How a Low-Code Approach Can Scale to Building MVPs (Part 2)

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for DZone's 2021 Low-Code Development Trend Report.

In part one, we explored the idea of MVPs and important attributes, including validation of the hypothesis, low-cost model, and less need for technical expertise. Additionally, important questions about the MVP such as customer feedback, product readiness, and scope are critical for startup founders looking to enter the market and scale quickly. Now, let us get to the details of an MVP lifecycle. 

How a Low-Code Approach Can Scale to Building MVPs (Part 1)

Editor's Note: The following is an article written for DZone's 2021 Low-Code Development Trend Report.

The current digital revolution has made it easy for users to build custom applications and get their businesses up and running in a short time. A good example is an interface built to enable the creation of applications with minimal coding. Low-code applications are increasing, with Gartner estimating low-code systems to comprise at least 60% of platforms in the next three years.

How To Embed Video Calls API On Your Own Website and App

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If the latest video calling trends are anything to go by, the future of business is set to be revolutionized by video calling. It simplifies a lot of processes that were once considered doable only face to face or with an individual’s physical presence. Today, a lot of these processes have been taken online, leaving top talents free to pursue higher-level achievements and goals.

Presenting to You the Prebuilt

Following our announcement on launching the pre-built in the previous blog, we are excited to deliver the manual for the same. This blog will get the readers up and running with the pre-built in no time.

The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property

I love shapes, especially colorful ones! Shapes on websites are in the same category of helpfulness as background colors, images, banners, section separators, artwork, and many more: they can help us understand context and inform our actions through affordances.

A few months back, I built an application to engage my 7-year old daughter with mathematics. Apart from basic addition and subtraction, my aim was to present questions using shapes. That’s when I got familiar with the CSS clip-path property, a reliable way to make shapes on the web. Then, I ended up building another app called, TryShape using the power of clip-path.

I’ll walk you through the story behind TryShape and how it helps create, manage, share, and export shapes. We’ll cover a lot about CSS clip-path along the way and how it helped me quickly build the app.

Here are a few important links:

First, the CSS clip-path property and shapes

Imagine you have a plain piece of paper and a pencil to draw a shape (say, a square) on it. How will you proceed? Most likely, you will start from a point, then draw a line to reach another point, then repeat it exact three more times to come back to the initial point. You also have to make sure you have opposite lines parallel and of the same length.

So, the essential ingredients for a shape are points, lines, directions, curves, angles, and lengths, among many others. The CSS clip-path helps specify many of these properties to clip a region of an HTML element to show a specific region. The part that is inside the clipped region is shown, and the rest is hidden. It gives an ocean of opportunities to developers to create various shapes using clip-path property.

Learn more about clipping and how it is different from masking.

The clip-path values for shape creation

The clip-path property accepts the following values for creating shapes:

  • circle()
  • ellipse()
  • inset()
  • polygon()
  • A clip source using url() function
  • path()

We need to understand the basic coordinate system a bit to use these values. When applying the clip-path property on an element to create shapes, we must consider the x-axis, y-axis, and the initial coordinates (0,0) at the element’s top-left corner.

Here is a div element with its x-axis, y-axis, and initial coordinates (0,0).

A blue square with its starting point located at a zero zero position on a chart with x and y axes.
Initial coordinates(0,0) with x-axis and y-axis

Now let’s use the circle() value to create a circular shape. We can specify the position and radius of the circle using this value. For example, to clip a circular shape at the coordinate position (70, 70) with a radius of 70px, we can specify the clip-path property value as:

clip-path: circle(70px at 70px 70px)

So, the center of the circle is placed at the coordinate (70, 70) with a 70px radius. Now, only this circular region is clipped and shown on the element. The rest of the portion of the element is hidden to create the impression of a circle shape.

A blue circle on a grid with an x and y axis. The circle starts at the zero zero position and its center is located at 70 px and 70px. A zoomed in area shows the clipping path, which is also located at 70x and 70px.
The center of the circle is placed at (70, 70) coordinates with a 70px x 70px area clipped. Hence the full circle is shown.

