Health Monitoring of Mule Applications

Health check of an APIs allows near-real-time information about the state of your containers and APIs/microservices. It is critical to multiple aspects of operating APIs and is especially important when orchestrators perform partial application upgrades in phases. It also helps to determine if a running API instance is unable to handle requests.

The health check API operation performs a variety of internal metrics including:

C# String Format Examples

Formatting strings in C# is not an easy task, as we usually forget format specifiers. In this text, we will note some of the important flags you can use.

If we take a look at the official C# String.Format documentation we can find all relevant information, but it's hard to navigate and find quickly what we need.

The Ultimate Chatbot Development Guide for a Niche Edge

Enterprise concerns or requirements in chatbot development have been progressing rapidly without much hindrance. With the coming of artificial intelligence development services, the need for contextual communication to simulate almost human-like responses has become inevitable. The fact that it can be effortlessly deployed and automated is even more beneficial.

Chatbots are being pushed in development for dynamic intelligence to engage in contextual communication giving users human-like interactions through real-life situations. This is a trendy and promising path that is now carried out by every software development company as there is a dire need to provide a transformative user experience and also in narrowing down enterprise hassles.

Extracting Reddit Data to Airtable Using Byteline’s No-Code Platform


In the world of information exchange, nerds and nitwits love Reddit alike. The popularity of Reddit is not only because of being an infinite source of user-generated content for pretty much every field of human knowledge but also for the fact that Reddit manages spam, unlike any other social media channels.

The prominence of Reddit is apparent with its sheer number of users who not only access informative content by visiting the site but also extract that info to be used with another source. To do so, Reddit offers an API that can be used to pull subreddit data of posts, comments, media, and votes. Though it sounds like a great idea, often there are challenges to convert the API skeleton into a full-fledged data churning machine. This is usually because using the Reddit API requires decent technical development skills before actually starting to use it for data extraction.

The Scope of DevOps

DevOps is the unification of software development and software operations; it has given a cultural twist to the otherwise technology-oriented industry. There is a lot more collaboration within the team, which has given rise to high levels of efficiency. Undergoing a DevOps Certification Training will be incredibly beneficial to tech professionals as well as freshers of the IT industry. Further, automation plays a huge role in providing quick solutions to the customers, where the most valuable asset of the generation is given utmost importance, i.e, time. In this fast-paced era, organizations are looking out for solutions that can be obtained in the most effective manner by consuming the least amount of time. Hence, the future of DevOps looks quite promising across industries. 

The Future of DevOps

A few of the highlights are mentioned below:

Quickly Find Your Java Application Process ID

In this post, we are going to discuss how to find your Java application process ID quickly. For certain monitoring tools like yCrash, you need to pass your application process ID as input.

Finding Java Application Process ID in Linux

 On any Linux/Unix flavor of operating system, issue the command:

5 Keys to Delivering a Successful DevOps Strategy

The release and reliable deployment of software systems have long been difficult and time-consuming processes. As the software industry moved to a more rapid release cadence, the ability to deploy and release frequently became more valuable, particularly for software hosted on the internet.  The practice of DevOps, which aspires to match that increased cadence using automation, has inevitably risen to meet the challenge. To enable such unheard-of efficiency, the processes and tools involved have to be tuned to the extreme. This article examines some key hacks or practices that avoid common pitfalls and can unleash the ability to deliver value to customers at a breakneck pace.

Hack #1: Make Devops Fit Your Culture

“Devops is about finding ways to adapt and innovate social structure, culture, and technology together in order to work more effectively.” 

Implementing Single Sign-on Integration With SAML Providers Using C#

What Is Single Sign-on at All?

Suppose you have a web application that people are using to do one thing X, but you are doing it great. For example, it would be a web store allowing to order a custom T-shirt printing by uploading some funny and pretty images found on the internet.

You are looking for ways to extend its functionality by adding some more capabilities for your users, but you don't want to lose the focus on this thing that you are doing best of all. 

