50 Great Job Interview Questions

This is a follow up article of my previous article, where I ranted about irrelevant job interview questions, where the idea was that technical job interviews today related to software development positions are fundamentally flawed. Sure, some very few positions requires the candidate to know every algorithm and data structure in the book, but these jobs are long and far apart. Hence, I will propose questions in this article that are much more relevant for most jobs. These are the types of questions I would ask myself, and I personally believe they are much better suited for assessing a candidate than most job interview questions I have ever seen.

Do not automate the questions

The idea that you can automate the job interview, by giving the candidate tasks through some website or app is simply ridiculous. First of all you are losing a golden opportunity to talk to the candidate. Which allows you to see how his social makeup is, and how he would fit with your existing team. Pick a couple of developers that are already on the team the candidate should be working on, and have them hop in on the interview, and help out with the assessment. And only if these developers tells you the candidate seems OK you move onwards. This ensures the candidate is able to work with your existing team members.