What is serverless with Java?

For decades, enterprises have developed business-critical applications on various platforms, including physical servers, virtual machines, and cloud environments. The one thing these applications have in common across industries is they need to be continuously available (24x7x365) to guarantee stability, reliability, and performance, regardless of demand. Therefore, every enterprise must be responsible for the high costs of maintaining an infrastructure (e.g., CPU, memory, disk, networking, etc.) even if actual resource utilization is less than 50%.

The serverless architecture was developed to help solve these problems. Serverless allows developers to build and run applications on-demand, guaranteeing high availability without having to manage servers in multi- and hybrid-cloud environments. Behind the scenes, there are still many servers in the serverless topology, but they are abstracted away from application development. Instead, cloud providers use serverless services for resource management, such as provisioning, maintaining, networking, and scaling server instances.