Why Start a Technical Blog

About 3,5 years ago, I started this blog. Why have I done this and has it brought to me what I expected it to be. In this blog, I will look back at the past 3,5 years and share my experiences. It will also containe some tips and tricks when you want to start blogging yourself. Enjoy!

1. The Beginning

Since the start of my career, I have always been interested in learning new things. About 15 years ago, I learnt myself programming in Java and wanted to find a job as a Java software developer. It was difficult, because I almost always got rejected because of lack of experience. In those days, I started my first website where I would write about the books I read, the small applications I wrote, etc. This has definitely helped me getting my first Java job. For numerous reasons, I quit maintaining my website although I did keep on reading books, exploring new technologies, etc.

Apache Kafka in the Airline, Aviation and Travel Industry

Aviation and travel are notoriously vulnerable to social, economic, and political events, as well as the ever-changing expectations of consumers. Coronavirus is just a piece of the challenge. This post explores use cases, architectures, and references for Apache Kafka in the aviation industry, including airlines, airports, global distribution systems (GDS), aircraft manufacturers, and more. Kafka was relevant pre-covid and will become even more important post-covid.

Airlines and Aviation are Changing — Beyond Covid-19!

Aviation and travel are notoriously vulnerable to social, economic, and political events. These months have been particularly testing one due to the global pandemic with Covid-19. But the upcoming change is coming not just due to the Coronavirus but because of the ever-changing expectations of consumers.

Zoom Bolsters Developer Offering With New Video SDK

For Zoom, 2020 was a rocket ship that blasted the company’s value well past the Kármán line and into rarefied air, with much of this success being built on the back of the company’s mobile and desktop applications. The company is now hoping to further expand its reach via a new Video SDK that simplifies the process of integrating Zoom functionality into third-party applications.

Top Trends in Cloud Computing in 2021

The popularity of cloud computing has transformed how companies do business. This transformation is inevitable. Industries around the world are deploying the latest technological innovations to help their businesses succeed. Since these solutions provide more flexibility and better data management options, companies are now realizing the significance of cloud computing for enterprise software development. According to Cisco, cloud data centers now process almost 94% of all workloads

Top tech trends such as AI and IoT will continue to rise, but the most significant prediction will define how businesses overcome challenges in cloud computing. The future of cloud computing seems bright and possible — even industry experts believe that cloud computing is the "next big thing" that is at the forefront of all trending technologies. Total spending on the cloud will increase by 16% CAGR by 2026, which proves that cloud architecture is here to stay and will continue to facilitate businesses in achieving major goals. 

Refactoring Gutenberg’s Gallery Block To Support Nested Images

Like many others, I often have pinned tabs of all sorts of things in my browser. Some of them linger there for months. Others for years, I shamefully admit. Of the handful of Gutenberg-related browser tabs I have had pinned since late 2020, one of them finally had the sort of movement I have been waiting on. The Gallery block was finally getting the much-needed refactor it needed.

A gallery is essentially a container with nested images. The concept of nested blocks has existed and has been in use for a long while now. However, the core Gallery block does not make use of this capability. This means that users have no access to existing Image block features.

Want to customize the link for individual images? No can do with the Gallery block. Instead, users must use Columns and drop Image blocks in. It is such a fundamentally broken part of the user experience there is little wonder that users have looked outside of core WordPress for alternative solutions. And it has been a problem since the introduction of galleries via the shortcode system in WordPress 2.5.

Want to alternate styles for each image in the gallery? That has traditionally been impossible too. However, when each image is an Image block, users can alternate between square and round styles, for example.

Gallery block in the WordPress editor with alternating round and square image shapes.
Alternating Image block styles in a Gallery.

Users can even use a plugin like Editor Plus with its extended Image block styles to create a Gallery of “image blobs” or animate them individually.

Gallery of images with "blob" shapes.
Individual images with “blob” shapes via Editor Plus.

