generation plugins for WordPress used by over 1.2 million websites.

It lets you create high converting popups and email signup forms with an easy drag and drop builder, so you can turn your abandoning visitors into email subscribers and customers.

You can automatically store the leads you generate in the cloud with Monster Leads. Your leads and their data are safely stored in your OptinMonster account, so you don’t need to worry about backups or security.

Monster Leads leads

From your user dashboard, you can view individual lead details, filter, and export your leads.

Plus, you can connect to popular email marketing services, so you can send your leads an email newsletter to grow your relationship and make sales.

Note: You can get started with a free version of OptinMonster.

4. UpdraftPlus


UpdraftPlus is the best WordPress backup plugin in the market used by over 3 million websites. It lets you create a complete backup of your WordPress site and store it in the cloud.

You can create scheduled backups or backup your website on demand. You also have the option to choose which files you want to backup.

It can automatically upload your backups to a variety of cloud storage providers like Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, Amazon S3, and more.

For more details, see our guide on how to backup and restore your WordPress site with UpdraftPlus.

Alternative: Other great backup solutions include BackupBuddy, BackWPUp, and Duplicator.

5. WP Offload Media

WP Offload Media

WP Offload Media is an easy to use cloud storage plugin that syncs up with various cloud storage providers.

It automatically copies your images, videos, documents, and other media to your cloud storage provider of choice. Then, it replaces the URL to the cloud hosted version of the media.

This ensures you have copies of your media stored in the cloud for safekeeping. Plus, it can speed up your website loading times, similar to a CDN service.

The plugin currently works with Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and DigitalOcean Spaces for cloud storage.

It also integrates with popular image compression plugins like EWWW Image Optimizer to speed up your WordPress site.

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress cloud storage plugins for your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on how to get a free SSL certificate and our expert picks of the best chat bot software for your business website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 5 Best WordPress Cloud Storage Plugins 2021 (w/ Free Options) appeared first on WPBeginner.

Web Design Done Well: Excellent Editorial

A lot of web design talk concerns itself with what goes on around content. Page speed, design systems, search engine optimization, frameworks, accessibility — the list goes on and on. This gives us at Smashing Magazine plenty to write about, which is great, though it’s worth reminding ourselves what it’s all in service of.

In this third edition of our Web Design Done Well series, we’re honing in on the beating heart of many websites: content. More specifically, editorial content. The Web has given storytellers an incredible selection of tools to work with, and as an occasional semi-competent journalist myself, I love a good scoop.

What follows are examples of web technologies being woven in with editorial content to take it to the next level. We’ll then close with broader tips on thinking creatively about digital content. Even now, overwhelmed by the content production line, the good stuff still shines through.

Part Of: Web Design Done Well

Reuters Lean Into Swiping

In this piece about systemic racism in the US, Reuters shapes the content around swiping, breaking the story up into bite-sized chunks. Reading feels far more purposeful than it would have through a traditional scrolling approach. It’s like turning the pages of a book. On mobile, you literally flick to the next section. It makes for snappy, immediate reporting — and that’s to say nothing of the excellent data visualization on show.

We live in a mobile-first world. There is no point in being precious about this. Yes, magazine spreads have a certain class about them. Yes, a desktop view gives you a bigger canvas to work with. The reality is most people will be viewing what you publish on a mobile phone, so lean into it. For a similar approach, these ‘tap stories’ by The New York Times and Input are also excellent. For those interested in further reading on mobile-centric editorial, The Story by legendary newspaper designer Mario Garcia is heartily recommended.

The New York Times Shows Rather Than Tells

For all the awful things the COVID-19 pandemic has caused, it has at least led to some breathtakingly good reporting. This interactive New York Times piece explains how face masks work by taking readers to particle level. You can see how fibers catch particles, and why different masks have different levels of effectiveness. Any fool can make complicated topics hard to understand, but making them easy to understand? That’s an art form all of its own.

There are a lot of elements at play here. Graphics, color, animation — there’s even an augmented reality experience if that floats your boat. What could so easily have been a dry, stuffy subject is brought to life. And most importantly of all, it’s vital information. Stuff like this is why Gabriel Gianordoli was voted World’s Best Designer at the 2020 Society for News Design awards. Smashing.

The Washington Post Visualises Exponential Spread

The pandemic has also forced data visualization to the front pages of publications all over the world. This article on exponential spreading from March 2020 (remember that?) does an incredible job of visualizing how and why certain viruses become real big problems real quick. From full-blown simulations to little inline sparkline graphs, this is editorial that takes full advantage of its digital setting.