Next, what if we want to specify the position at (0,0)? In this case, the circle’s center is placed at the (0,0) position with a radius of 70px. That makes only a portion of the circle visible inside the element.

The center of a blue circle is placed at the 0,0 coordinates with a 70px by 70px area clipping the bottom-left region of the circle.
The center of the circle is placed at (0, 0) coordinates with a 70px x 70px area clipping the bottom-left region of the circle.

Let’s move on to use the other two essential values, inset() and polygon(). We use an inset to define a rectangular shape. We can specify the gap that each of the four edges may have to clip a region from an element. For example:

clip-path: inset(30px)

The above clip-path value clips a region by leaving out the 30px values from element’s edges. We can see that in the image below. We can also specify a different inset value for each of the edges.

The inset() function allows us to clip and area from the outside edge of a shape.

Next is the polygon() value. We can create a polygonal shape using a set of vertices. Take this example:

clip-path: polygon(10% 10%, 90% 10%, 90% 90%, 10% 80%)

Here we are specifying a set of vertices to create a region for clipping. The image below shows the position of each vertex to create a polygonal shape. We can specify as many vertices as we want.

A square with four points inside of it located at 10% by 10%, 90% by 10%, 10% by 80% and 90% by 90%, creating the clipped area.
The polygon() function allows us to create polygonal shapes using the set of vertices passed to it.

Next, let’s take a look at the ellipse() and the url() values. The ellipse() value helps create shapes by specifying two radii values and a position. In the image below, we see an ellipse at the position where the radii is at (50%,50%) and the shape is 70px wide and 100px tall.

A blue blue against a light blue background. The ellipse is 70 pixels wide and 100 pixels tall and it's radius is centered at 50% 50%.
We need to specify two radii values and a position to create an ellipse.

url() is a CSS function to specify the clip-path element’s ID value to render an SVG shape. Please take a look at the image below. We have defined a SVG shape using clipPath and path elements. You can use the ID value of the clipPath element as an argument to the url() function to render this shape.

Showing the SVG code for a heart-shaped path and the actual heart next to it in blue.
Here, we are creating a heart shape using the url() function

Additionally, we can use the path values directly in the path() function to draw the shape.

Showing a line of CSS code for the clip-path property filled in with the code of an SVG path inside the path function. The result is below the code, a parabolic curve that's filled in blue.
Here we are creating a curvy shape using the path() function.

Alright. I hope you have got an understanding of different clip-path property values. With this understanding, let’s take a loot at some implementations and play around with them. Here is a Pen for you. Please use it to try adding, modifying values to create a new shape.

Let’s talk about TryShape

It’s time to talk about TryShape and its background story. TryShape is an open-source application that helps create, export, share, and use any shapes of your choice. You can create banners, circles, arts, polygons and export them as SVG, PNG, and JPEG files. You can also create a CSS code snippet to copy and use in your application.

TryShape is built using the following framework and libraries (and clip-path, of course):

  • CSS clip-path: We’ve already discussed the power of this awesome CSS property.
  • Next.js: The coolest React-based framework around. It helped me create pages, components, interactions, and APIs to connect to the back-end database.
  • HarperDB: A flexible database to store data and query them using both SQL and No-SQL interactions. TryShape has its schema and tables created in the HarperDB cloud. The Next.js APIs interact with the schema and tables to perform required CRUD operations from the user interface.
  • Firebase: Authentication services from Google. TryShape uses it to get the social login working using Google, GitHub, Twitter, and other accounts.
  • react-icons: One shop for all the icons for a React-based application
  • date-fns: The modern, lightweight library for date formatting
  • axios: Making the API calls easy from the React components
  • styled-components: A structured way to create CSS rules from react components
  • react-clip-path: A homegrown module to handle clip-path property in a React app
  • react-draggable: Make an HTML element draggable in a React app. TryShape uses it to adjust the position of shape vertices.
  • downloadjs: Trigger a download from JavaScript
  • html-to-image: Converts an HTML element to image (including SVG, JPEG, and PNG)
  • Vercel: Best for hosting a Next.js app

