The Beginner’s Guide to Sales Job Descriptions and Titles

Salespeople are the greatest engine one needs to take their business to the next level. They’re optimistic, resilient, driven, and thrive when given challenges.

Without them, businesses would go broke, and all those amazing people who design, build, manage, and services just wouldn’t have jobs.

It is easy to see why companies are always looking out to hire top sales talent to help them hit their goals and scale their business.

But before any of this, you need a good sales job advertisement—one that attracts high-quality candidates.

Most recruiters and managers will admit to having a hard time crafting a sales job description. Luckily, if you follow specific guidelines, things won’t be as tough.

What Do We Mean by a Sales Job?

When you select a career in sales, you’re responsible for presenting and selling products and services.

You have to think of ways to generate leads, meet sales goals, negotiate contracts with clients, and give sales presentations and product demonstrations. Plus, depending on how high up you’re on the sales ladder, you may be expected to manage a sales team and prepare weekly or monthly management reports.

Basically, you do everything that can be done to convert a prospect into a paying client.

4 Tools to Improve Sales Job Descriptions and Titles

A stellar job description is like a powerful, silent weapon. It attracts qualified and experienced candidates to you, along with helping recruiters create a solid recruitment plan and justifying the additional headcount to finance.

The even better news? Some amazing software tools can simplify writing job descriptions and make them effective and augmented.


Ongig is an excellent job description software that helps attract top-tier and diverse talent.

It comes with a centralized repository for job descriptions and includes standard fields like About Us and EEO statements. Adding media and recruiting widgets to your job descriptions is also possible.

The Text Analyzer tool is one of Ongig’s biggest USPs. It provides you with recommendations to eliminate bias (if any) and to tighten up your job ad copy. It also optimizes job description length and job titles.

CompetencyCore by HRSG

HRSG is a job description management software designed to simplify the process of creating job descriptions. It aligns job requirements with competencies, making it easier to find the best sales candidates.

You get access to an extensive job description and competencies library that allows you to pick and customize job descriptions based on your requirements. The fact that it offers job description validation tools is another plus.

You can use HRSG to manage feedback and inputs from colleagues and stakeholders and reduce any confusion related to having multiple job description drafts.


If you want to adopt an augmented writing style for your job descriptions, Datapeople (previously known as TapRecruit) might be your best bet.

The software makes it easier for hiring teams to write job descriptions that are thoughtful, welcoming, and to the point. It offers several key features, such as language guidance and content guidance.

Once you’re done drafting your job description, the platform allows you a score after taking into account your job title, job description structure, and language. This will give you a better idea about how good (or bad) your job descriptions are, and what kind of impression it makes on potential candidates.

JDXpert by HRTMS

JDXpert by HRTMS is like a central hub for all your job data.

It lets you assign roles to an admin throughout the process of creating job descriptions while ensuring a consistent-looking and enticing copy and stores all your job descriptions for future reference.

Additionally, you can compare two different job descriptions—or two versions of one job description—to understand the differences between them. This will help you identify any specific input that has been added or deleted and who made what change.

The Basics of Sales Job Descriptions and Titles

Your sales description should accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities of the sales title. It should be well-written and produce a realistic picture of your expectations and responsibilities.

Here’s a breakdown of the core components of sales description and titles to help you understand the nuances better:

Job Description Title and Introduction

You have to be precise when it comes to crafting job titles and descriptions. I get that it can be super tempting to come up with your own version of a title, like “rockstar” or “champion,” but it’s best to stick to traditional sales titles that define the role for on-the-go scrolling.

According to Ongig, Sales Associate, Sales Representative, Account Executive, Sales Manager, and Business Development Manager, among others, are the most searched for titles in the sales landscape. So it makes sense to use them when writing a description to get more applications.

As for the sales job description introduction, it’s best to keep it short at about 2-3 sentences. Try to explain how the position fits within the company and its impact on the whole team or company.

Job-Related Skills

Your job description must include the level of skill, experience, knowledge, and capability the sales title would typically demand.

This includes the technical skills, physical requirements, and any other factor you think could influence a prospect’s decision to apply for the job. For instance, if a job requires computer skills, you should mention the hardware and software your company uses and the level of skill and experience needed.

Including communication skills, such as written, verbal, and language requirements, and other interpersonal skills like customer interaction, strong team player skills, and the ability to work harmoniously with a diverse workforce are also important.

