Can you please help me with this program?

: Mining Temperature Data
The highs and lows of the 3 first weeks of 2020 temperature data are available on a piece paper and we have decided to store
them in a three-dimensional array in which the first index represents the 3 first weeks of the year, and take the value from 0 to
2; the second index is numbered 0 through 6 and represents the days of the week, and the last index which is numbered 0 and
1, represents the days high and low temperatures, respectively.
(2.1) Write a C program that enables you to capture the 3 first weeks of 2020 temperature data, from the keyboard, and store
them in the array described above. You must check the validity of any data entered.
(2.2) Write functions to request the following:
(a) Any days high and low temperature
(b) Average high and low temperature for given week
(c) Week and day with the highest temperature
(d) Week and day with the lowest temperature
(2.3) Write a driver program to test your functions defined in (2.1) and (2.2).