Creating shapes in TryShape using CSS clip-path

Let me highlight the source code that helps create a shape using the CSS clip-path property. The code snippet below defines the user interface structure for a container element (Box) that’s 300px square. The Box element has two child elements, Shadow and Component.

  onClick={(e) => props.handleChange(e)}>
    props.shapeInformation.showShadow && 
      id="shapeShadow" /> 
    id="clippedShape" />

The Shadow component defines the area that is hidden by the clip-path clipping. We create it to show a light color background to make this area partially visible to the end user. The Component is to assign the clip-path value to show the clipped area.

See the styled-component definitions of Box, Shadow, and Component below:

// The styled-components code to create the UI components using CSS properties

// The container div
const Box = styled.div`
  width: ${props => props.width || '100px'};
  height: ${props => props.height || '100px'};
  margin: 0 auto;
  position: relative;

// Shadow defines the area that is hidden by the `clip-path` clipping
// We show a light color background to make this area partially visible.
const Shadow = styled.div`
  background-color: ${props => props.backgroundColor || '#00c4ff'};
  opacity: 0.25;
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 10px;
  right: 10px;
  bottom: 10px;

// The actual component that takes the `clip-path` value (formula) and set
// to the `clip-path` property.
const Component = styled.div`
  clip-path: ${props => props.formula}; // the formula is the clip-path value
  background-color: ${props => props.backgroundColor || '#00c4ff'};
  position: absolute;
  top: 10px;
  left: 10px;
  right: 10px;
  bottom: 10px;
An illustration of a blue box with its inset clip points drawing another square that indicates the visible area of the shape in a darker blue.
The components to show a shape(both visible and hidden areas) after the clipping.

Please feel free to look into the entire codebase in the GitHub repo.

The future scope of TryShape

TryShape works well with the creation and management of basic shapes using CSS clip-path in the background. It is helpful to export the shapes and the CSS code snippets to use in your web applications. It has the potential to grow with many more valuable features. The primary one will be the ability to create shapes with curvy edges.

To support the curvy shapes, we need the support of the following values in TryShape:

  • a clip source using url() and
  • path().

With the help of these values, we can create shapes using SVG and then use one of the above values. Here is an example of the url() CSS function to create a shape using the SVG support.

<div class="heart">Heart</div>
  <clipPath id="heart-path" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <path d="M0.5,1
      C 0.5,1,0,0.7,0,0.3
      A 0.25,0.25,1,1,1,0.5,0.3
      A 0.25,0.25,1,1,1,1,0.3
      C 1,0.7,0.5,1,0.5,1 Z" />

Then, the CSS::

.heart {
  clip-path: url(#heart-path);
It produces a heart shape like this.

Now, let’s create a shape using the path() value. The HTML should have an element like a div:

<div class="curve">Curve</div>


.curve {
  clip-path: path("M 10 80 C 40 10, 65 10, 95 80 S 150 150, 180 80");

Before we end…

I hope you enjoyed meeting my TryShape app and learning about the idea that leads to it, the strategies I considered, the technology under the hood, and its future potential. Please consider trying it and looking through the source code. And, of course, feel free to contribute to it with issues, feature requests, and code.

Before we end, I want to leave you with this short video prepared for the Hashnode hackathon where TryShape was an entry and finally in the list of winners. I hope you enjoy it.

Let’s connect. You can @ me on Twitter (@tapasadhikary) with comments, or feel free to follow.

The post The Story Behind TryShape, a Showcase for the CSS clip-path property appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Why We Need Tool Choice: A Developer’s Story

As I landed my first real job as a developer, Britney Spears had the song of the summer, Y2K bugs were about to throw the world into the dark ages, and everyone on my new team used the same tools to code, test, and deploy. As a fresh-out-of-college noob, I was thrown onto tools with steep learning curves resulting in low productivity rates. I thought it was the way it worked and I had to pay my dues to get comfortable with the system. 