Day-to-Day Responsibilities and Task Functions

Typically, this part of the job description should include the technical aspects, communication skills, and experience requirements. Although most sales reps are prepared for the challenges associated with their chosen career, it’s always better to be explicit in the job ad to avoid misunderstandings and get the right applicants.

If you plan on hiring a sales manager, you should outline their supervisory and managerial responsibilities expected from them. Do your best to write out all the employee’s duties, including all their job functions and responsibilities.

Remember, you won’t get results unless you spell them out. Therefore, it’s best to elaborate on managerial detail as effectively as possible (without going overboard, of course!).

Benefits and Perks

Many job descriptions don’t mention the additional benefits and perks. This is a gigantic mistake, so make sure you don’t do it.

The benefits section is where you can set your company apart from your rivals. You can offer unique benefits and perks to further entice an applicant.

Do you offer 100% covered health insurance? Maybe your employees can go on a paid maternity leave. Or perhaps you offer catered lunch every Friday.

Think about all the extra perks you offer, and mention them in your job description. You never know which one could be a sell for a prospect.

That said, try to be a bit creative when thinking about benefits. Something as simple as weekly catered lunch, extended vacation time, or the ability to work from home can skyrocket your list of applications.

A ‘How to Apply’ Section

Adding a ‘How to apply’ section is crucial for every job description—sales jobs included.

You only have two simple rules here: Be straightforward and clear. It’s best to avoid complicated forms or long questionnaires in the initial supply process. People have tight schedules and will abandon your form midway if they find it too lengthy.

You can, of course, add any special instructions you want to check whether an applicant is paying attention. Maybe having them add a unique word or a statement when filling out the application form or in the subject line. Attention to detail is an important soft skill for salespeople, so this can be a good way to test it.

3 Tricks for Sales Job Descriptions and Titles

In this section, I’ll cover a few best practices that you can use to write fantastic sales job descriptions and titles. Let’s take a look.

Don’t Rule Out a Job Analysis

Always do a job analysis before writing a job description—even if you’ve hired for the job before or done the job yourself.

The idea here is to get deeper insights into position-specific details. You should research how your competitors advertise and compensate for the specific sales title. Also, make a note of any new requirements you find for the position.

Consider the following questions to make your job analysis more effective:

  • Did any internal or external pressure on your company cause the job opening?
  • How will this job support other roles in your company?
  • How would you describe the demands for the sales title that have changed over the past five years at your company? How has it changed in your industry?
  • What differences do you notice when viewing an example of a job description by a competitor in your industry?
  • What technical skills and soft skills will a new employee require to meet the demands of the job?
  • How does your offered compensation compare to competitors?

Understand What to Include In a Job Description

Most prospects don’t go through the entire job description. Instead, they focus on a select few sections only, which you must also focus on.

Every job description section must accomplish a specific goal. You should try to understand the ins and outs of every section so your target prospects think of your job ad as this fantastic job opportunity that they simply cannot miss.

Job Title

Your job title should be engaging and give a correct representation of the role.

As discussed before, avoid using “creative” job titles like “web design wizard” or “rockstar writer.” People don’t use these keywords when looking for jobs, causing your ad to remain lost in the vast sea of job postings.

Job Profile

Think about what your ideal candidate will like the most about the job opportunity when writing your job profile. It can be the impact they’ll have in the real world or their unique place in the industry.

Responsibilities and Requirements

The responsibilities and requirements section gives candidates a clear-cut picture of what’s expected of them, the responsibilities of the role, and the criteria they’ll be evaluated against.

It’s why these lists should be reader-friendly, easy to understand, and concise.

About Us

Prospects go through the ‘About us’ section to know what they can expect from you, the employer. Precisely why you should pay special attention to this section and ensure it creates a positive image of your brand.

Don’t Miss the Editing Step

Editing is a crucial step when writing a job description. This will help you remove any unnecessary details, correct grammatical errors, or even add important pointers you may have missed before.

Here are a few tips to help you edit your sales job descriptions effectively:

  • Evaluate every section of your job description individually and then the ad as a whole. Make sure the whole thing flows naturally.
  • Run your job description by several people who have the skills you’re looking for. This will tell you whether your job description passes the credibility test-something that’s essential for attracting top sales candidates.
  • Always read your descriptions out loud. Think of it as an exercise to remove awkward sentences.
  • Utilize advanced tools like Grammarly to simplify line-editing and identifying typos.

Don’t be afraid to make changes. Be ruthless, patient, and persistent. It’s the only way to get the best possible job description.