What I especially like about this one is that it never feels gratuitous. Every visual improves the story, to the point where you almost feel sorry for anyone having to explain the same concepts with words alone. It being available in more than a dozen languages at the click of a button is another wonderful touch — a reminder that the Web is in fact borderless. I can only imagine how many people around the world this article has helped.

The Marshall Project Mixes Media

Here The Marshall Project presents hard-hitting journalism about the US criminal justice system with the elegance and bittersweet beauty of a children’s storybook. In “The Zo”, creative writing, striking illustration, mesmerizing narration, and an important story combine. This is multimedia editorial in full flow.

They say that songs can take several forms. The same is true of editorial content online. What you see above was inspired by a 96-page academic paper. That it could find a new audience as an animated series online, then be nominated for not one but two Emmys, is testament to the transformative powers of the internet.

SBS’s Interactive Graphic Novel Is No Novelty

Speaking of the transformative powers of the internet, how about an interactive story. We’re all familiar with film adaptations, radio play adaptations, miniseries adaptations, and so on. Why not web page adaptations? That’s just what Australian broadcaster SBS set out to do with The Boat, an interactive retelling of a short story in Nam Le’s book of the same name.

The page’s opening sequence pulls you right in, its words tilting and tumbling with the waves as you read, with the sounds of thunder and rain filling your senses to the brim. As the story settles, Matt Huynh’s illustrations drift by like memories. It’s a remarkably vivid experience, beautiful in its own right as well as a savvy way to bring literature to younger generations.

The Pudding Monkeys Around

I wish I’d come across this in time for the sound edition of this inspiring sites series. No matter, it’s here now. In a truly superb showcase of digital editorial, The Pudding doesn’t so much explain the Infinite Monkey Theorem as live it through music. Don’t know what the Monkey Theorem is? Well, what are you waiting for, the page will do an infinitely better job of explaining than I could. I’ll wait.

By using interactive four-note examples, the article involves the reader while also making the concept simple to understand. As a final, delightful touch, the page is itself a live, ongoing experiment, randomly working its way through increasingly complex tunes. You can expect it to get “Seven Nation Army” right in about 19 years. One wonders whether a monkey typing at a keyboard for long enough could create the perfect JavaScript framework. Hope springs eternal.

A List Apart: A Class Apart

For all the talk of data visualization, music, augmented reality, and other snazzy tools, there’s a lot to be said for getting the fundamental right. Pages don’t have to be the web equivalent of the Vegas Strip to be eye-catching. A list Apart shows that better than most. Its approach to content will always hold a place in my heart. Title, illustration, copy, blue hyperlinks. Beautiful.

What I now realize was an unsettlingly long time ago, I wrote about the two branches of ‘brutalist’ web design. The gist of what I said was that one approach is loud and brash, the other resolutely functional. A List Apart shows the beauty of the latter done right. The multimedia toolkit is a wonderful asset to have, but even now there are times when only words will do.

Thinking Creatively About Content

For better or worse, the web is absolutely awash with content. A lot of it is great, a lot of it is not. A lot of the talk around it has the cold, calculating cadence you’d sooner expect from industrialists talking about assembly lines. The examples shared above hopefully speak to the value of resisting the urge to churn things out, but let’s be real: most websites don’t have the resources of, say, The Washington Post.

However, there are ways to think creatively about content at all levels, from personal blogs to global publications. Here are a few of them:

  • Question your default approach.
    We are creatures of habit, including in how we tell our stories. Take the time early on to step back and ask, How could I do this differently? Maybe a photo essay would be more prudent than an article. Maybe a heat map is better than a table. Specialization is important of course, but don’t let it blind you to other, often complementary ways of doing things.
  • Use free resources.
    One of the great gifts of the internet is how much amazing free stuff there is. Like, actually free, on purpose. From photography to graphic design to data visualization tools to audio editing software, the resources you need to transform your content are just a click away. Our freebies tag is a good place to start.
  • Give content multiple forms.
    As The Marshall Project showed especially well with “The Zo”, stories can find new audiences when they take different shapes. Wrote an article? Great, why not record an audio version? Produced a data-driven report? Pretty cool, though is it as cool as it might be if you started plugging those numbers into D3? Only one way to find out.
  • Experiment.
    The examples here are the cream of the crop, but it’s worth mentioning there is a tremendous amount to be gained from trying new ideas and embracing the occasional failure that brings. Iteration is key to the creative process. If you try something and it doesn’t work, fine, no matter. It’s the only way to get to what does work.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to content, but respecting the story is essential. Web technologies are supplemental, not the main event. Don’t let them be the tail that wags the dog. The best results come when the story is in harmony with how it’s told. That’s the kind of content that sticks with people for years.