I have since come to understand that there are better processes. In the words of Britney, Oh baby, baby, how was I supposed to know that something wasn't right here?

9 Types of Top CSS Frameworks In 2021

In today’s world, technology has become part of our everyday life. Web developers are constantly coming up with new designs and frameworks to make websites more user-friendly. A CSS framework is a collection of web designs using the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) language that are prepped and ready to use. They are mostly used by User Interface (UI) developers to make their job easier.

The benefit of a CSS framework is that it helps you create a number of eye-catching layouts without having to start from scratch. You can tweak it here and there depending on your desired outcome. This saves time because you can use one layout for a number of projects and can be very helpful if you’re working in teams.

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Benefits of Using A CSS Framework

  • With a framework, you get to get your feet wet on how CSS works without having to start from scratch.
  • By using a good framework, you can significantly increase your productivity and improve your workflow.
  • Some CSS frameworks have pre-built grids that save you a lot of time. The grids help you build coherence in your work.
  • The frameworks help build cross-browser compatible websites that help you work seamlessly across browsers.

Top CSS Frameworks to Consider in 2021 and Beyond

Here are our top picks that will help you narrow down the type of CSS framework to use.

1. For Simple Needs, Use Class-less

If you need style for a plain HTML, then classless is the way to go. Classless frameworks work best for code examples, demos and minimalist sites. This type of CSS uses semantic HTML.

Most classless frameworks are smaller than 10 kb. It can be as simple as a single CSS file, but most use tools such as SaaS that output CSS as part of a build process. One advantage of the more complex tool chain is the ability to “theme” the final output.

Some examples of classless frameworks include sakura, watercss, holiday.css, bamboo css, attricss, and basic.css.

2. To Build on Mobile, Opt for Very Lightweight

These are basically frameworks that are smaller than 5kb. They are made with mobile devices in mind. If you’re looking for a simple yet effective framework, then this is probably your best pick. It offers the basic components needed to create a responsive website.

Unlike other frameworks they are designed to be minimal and encourage you to write your own application. Its minimalistic feature provides for a fast and clean starting point.

Examples of very lightweight CSS include pure, chota, and milligram.

3. For an Open-and-Go Solution, Use General Purpose

General purpose CSS are front-end open source frameworks that are ready to use. They make it easy to design responsive websites, apps and emails that look great on almost all devices.

Examples of general purpose CSS include bootstrap, primer, foundation, and base.

4. For Niche Needs, Opt for Specialized

An example of a specialized CSS is bojler, which is used for developing lightweight and responsive email templates. It’s no secret that developing email templates is a pain.

Some features of bojler are that it’s built with Saas, you can reset styles, default boilerplate template is included, and it’s responsive.

5. Looking to Skip Javascript? Material Design is the Way to Go

Material design CSS frameworks don’t rely on Javascript and can be used across devices. Pages developed with this framework are attractive, functional and consistent.

Its library includes newer versions of UI controls such as check boxes, text fields, column layouts ,and typography. MD is can be used across browsers by anyone who wants to create more portable and usable web pages.

Material design CSS comprises two frameworks material components web and MUI.

6. For Greater Attention to Detail Utility-Based Frameworks Are Best

If you’re looking for a CSS framework that allows you to customize elements one at a time, then a utility-based framework should be your top pick. It uses preset classes to set margins, font sizes, colors, etc. on each individual item. Each of the elements can be slightly altered without writing any additional styles.

Some examples of utility-based frameworks include tachyons and tailwind CSS.

7. For Web App Development and Mobile-First, Look to Base/Reset/Normalize

Base is a relatively simple but strong responsive css framework. It’s built with a relatively lightweight and minimal code. The framework is designed to essentially provide web developers and web designers an easier way to set up applications, cross-browser and mobile-first websites.

This very useful framework provides a very strong foundation for generating quality designs in no time.

Some great examples of base css frameworks include sanitize.css, ress, minireset.css, normalize.css, modern normalize, and natural selection.