This change could open some layout possibilities where users control the positioning of each item in the grid. And, why stop with images? There is no reason that core could not open the block up to other types of nesting in the future, such as videos, quotes, and more.

Image gallery with a quote as one of the grid items.
Gallery of images with a quote.

The downside to this new feature is that it could require more work from developers who have already built on top of the Gallery block. That is why it is fundamental that they test this change now.

Testers can see the change by switching to the gallery refactor branch via GitHub or grab a ZIP file of the build. It adds a new “Gallery Refactor” option to Gutenberg’s Experimental setting screen, which must be enabled.

Only newly-added Gallery blocks will use the new format. Nothing changed about it at first glance. However, by selecting an individual image, users can use the typical Image block settings. The two exceptions are the align and resize options, removed because they would break the layout. New galleries also do not work in the site editor yet.

“While the expectation is nothing changes in terms of output, this is a pretty major change on a technical level for a very popular block, so it’d be a huge help to gather as much testing feedback as possible,” wrote Glen Davies in the announcement post.

This statement could be misleading. There are fundamental, backward-incompatible changes to the markup output with the new implementation.

In previous iterations of the gallery, it had a wrapper container (<div>) and an unordered list (<ul>) of images. The proposed change would remove the list entirely, dropping the Image blocks as direct children of the containing element. This will break custom theme styles and potentially plugin integration.

On a technical level, I do not see the need to change the outer markup galleries. It is only the image part of the equation that needs to change. If this is because of limitations with the InnerBlocks system (nested blocks feature), perhaps it is not robust enough to meet developers’ needs.

With continual breaking changes to markup and CSS in the core block system, coding the entirety of a site’s CSS from scratch is probably a thing of the past. This is not the first instance of such breakage and will undoubtedly be the last, a rarity in the pre-block era. The best course of action is for theme authors to leave core styles in place and extend them, even if it means some bloat for page loads. It is not a fool-proof plan, but it lightens the burden.

Overall, I welcome the Gallery block enhancement, even it breaks a few things. It potentially opens a world of possibilities and is necessary if the project ever wants to provide end-users with anything other than super basic functionality.

Ulysses 22 Adds WordPress Post Updating

Ulysses, the writing app for Mac, iPad and iPhone, released version 22 this week with support for updating WordPress posts as the headline feature. The app aims to provide a distraction-free writing experience and has offered the ability to export to WordPress for years.

Ulysses began alpha testing the highly requested WordPress post updating feature in early February. Updating an existing post is as simple as making a change and clicking ‘Publish’ again. It’s important to note that users can only update a post from the same device where it was originally published, due to a technical issue with iCloud syncing.

The Ulysses development team is working on syncing the publishing state across devices and plans to add post updating for other services in the future. Version 22 introduces a new integration with the service.

One improvement to document management in the app is the ability to add color to the icons in the document library. Users now have the option to add large headers in the editor. Version 22 also includes a host of UI updates that make navigating panels and sheets easier. Check out the release post for a full rundown.

Wrike Review

Project management software is no longer a luxury that only some companies use. It has become a necessity for most businesses to stay efficient and productive. The ability to track projects from start to finish and have everyone on your team on the same page is key to a successful project.

What is a luxury is taking the time to try all of the project management software out there and decide which one is best for you. Since most people don’t have that kind of time, we’ve made things easy for you and have reviewed some of the top project management software, one of which is Wrike.

This versatile online project management platform is best for larger companies with multiple teams working on a project. Wrike originally started as an online platform that served to level up team collaboration, project, and work management. It has excelled in that while continuing to grow in additional areas.

If you’re on the hunt for a project management app to take things to the next level in your company, read on. This review will cover and pros and cons of Wrike and show you how it compares to other top project management software on the market.

