can do you write c++ please

Generate a graph by forming an adjacency matrix with random numbers. The
graph will have 10 nodes. The connections will be generated randomly with
the following rules.
Each pair may have a connection with 60% probability. It means that
the connection weight for a node pair will be 0 with 40% probability.
If a pair has a connection, the connection weight will be drawn from a
uniform distribution in the range 1 to 10. Connection weights will be
positive integer values.
The graph is directed. Some connections may be one way and some
connections can be bidirectional.
Each node will have a letter as label, such as 'A', 'B', 'C'
After creating the graph, implement the following functions:
A function to generate adjacency list from the generated graph
A function to check if the graph is connected
If it is not connected, a function to return number of clusters (disjoint
subgraphs) with number of nodes in each cluster
A function to return breadth-first listing of each cluster. (It will return
label list in the order of breadth-first)
A function to return depth-first listing of each cluster
A function to compute minimum-spanning tree for each cluster
A function to return list of shortest path from a user given node name to
all nodes in a the cluster that node is located.