8. For More Flexibility, Toolkits Work Well

A toolkit is a framework that provides a number of UI components and utility classes for the modern web.

An example of a toolkit CSS is Bourbon. Bourbon aims for clarity, is pure Sass and lacks visual opinion.

9. Honorable Mentions Are Those with Stalled Development

These are frameworks that have not been altered/improved for more than a year.

Some examples of stalled development frameworks include flexbox grid, semantic UI, materialize, neat, wing, and propeller.


If you’re on the hunt for a good CSS framework, then be sure to do your research in order to find one that’s right for you. Frameworks vary from standard to complex and for a beginner, it might be a bit confusing. However, from the list compiled above, we’re sure that you’ll find one that works for you.

How to Add Breadcrumbs in WooCommerce (Beginners Guide)

Do you need an easy way to add breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce store?

Breadcrumbs help your customers to navigate your website more easily. They also help search engines to understand the structure and hierarchy of your site’s content and display them in search results.

In this article, we’ll show you how to add breadcrumbs in WooCommerce using very simple methods.

Add WooCommerce Breadcrumbs

Why Should You Add Breadcrumbs in WooCommerce?

Breadcrumbs are navigational links that appear at the top of your product pages or blog posts. These links show your visitors how they ended up on the page they’re currently viewing.

For example, if you have a WooCommerce store that sells clothes, then the breadcrumb menu could look something like this: Home » Men’s Fashion » Shirts & Polo » Formal Shirts.

WooCommerce Breadcrumbs example

Enabling breadcrumbs in WooCommerce makes it easier for your customers to navigate your online store and find the products they’re looking for. They can easily click the product attributes or categories to view related products.

Breadcrumbs also help search engines understand the hierarchy and structure of the links on your eCommerce store. Search engines like Google even display them in the search results, which can boost your click-through rate.

That being said, let’s look at how you can enable breadcrumbs on your WooCommerce store.

Method 1: Add Breadcrumbs in WooCommerce using AIOSEO (Recommended)

The easiest way to enable breadcrumbs in WooCommerce is by using the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin.

It’s the best WordPress SEO plugin on the market and allows you to add breadcrumbs in WooCommerce with a click of a button. The plugin also helps you optimize your store for search engines without any technical skills.

For this tutorial, we’ll be using the AIOSEO Pro version because it includes breadcrumbs templates and offers more options for customization.

There is also a free version available which includes breadcrumbs but doesn’t offer breadcrumb templates.

First, you’ll need to install and active the AIOSEO plugin on your website. You can refer to our guide for more details on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll need to navigate to All in One SEO » General Settings and enter your license key. You can find the key in the AIOSEO account area.

All in One SEO license

Next, you’ll need to set up AIOSEO on your WooCommerce store using its setup wizard. If you need help, then you can follow our guide on how to setup All in One SEO for WordPress.

Once you’ve correctly configured the plugin on your website, you’ll need to go to the All in One SEO » General Settings page and then click on the ‘Breadcrumbs’ tab.

Enable breadcrumbs display in All in One SEO

After that, you can turn on the ‘Enable Breadcrumbs’ option, and AIOSEO will automatically add breadcrumbs schema markup to your WooCommerce store’s code.

Next, you’ll need to choose how you’d like to display the breadcrumbs. Simply scroll down and you’ll see the different ways to add breadcrumbs to your online store.

You can add them to any page or post manually by using a shortcode or block, or add them to a widget area. Advanced users can also use PHP code to add breadcrumbs to their theme template files.

We’ll show you how to add breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce products below, but first let’s take a look at the customization options.

Breadcrumb display options

Now, if you scroll down to the Breadcrumbs Settings section, then you’ll see multiple settings to customize your breadcrumbs.

For instance, you can change the separator symbol, enable the homepage link, add a breadcrumb prefix, change the format, and more. You can even see a preview of how your navigational links appear on your WooCommerce store.