Wrike Pros and Cons


  • One place for all of your projects
  • Tools to deliver your projects
  • Templates to automate processes
  • Collaborate on projects with multiple teams
  • Team reporting
  • Security
  • Integrates with other apps
  • Plan options
  • Great customer service


  • The free plan is limited
  • Expensive for small teams
  • Choosing the right plan can be challenging
Compare The Best Project Management Software
We reviewed dozens of project management software tools and narrowed them down to the best options.
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How Wrike Compares to Top Project Management Software

Wrike is a great choice for bigger businesses looking for a project management app that will keep the project tracked across various teams from start to finish. It is easy to set up and offers lots of tools and features to make things easier for everyone.

Compared to the others on our list of the best project management software, Wrike takes the number two spot. The main reason for this is that even if you opt for one of the paid plans, you still have to pay for individual add-on premium features, such as Wrike Integrate, which allows you to integrate with over 400 apps. However, that does not mean you shouldn’t consider Wrike. It has great plan options and the fact that you can pick and choose which features are necessary for your company can make sure you are getting the most out of your project management software purchase.

At the top of our list for project management software sits Zoho Projects. They reached this status primarily for their interface. It is intuitive and works well for all involved teams across your company. In addition to that, Zoho Project pricing is based on the number of users, so you may find this an affordable option if only specific people in your company need access.

Another favorite on our list is Favro. This project management app is ideal for small teams that have members who wear multiple hats. It provides real-time updates of what’s happening every step of the way so your team can jump in whenever and wherever they need.

Wrike Remote Access

Over the past year, working remotely has become the norm. What was once seen as an occasional work-from-home luxury has turned into an everyday occurrence, which means companies have had to adjust to working in a more virtual space. This presents some challenges when it comes to managing projects, and that is why having a stellar project management app such as Wrike is more important than ever.

With Wrike’s remote access, you and your team can collaborate from anywhere in the world. Wrike’s comprehensive mobile app syncs perfectly with the desktop version and makes it easy to move projects along the process from your phone.

Both the mobile and desktop apps have intuitive interfaces that make it easy to find your way around, whether you’re at home on your laptop or across the world on your phone.

There is no additional cost to download the mobile app, but you will have to sign in to your Wrike account to access your projects. In terms of compatibility, you need to have an iPhone running iOS 12.0 or later, an iPad running iPadOS 12.0 or later, or an Android 6.0 and up.

Wrike Pricing

Wrike has a few different pricing levels to choose from. Not only do you want to consider the actual cost of the plan, but you also need to think about what you get with that plan. Does it have what you need for your company? Will a lower-priced plan put too many limitations on what you can do with it?

See for yourself by checking out the pricing plan options below.

Wrike’s pricing depends on the level of functionality you need and the number of people who need access. For the first five users, Wrike is free. This makes it an excellent option for smaller companies that don’t have a slew of team members who need access to project management. However, even with those five free users, the features are limited when it comes to task management and basic integrations, file sharing, mobile app usage, and storage.

If you opt for the next level, Professional, it costs $9.80 per user per month. With this plan, you get more project planning and collaboration features and more advanced integrations, more storage space, and more video uploads. But our favorite part of this plan is the Gantt chart that will save you tons of time on scheduling and give you a great visualization of the project progress. This package option is great for collaborations.

Next, we have the Business plan. It provides everything that the Professional plan does, with some key things added in. Those include reports, time tracking, project approvals, task approvals, work management tools, and more. This plan costs $24.80 per user per month and is for up to 200 users.

One more level up is the Enterprise plan that adds on top of the Professional plan under management and security controls that you will love, including two-factor authentication, password policies, and more. This plan also provides you with 100GB of storage and more video upload space. The cost of this depends on your specific needs, so interest in this plan level necessitates a call to Wrike.

Because Wrike offers many add-on features, it is hard to know exactly how much your plan will cost until you sort through the specifics that your company needs. However, the individual pricing plans are a good place to start to get a ballpark idea of how much your company may end up spending for this project management software.

Wrike Interface

One of the best things about Wrike is its user interface. It’s modern, clean, simple, and easy to navigate. And its dashboard is the star of the show. This real-time dashboard lets you know where everyone on your team stands in their progress, as well as any other teams involved. This rids the need for emails and meetings to check status, which is a massive incentive for employees to utilize the software. You can also see when each individual task on the project should be completed, so you know how quickly things move along.

