Does Product-Led Growth Produce Better Companies?

After serving two years in the Peace Corps, I knew I wanted to join a startup, but I immediately faced a dilemma — there are too many startups from which to choose. Some early teams, like Arctype, do distinguish themselves through their overwhelming focus on product experience, which is why today, I'm going to use SQL to analyze the performance of public SaaS companies that have historically shared this focus. Through this analysis, I hope to answer the following question: are these so-called 'product-led growth' companies truly better? Did I make the right long-term financial decision in joining Arctype?

According to product adoption platform Pendo, product-led growth (PLG) relies upon the product itself — its features, performance, and virality — to do much of the 'selling.' At Arctype, we are following this strategy by focusing on the speed and developer experience of both our query editor and SQL IDE to convert users.