Breadcrumb settings

AIOSEO Pro also gives you access to breadcrumb templates. These templates allow you to show professional-looking breadcrumb links on your website for different content types, taxonomies, and archives.

AIOSEO Breadcrumb Templates

Not only that, but the WordPress plugin also offers different options to customize the template. For instance, you can disable the option for ‘Use a default template’ and view more settings.

Customize product breadcrumb template

There are options to show homepage link, post type archive link, taxonomy link, add tags to the template, and select whether you’d want to prioritize categories or tags taxonomy.

If you have parent categories set up for multiple products, then you can also customize them in the breadcrumb template editor.

When you’re done, don’t forget to save your changes.

Next, you’ll need to add breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce product pages.

AIOSEO will show four different methods, but the easiest way is by using a shortcode to display the breadcrumbs navigational links on your online store.

Use a shortcode to add breadcrumbs

All you have to do is add the following shortcode where you’d like to show the breadcrumbs.


Simply head over to Products » All Products and edit a product page. Next, you can add the shortcode in the WordPress editor’s ‘Text’ view and update your page.

Add shortcode in product page

You can now visit your product page to see the breadcrumbs navigational links in action.

Breadcrumbs example

Besides that, you can also add breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce store’s sidebar. This way, you won’t have to edit each individual product page to show navigational links, since they’ll appear throughout your site in the sidebar.

To display breadcrumbs in the sidebar, you can head over to Appearance » Widgets from your WordPress admin area.

Click the plus sign icon in the top left, and then search for “breadcrumbs” to find the ‘AIOSEO – Breadcrumbs’ widget. Simply drag and drop it into to the sidebar. You can also enter a title for your navigational links.

AIOSEO Breadcrumbs widget

Once that’s done, you can click the ‘Save’ button and then view your WooCommerce store to see the breadcrumbs in the sidebar.

WooCommerce Sidebar Breadcrumbs

If you want to use other ways to add breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce store, then check out our guide on how to display breadcrumb navigation links in WordPress.

How to Add Breadcrumbs for Multiple Categories

Do you have products on your WooCommerce store that have multiple categories?

If yes, then setting up breadcrumbs correctly can be a challenge because WordPress doesn’t record the path a customer took to land on the product page.

However, AIOSEO automatically adds the first category in the breadcrumb and makes it easy to show correct navigation menu for products that have multiple categories.

The plugin also offers a breadcrumb template that you can customize for WordPress taxonomies like product categories. All you have to do is head over to All in One SEO » General Settings and then select the Breadcrumbs tab.

Next, scroll down to the ‘Breadcrumbs Templates’ section and select the Taxonomies tab. By default, the plugin will show the parent item link in the breadcrumb on your WooCommerce store.

Show parent category in breadcrumbs

If you disable the ‘Use a default template’ option, then you’ll see that the ‘Show parent item link’ is enabled. This way, you can easily show the primary category for any product on your website.

For example, let’s say you’re running an online shoe store and one of the products is in both the Sneakers and Trainers categories.

Product has multiple categories

AIOSEO will automatically pick the first category and display that in the breadcrumb navigational menu.

Multiple category breadcrumb preview

Method 2: Add Breadcrumbs using WooCommerce Breadcrumbs Plugin

Another way to enable breadcrumbs in WooCommerce is by using the WooCommerce Breadcrumbs plugin.

It’s a free WordPress plugin that allows you to add breadcrumbs to your online store. The plugin is easy to use but lacks the customization features that you will find in AIOSEO.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the WooCommerce Breadcrumbs plugin. For more details, you can refer to our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is active, you can head over to Settings » WC Breadcrumbs from your WordPress admin area. After that, go ahead and click the checkbox for ‘Enable breadcrumbs.’

Enable WooCommerce Breadcrumbs

Next, you can change the appearance of the navigational links that will appear on your WooCommerce store.

The WooCommerce plugin lets you choose the breadcrumb separator symbol and HTML tags before and after your breadcrumbs.