Wrike Customization

The Wrike project management software includes all kinds of customizations that make things easier for your company.

These include custom:

  • Workflows
  • Project folder structures
  • Fields
  • And more

No matter what your project needs, and no matter what your team needs to make the project a success, Wrike provides customization that can help make the project process a success. Establishing a workflow, dashboard, reviews, and more that work specifically for your company is key to your project successes, so be sure to take advantage of the customization options available with Wrike.

Wrike Time Tracking

Tracking the number of hours your team spends on a project is essential, not only for billing purposes but also for productivity purposes. In Wrike’s Business plan and higher, you gain access to the time tracking feature that allows you to record the amount of time spent on a project in-app or manually.

Those time records can then quickly be approved and sent to billing.

Though we love this feature of Wrike, it is not as strong as the time tracking in Zoho Projects. In Zoho Projects, you can start the timer for a task from the list view, but with Wrike, you cannot start the timer until you have opened the task. Also, Zoho Projects has a timer icon in the dashboard so you can easily track time as it’s being spent.

However, this feature of Wrike is still a benefit, and we love that you can also track time on the Wrike app if you’re doing work while away from your desk.

Wrike Work Management

One of the things that sets Wrike apart from competitors is that this platform doesn’t just offer project management help. It also helps companies with work management, which sounds similar but is a bit different.

While you can see what tasks need to be done in the project and where progress is on the overall project, you can also manage ongoing work. This means things that may not have a specific deadline or deliverable, such as updating the company blog weekly. This is not a project, per se, but is a work task that is repeated and needs to be completed.

You can track tasks such as the blog update by creating folders within a Space on your Wrike dashboard and adding the tasks there.

Wrike Proof

Tired of projects that feel like they go through endless review cycles that are nothing but chaotic and land you right back where you started? Wrike Proof can help with that. This add-on feature provides visual markup tools that make feedback and approvals on projects as clear as a sunny day.

Wrike Proof provides a centralized place for all feedback. Feedback within the app can be done with either written or visual notes. You can reply to and discuss the feedback in line with the visuals, similar to a text thread. And once you have made the changes, you can resolve the comments, so they are no longer in your way.

Another great part of Proof is that you can request reviews from people. This means no more waiting around for people to get the hint — simply send them a request instead. If you have clients or other people outside of your company who need to review something, you can use the Wrike Proof Guest Review feature to grant them access to make edits or approvals in the app.

Wrike Integrate

In the modern world, it seems as if you need a bunch of apps to get work done. While Wrike doesn’t erase the need for multiple apps, it does make it easier to use the apps together thanks to their powerful integration system, Wrike Integrate. This connects Wrike to the apps that your company needs and helps streamline processes within the apps to get your projects and work completed.

Unlike other integration platforms, Wrike does not limit the number of apps you can connect to. You are welcome to connect as many as your heart desires.

The ability to integrate cuts a lot of wasted time in switching back and forth between apps, which means your teams will have a more strong and steady workflow.

You can choose from over 400 apps to integrate using Wrike Integrate that have a prebuilt connector. This allows you to connect your other apps with Wrike without the need to write any code.

Wrike Analyze

Analytics are key to a company and its success, and reports are something that you likely use regularly to track a variety of things within your company. However, not all reports are created equal. And that’s where Wrike Analyze comes in. This added feature allows you to run advanced analytics to get the detailed insight you need to ensure your projects are running as smoothly as possible.

Curious how the process is on a current report? How many tasks are in progress, and how many are completed? Wrike Analyze can give you that information.

In addition, you can also build custom reports using formulas or a pre-built template to make things much easier.

Compare The Best Project Management Software
We reviewed dozens of project management software tools and narrowed them down to the best options.
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Overall, Wrike is a great project management app for larger companies. The different features available in the plans and add-ons can help manage products in a straightforward, easy, and productive way. The free plan offers some great tools, but to really make a difference in your project management, one of the paid plans is the way to go.