Now, if you scroll down, then you’ll find more options for customization. For instance, you can change the text and URL for your homepage that will appear in the navigational links.

More WooCommerce Breadcrumbs settings

When you’re done with the changes, don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button at the bottom.

We hope that this article helped you learn how to add breadcrumbs in WooCommerce. You may also want to check out our guide on how much does it cost to build a website and best managed hosting services compared.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Breadcrumbs in WooCommerce (Beginners Guide) appeared first on WPBeginner.

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Teach Yourself Scrum in 5 minutes

I've just been appointed the CTO of a small company with less than 10 employees. Companies of this size typically don't have the luxury of hiring a professional Project Manager, hence the role almost automatically goes to the CEO of the company, since he is the product owner - Which creates a problem for me, summarised in the ingress of this article. But as the CTO, I'm also responsible for all IT choices, including infrastructure choices, so let me go through all of my choices below - Since these have consequences for the process we must follow.

Cloudless First

Cloud systems such as Azure or AWS are amazing products, with a feature list covering everything you can imagine. However, they're also ridiculously expensive, typically at least 10x as expensive as a simple VPS providing the same value from an application deployment point of view. At my last company we paid €5,000 per month for Azure, and probably something similar for our AWS account (Sigh, yes, we used both! Not my decision though!) - Let's say €8,000 per month to make sure we're within the boundaries and that I am not exaggerating. I told my developers back at that company that I could have ran the whole company on a handful of VPS servers from DigitalOcean paying no more than €200 per month in total. Nobody believed me until our CTO confirmed my numbers more or less by saying; "At my former company we ran a 300,000 EUROs daily profit FinTech company for some 200 EUROs worth of droplets from DigitalOcean."

WordPress 5.9 Proposed Scope: Major Push Towards Full-Site Editing, Plus a New Default Theme

WordPress 5.9 is starting to take shape as Josepha Haden Chomphosy published a planning roundup at the end of last week with a tentative schedule and scope. This will be the last major release of the year, which Haden Chomphosy said will require “a slightly larger release squad,” considering the proposed scope.

The squad leads have not yet been named with the exception of Matt Mullenweg as release lead, Haden Chomphosy as marketing lead, and Jonathan Bossenger who was invited to be a technical writer as part of a small experiment in the 5.9 release cycle. Bossenger said this new role was created “to get the technical details of new releases translated into accessible and actionable information for other contributor teams.” The rest of the team will be named as features are confirmed to land in the release.

“The main goal for 2021 is getting full site editing to all WordPress users,” Haden Chomphosy said as a preface to the scope of work outlined for 5.9. These include the following block and site editing features that Matias Ventura previously identified as already underway in Gutenberg:

  • Blocks + intrinsic web design
  • Navigation menus
  • Interface for theme.json
  • Refining editing flows for block themes
  • New default theme
  • Additional design tools

A few other items are being considered for the roadmap but may not be ready in time. These include:

  • Pattern insertion + creation
  • Unzip/Rollback Failsafes
  • PHPUnit Tests
  • Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0 and 8.1

The proposed timeline puts the go/no go date for features at October 12, with Beta 1 arriving November 16, and the general release on December 14.

While this timeline seems ambitious for the proposed features, work on many of these efforts has already been happening for months via the Gutenberg plugin. The continual work happening alongside core in the plugin has many advantages but also introduces some complexity into the release process.

One common complaint logged on the 5.8 retrospective was that backporting PHP changes from the Gutenberg plugin to WordPress core was a significant pain point for contributors.

“The current structure of the Gutenberg plugin makes it really hard to locate the changes necessary to bring to WordPress core together with related JavaScript logic,” Greg Ziółkowski said. “Before anything else, we should make it more transparent in the plugin what’s already in WordPress core, what’s ready to be backported, and what’s still an experiment.” Ziółkowski has opened a ticket to discuss how contributors can make backporting a more semi-automated process.

Meanwhile 5.8.1 RC 1 is on deck with 41 bug fixes for core and 20 bug fixes for the block editor. The minor release is expected to land this week.