Between the customization, the integration capabilities, the interface, and so much more, bringing Wrike into your company is a great way to get your projects done more efficiently and clearly.

Extract data from logfile

I have a logfile like this, and I need to extract filenames.

For File 1 of 209 -

Need to extract "01021997_0011708_ENDTREQ_111114.ica" from the line "Src info : D:\Test\ica\01021997_0011708_ENDTREQ_111114.ica" where it has "Save : Can't save file! Error code = BADI (Bad image file)"

File 2 of 209 -

Need to extract "01291997_0011708_APPPICTP_114307.ic" from the line "Src info : D:\Test\ica\01291997_0011708_APPPICTP_114307.ica" where it has "Can't load from file, rc = UNSF (Unsupported feature)"

Same way there is an error in File 4 but File 3 is just fine as there is no error.

Thanks in advance for your time and inputs.


File 1 of 209

RAM free    :    2048.0 of    2048.0 Mb
Virtual free:    1672.7 of    2047.9 Mb
Target free disk space :  187218.9 of  953740.0 Mb
Temp free disk space   :   34794.8 of  241128.0 Mb

Src info : D:\Test\ica\01021997_0011708_ENDTREQ_111114.ica
ioca, 1696x2200px, 1bpp, 6 page(s), 200.000000x200.000000 dpi, 235172 bytes
Load page 1 :  ok

Save :  ok
Load page 2 :  ok

Save :  ok
Load page 3 :  ok

Save : Can't save file! Error code = BADI (Bad image file)
Load page 4 :  ok

Save : Can't save file! Error code = BADI (Bad image file)
Load page 5 :  ok

Save : Can't save file! Error code = BADI (Bad image file)
Load page 6 :  ok

Save : Can't save file! Error code = BADI (Bad image file)

Dest info : D:\Test\converted\01021997_0011708_ENDTREQ_111114.pdf
pdf, 0x0px, 0bpp, 2 page(s), 341604 bytes


File 2 of 209

RAM free    :    2048.0 of    2048.0 Mb
Virtual free:    1672.7 of    2047.9 Mb
Target free disk space :  187216.6 of  953740.0 Mb
Temp free disk space   :   34810.8 of  241128.0 Mb

Src info : D:\Test\ica\01291997_0011708_APPPICTP_114307.ica
ioca, 432x524px, 24bpp, 1 page(s), 125.000000x125.000000 dpi, 21294 bytes
Load all pages : 
Can't load from file, rc = UNSF (Unsupported feature)

Image loading failed
Can't load file!


File 3 of 209

RAM free    :    2048.0 of    2048.0 Mb
Virtual free:    1672.7 of    2047.9 Mb
Target free disk space :  187216.6 of  953740.0 Mb
Temp free disk space   :   34810.8 of  241128.0 Mb

Src info : D:\Test\ica\01291997_0011708_ENDTREQ_114249.ica
ioca, 1696x2200px, 1bpp, 1 page(s), 200.000000x200.000000 dpi, 40167 bytes
Load all pages :  ok

Save :  ok

Dest info : D:\Test\converted\01291997_0011708_ENDTREQ_114249.pdf
pdf, 0x0px, 0bpp, 1 page(s), 121518 bytes


File 4 of 209

RAM free    :    2048.0 of    2048.0 Mb
Virtual free:    1678.9 of    2047.9 Mb
Target free disk space :  187213.7 of  953740.0 Mb
Temp free disk space   :   34804.0 of  241128.0 Mb

Src info : D:\Test\ica\02232000_0011708_APPPICTP_135608.ica
ioca, 456x536px, 24bpp, 1 page(s), 125.000000x125.000000 dpi, 21849 bytes
Load all pages : 
Can't load from file, rc = UNSF (Unsupported feature)

Image loading failed
Can't load file!
